امتحان تجريبي لغة إنجليزية الصف العاشر ف2

امتحان تجريبي لغة إنجليزية الصف العاشر ف2

امتحان تجريبي لغة إنجليزية الصف العاشر ف2


معلومات الملف “امتحان تجريبي لغة إنجليزية الصف العاشر ف2”
الصف: الصف العاشر
الفصل: انجليزي الصف العاشر
المادة: انجليزي ف2 عاشر
حجم الملف: 368 KB


امتحان تجريبي انجليزي ف2  : نقدم لكم اعزائي الطلاب مجموعة كبيرة من الاسئلة والتدريبات وهي اسئلة الامتحان التجريبي لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف العاشر الفصل الدراسي الثاني وتم اعداد هذا الملف ليساعد الطلبة في دراستهم واطلاعهم على نماذج الاسئلة الامتحانية 

امتحان تجريبي الصف العاشر : بإمكانكم تحميل هذا الملف على شكل ملف بي دي اف جاهز للتشغيل على اي جهاز لوحي او الكتروني او كمبيوتر كما يمكنكم تصفح الملف فقط من خلال هذه الصفحة من الموقع مباشرة 

VI- Reading Comprehension 80 Marks

Read the following passage carefully, then choose the right answer from a, b, c and d

People think children should play sports Sports are fun, and children stay healthy while playing with others. However, playing sports can have negative effects on children. It may produce feelings of poor self-esteem or aggressive behaviour in some children

According to research on kids and sports, 40 million kids play sports in the US. Of these, 18 million say they have been shouted at or called names while playing sports. This leaves many children with a bad impression of sports. They think sports are just too aggressive. Many researchers believe adults, especially parents and coaches, are the main cause of too much aggression in children’s sports. They believe children copy aggressive adult behavior. This behavior is then further reinforced through both positive and negative feedback

Parents and coaches are powerful teachers because children usually look up to them. Often these adults behave aggressively themselves, sending children the message that winning is everything. At children’s sporting events, parents may shout insults at other players or cheer when their child behaves aggressively. As well, children may be taught that hurting other players is acceptable, or they may be pushed to continue playing even when they are injured

In addition, the media makes violence seem exciting. Children watch adult sports games and see violent behaviour replayed over and over on television. As a society, we really need to face up to this problem and do something about it. Parents and coaches should act as better examples for children. They also need to teach children better values. They should teach children to enjoy themselves whether they win or not. It is not necessary to knock yourself out to enjoy sports. Winning is not everything. In addition, children should not be allowed to continue to play when they are injured. Sending a child with an injury into a game gives the child the message that health is not as important as winning. If we make some basic changes, children might learn to enjoy sports again

From a, b, c and d choose the right answer   8 x 10 = 80 Mark

What is the besttitle of the passage

a. Playing Sport Is Healthy

 b. Sports Played at Schools

c. Injuries Caused by Sports

d. Sport Could Be Harmful

– Which of the following phrases best defines “poor self-esteem” in the 1″ paragraph

a, getting honour

b. getting selfishness

c. lacking confidence

d. lacking loyalty

 What does the underlined pronoun “They” in the 2 paragraph refer to

a. parents

 b. adults

 c. coaches

d. researchers

 According to the 2nd paragraph, the number of children who had been shouted at is

a. All the children

b. More than half of the children

c. Less than half of the children

d. About ten percent of the children

According to the passage, how can parents and coaches act against violence

a. ignoring the problem

 b. finding the reason

 c. teaching children better values

 d. watching violent behaviours on TV

. Which of the following is described as the main cause of more aggressive playing

a. Adults’ behaviour

 b. Children with low grades in school

 c. New rules in sports

 d. Other players

According to the passage, which of the following sentences is NOT TRUE


طريقة تنزيل امتحان تجريبي ف2 

بعد تصفحك للملف اعلى المقال يجب ان تقوم بتنزيله على جهازك من خلال ملف اعلى المقال يجب ان تقوم بتنزيله على جهازك من خلال خطوات بسيطة هي:

  • الضغط على زر التحميل الموجود اول المقال.
  • الانتظار والتمهل حتى ينتهي العداد التلقائي.
  • اضغط على زر التنزيل.
  • شغل الملف على جهازك ببرنامج وتطبيق قراءة بي دي اف.
  • اترك لنا تعليق تحفيزي.
  • شارك المقال بين اصدقائك.


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 الصف العاشر, الملفات التعليمية, امتحان تجريبي لغة إنجليزية الصف العاشر ف2, انجليزي ف2 عاشر, انجليزي الصف العاشر

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