QUIZZES ( 7 ) COMPREHENSION انجليزي سابع ف2

QUIZZES ( 7 ) COMPREHENSION انجليزي سابع ف2

QUIZZES ( 7 ) COMPREHENSION انجليزي سابع ف2


معلومات الملف “QUIZZES ( 7 ) COMPREHENSION انجليزي سابع ف2”
الصف: الصف السابع
الفصل: انجليزي الصف السابع
المادة: انجليزي ف2 سابع
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QUIZZES ( 7 ) COMPREHENSION انجليزي سابع ف2

Quiz (1)

Read the following passage then answer the questions
Helen packed a small suitcase and hurried out of the house to catch the bus to the station. It was already two o’clock. Her train leaves at two-thirty, and since it would take at least twenty minutes to reach the station, she did not have much time to spare. Just then a taxi came slowly down the road. Helen stopped the taxi and got in. She told the driver that she had to catch a train which leaves at two-thirty. Suddenly the taxi made an accident. She was wondering what to do when a bus came into sight, going in the direction of the station. She ran towards the bus. The bus conductor saw her running, so he did not ring the bell for the bus to start until she had got on. Helen reached the station just in time and managed to catch her train after all.

Choose the correct answer

1- …………Helen hurried out of the house to catch

a- Plane

 b- train

 c- bus

 d- taxi

2- The ……………. Saw Helen and helped Helen to catch her train.

a- driver

b- conductor

c- policeman

d- doorman

answer the following question

3-  ? How long does it take to reach the station?

4-  ? What did Helen tell the driver



Quiz (2)

Read the following passage then answer the questions
It is hard to imagine how certain products were invented. How did someone think of the eraser, clay, and potato chips? No one could ever imagine that the flavoured potato chips and the morning best preferred breakfast, corn flakes, were accidentally introduced to the world’s kitchens. Potato chips were first meant to be a plate of fried potato. It was invented by George Crum, a chef at the Carey Moon Lake House. How was it created? One day, a customer sent back his plate of potatoes many times and kept asking for them to be more fried and thinner. Crum lost his temper, sliced the potatoes extremely thin and fried them until they were hard as a rock. To the chef’s  surprise, the customer loved them and wanted more
From a, b, c and d choose the correct answer:

1- The best title for the passage is 

a. Potato Chips

b. Chefs and Scientists

c. Accidental Discoveries

d. Morning Breakfast

2- The underlined word extremely in paragraph (2) means

a. very 

b. strangely

c. accidentally

d. alternatively

3- The underlined pronoun it in paragraph (2) refers to:

a. Corn Flakes

b. The brothers

c. potato

 d. days

Answer the following questions

1- ? How were most inventions introduced


2- ? Who invented the potato chips

Quiz (3)

Read the following passage then answer the questions A newly married couple gave a party to celebrate their wedding. Many of their friends and relatives were quite rich, so they have received a large number of valuable and expensive wedding-presents. The next morning, they received an unexpected late present by post. In an envelope were two tickets for the best seats at a theatre, and a little note saying, ”heartiest congratulation. Guess who has sent these ” the young couple tried to find out what generous friend had sent the tickets, but they were to see the play and spend a most enjoyable evening. They returned late at night and found that a thief had broken into their apartment. All their valuable wedding-presents had been stolen. On the bare table in the room where they had displayed them was a little note. On it was written” Now You Know ”.

A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d

1- ? What is the best title for this passage

a- At the party

b- The businessman

c- How to rob a flat

d- Moving to a new flat

2- ? what does the underlined pronoun ( they) refer to 

a- The young-couple

 b- wedding dress

c- a collection of presents

 d- rich relatives

3-What is the meaning of the underlined word couple

a- Husband and wife

 b- father and mother
c- man and woman

 d- father and son

B) Answer the following questions

1-  ? Why did the couple give a party


2-  ? What did they receive next morning

 QUIZZES ( 7 ) COMPREHENSION انجليزي سابع ف2, الصف السابع, الملفات التعليمية, انجليزي ف2 سابع, انجليزي الصف السابع

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