نموذج الاجابة انجليزي خامس التعليم الخاص فصل اول 2019-2020 |
نموذج الاجابة انجليزي خامس التعليم الخاص فصل اول 2019-2020
معلومات الملف “نموذج الاجابة انجليزي خامس التعليم الخاص فصل اول 2019-2020” |
الصف: الصف الخامسالفصل: انجليزي الصف الخامسالمادة: انجليزي ف1 خامسحجم الملف: |
نرفق لكم زوار الموقع الكرام نموذج الاجابة لامتحان مادة الانجليزي التعليم الخاص لطلاب الصف الخامس الابتدائي الفصل الدراسي الاول , وهذا الامتحان للعام الدراسي الحالي 2019-2020 .
امتحان 2019-2020 لمادة الانجليزي التعليم الخاص .
معلومات عن الامتحان :
ننصح طلابنا الطلاب بالانتباه للامتحانات القادمة , يمكنكم الحصول على الملفات الخاصىة بالامتحانات من موقعنا مدرستي .
لتحميل ملفات خاصة بالامتحانات القادمة للصف التاسع حسب المنطقة التعليمية اضغط هنا , كما يمكنك تصفح الجدول التفاعلي للعام الدراسي 2019-2020 من هنا .
Total Mark (40 Marks)
I- Reading (20 Marks)
A) Vocabulary (8 Marks)
1- Choose the correct answer from a,b,c and d. (4×2=8 Ms.)
1- Visiting Failaka Island was an amazing ………… that I will never forget.
a-hero b- dictionary c-pride d-experience
2- We went on many……….. trips to know about the history of Greece.
a-sparkling b- Sandy c- touristic d-colourful
3- The weather was beautiful, then it…………. changed.
a- eagerly b- suddenly c-joyfully d- delightedly
4- It is a small company that only …………. four books a year.
a- publishes b- faints c-decides d- obeys
B) Reading Comprehension (12 Marks)
Read the following passage carefully, then answer the questions below:
Salem AlShab is a Saudi engineer in our neighbourhood. He travelled to many countries and places. He studied at a university in France. One summer day, when he was on his way to his work, he saw some poor people who did not have houses. They lived in the open air. He asked himself how he could help them out. Suddenly, he had an idea. He thought of the big land behind his house to give them the home they needed. As he did not have enough money, he started to collect it from the shops and the rich people in the city. All people were kind, helpful and offered him the money he asked for; no one said no to the idea. As an engineer, he began building the houses and many young people came to his help and did not ask for any money.
a- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d: (4X2=8 Ms.)
1- The best title for the passage is:
b. The Rich People
a. A University in France
C. A Home for the Poor
d. The Lazy Engineer
2- The opposite of the underlined word “big” in line 5 is:
a. small
b. poor
c. old
d. kind
3- The underlined word “it” in line 7 refers to:
a. land
b. money
d. idea
c. home
4- In which country did Salem study at the university ?
a. In Kuwait
b. In Saudi Arabia
c. In France
d. In Syria
b- Answer the following questions. (2×2=4 Ms.)
5- What was Salem’s helpful idea?
He gave the poor the land behind his house.
He built a house for the poor.
He collected money for the poor.
6- How was the weather when Salem saw the poor people?
It was hot because it was summer.
II- Writing (20 Marks)
A) Grammar (6 Marks)
a. Choose the correct answer from a, b, and c: (3×2=6 Ms.)
Last week, I (go – goes – went) to Al -Mubarkiya with my mother and I
was very hungry. (S0 – But – Or), I ordered something to eat. My mother
asked me, “Have you ever (eat – ate – eaten) anything delicious like that
before?” I said, “No, of course, I haven’t.”
B- Writing (10 Marks)
“Today’s reader is tomorrow’s leader”
Fill in the graphic organizer. Then, use it to write a paragraph of five sentences about “Reading with the help of the picture and the guidewords
( hobby / book fair / library / storybook / information)
What your favourite hobby is
Where you usually read
Where you get your books from
What books you read
Why you like reading
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