QUIZZES ( 7 ) COMPOSITION انجليزي سابع ف2

QUIZZES ( 7 ) COMPOSITION انجليزي سابع ف2

QUIZZES ( 7 ) COMPOSITION انجليزي سابع ف2


معلومات الملف “QUIZZES ( 7 ) COMPOSITION انجليزي سابع ف2”
الصف: الصف السابع
الفصل: انجليزي الصف السابع
المادة: انجليزي ف2 سابع
حجم الملف: 32 KB


QUIZZES ( 7 ) COMPOSITION انجليزي سابع ف2

Quiz (1)

“Life in Kuwait in the past was different from life nowadays. ” write sentences) about” Life in Kuwait in the past .These guide words and phrases may help you: (life ,difficult – homes, mud –pearl diving )

Quiz (2)

“Life in Kuwait in the past was different from life nowadays. ” Write 5 sentences about” Life in Kuwait nowadays” These guide words and phrases may help you: electricity –learn –food – technology)

Quiz (3)

“Each job is useful to the society and has its special tasks ” Write 5 sentences about ” An animal trainer” and the things he has to do These guide words and phrases may help you: ( trains animals / patient / understand- behavior / physically strong)

Quiz (4)

“The Noble Prize is an international award scientists get it for their great achievements. ” write 5 sentences about ” The Noble prize” explaining why some people get this award and one example of these people . These guide words and phrases may help you: (famous award , scientists – achievements, inventions, Ahmed Zuwail ,chemistry)

Quiz (5)

write 5 sentences) about ( your last holiday) explaining why it is important to have holidays and the last holiday you had. The following words and phrases are for help: (important-relax-fun-enjoy time-Dubai – plane- shopping – happy )

Quiz (6)

“Energy is needed in almost all aspects of life. write 5 sentences) about” Energy ” . Explaining the sources of energy. These guide words and phrases may help you: ( kinds- renewable- use again-solar- non-renewable-limited- coal- heating -oil )

Quiz (7)

“Energy is needed in almost all aspects of life. write 5 sentences) about” Energy ” . Explaining how we save energy. These guide words and phrases may help you: (save – light bulb -turn off – small appliances )

 QUIZZES ( 7 ) COMPOSITION انجليزي سابع ف2, الصف السابع, الملفات التعليمية, انجليزي ف2 سابع, انجليزي الصف السابع

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