مذكرة موضوعات تعبير للتدريب انجليزي ثاني عشر ف2 #أ. محمد دومه 2021 2022
مذكرة موضوعات تعبير للتدريب انجليزي ثاني عشر ف2 #أ. محمد دومه 2021 2022 |
مذكرة موضوعات تعبير للتدريب انجليزي ثاني عشر ف2 #أ. محمد دومه 2021 2022
معلومات الملف “مذكرة موضوعات تعبير للتدريب انجليزي ثاني عشر ف2 #أ. محمد دومه 2021 2022” |
الصف: الصف الثاني عشر العلميالفصل: انجليزي الصف الثاني عشر العلميالمادة: انجليزي ف2 الصف الثاني عشر علميحجم الملف: 6.05 MB |
Health and Healthy Mind
(How do you ensure a long life?)
It’s been said that “Health is better than wealth.” People also said “A man diese simply because he doesn’t know how to live longer”. Write an essay of (14 sentences/160 words) about the secret of a long life, ways of keeping fit mentally and physically and how life expectancy has reached a high level in the recent days.
Plan / Writing outline
1. General background about the topic.
2. Thesis: Living longer and enjoying a healthy life isn’t something difficult.
Paragraph 1: Eating healthy food and following a balanced diet.
• Vegetables, fruits, dates and Homemade.
• Junk foods and fizzy drinks.
Paragraph 2: How can we make our minds flexible?
. Doing sports. • Reading books, Doing crossword puzzles and playing chess.
a summary of the main ideas in the article. We must be aware of the importance of healthy habits and leading a healthy life style
“Health is better than wealth.” This is a very old proverb. It means that there is nothing better than good health and nothing worse than bad health. As we know that we can’t separate healthy body from healthy mind as they are interrelated together.
Healthy body and being physically healthy comes from eating food and following a balanced diet such as vegetables, fruit, dates, fish and avoiding unhealthy or junk food. we should drink more water and milk. Also, we should do exercises to make our bodies fit and strong. Indeed, we can avoid so many diseases by applying a healthy life style.
How can we make our minds flexible? It is very important to relax our minds. Reading a book or doing a crossword puzzle exercise is a useful way to exercise our minds and help to keep us mentally fit. Moreover, we may play chess, and of course recite Holy Quran. Medical advances and great improvements in medicine play a vital role in keeping us healthy and in helping people live longer lives. They also help to cure from fatal diseases.
In my opinion, as we know, early to bed, early to rise makes you healthy, wealthy and wise. So, we must be aware
The Importance of Sleep
Sleep is undoubtedly one of the most essential requirements for the human in body to function properly. Write an essay of (14 sentences/160 words) about the different factors that affect sleep, importance of sleep and the bad consequences of lack of sleep.
Plan / Writing outline
1. General background about the topic.
2. Thesis: Experts frequently advise us that sleep is very important and essential Body:
Paragraph 1: What experts said about sleep.
• Essential for a person’s health.
• Warning that sleep loss leads to problems.
Paragraph 2: Why we need sleep? (The importance of sleep).
• having a good memory.
• Keeping fit and avoiding mistakes in work.
Conclusion: a summary of the main ideas in the article and your opinion. Sleep is la blessing indeed.
Experts frequently advise us that sleep is very essential for a person’s health and wellbeing. They also warn that sleep loss leads to many health problems. Sleep is essential and important to our bodies as eating, drinking and breathing, and is vital for maintaining good mental and physical health. Sleeping helps us to recover from mental as well as physical exertion
We need sleep when we are tired or drowsy after too much work or efforts. The amount of sleep varies from one to another depending on several factors such as; age, daily routine, the quality of our sleep and the genetic make-up. The great importance of having enough sleep is that we can have a good memory, keep fit and avoid mistakes in work.
But what would happen if we didn’t get enough sleep? We would have a bad memory and suffer the inability to remember or concentrate on our lessons. Moreover, we will not be physically fit. Some of the most serious potential problems associated with chronic sleep deprivation are high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack, heart failure or stroke. Other potential problems include obesity, depression and reduced immune system function.
Finally, sleep is a blessing indeed from God. If we use it properly, we can enjoy our life mentally and physically.
Living in the countryside and in a city
Living in the countryside and living in a town or a city have a lot of advantages jom but also many disadvantages. Write an essay of 4 paragraphs (14 sentences/160 words) about the advantages and the disadvantages of living in either the countryside or the city.
Plan / Writing outline
1. General background about the topic.
2. Thesis: Nowadays, people move from villages to the cities trying to find better jobs.
Paragraph 1: There are many advantages:
• Better jobs and better life.
• Enjoying good services.
Paragraph 2: There are many disadvantages:
• The country deserted and empty.
• Pollution and crimes..
Conclusion: a summary of the main ideas in the article and your opinion. I prefer village life because it is healthier, active and simpler in habits than people living in towns. People who live in villages breathe pure air.
Nowadays, people move from villages to the cities trying to find better jobs and work. This is called rural depopulation. They leave the country moving to the city leaving the country empty to some extent and causing major problems in the city.
There are some advantages of this phenomenon such as; finding better paid jobs and enjoying good services. Also, they contribute in constructing the nation and their country.
On the other hand, there are some disadvantages of this phenomenon; such as leaving the country deserted and empty. Moreover, it will lead to some more problems in the city such as pollution or even crimes. This leads also to the collapse of farming in the village as it becomes deserted and neglected because the farmers move to live in the city.