إمتحان انجليزي للصف السادس ف1 مبارك الكبير 2022 |
أهلاً بك يا بطل الصف السادس! هل أنت مستعد لخوض مغامرة شيقة في عالم اللغة الإنجليزية؟ هذا الاختبار صُمم خصيصًا لك لمساعدتك على تذكر دروسك ومراجعتها بطريقة ممتعة وسهلة. هيا بنا نبدأ!
هذا الاختبار مُعد خصيصًا لطلاب الصف السادس في منطقة مبارك الكبير التعليمية، وهو يغطي أهم المواضيع التي تعلمتها في الفصل الدراسي الأول لعام 2022. استعد جيدًا، وركز، وستحصل على أعلى الدرجات!
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حان الوقت الآن لبدء الاختبار! اضغط على الزر أدناه لتحميل الملف والبدء في حل الأسئلة.
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إمتحان انجليزي للصف السادس ف1 مبارك الكبير 2022
معلومات الملف “إمتحان انجليزي للصف السادس ف1 مبارك الكبير 2022” |
الصف: الصف السادسالفصل: انجليزي الصف السادسالمادة: انجليزي ف1 سادسحجم الملف: 1.58 MB |
a) Choose the best answer from a, b, c and d:
1. Chairs, tables and beds are different kinds of …..
a) browser
b) furniture
c) practice
d) shipwreck
2. It is not allowed to ………….. some animals at the zoo.
a) miss
c) feed
b) melt
d) sink
3. I was so ………..after two hours of running and hard training.
a) expensive
b) tasty
c) exhausted
d) rich
4. Do not. water while cleaning and washing the dishes.
a) collect
c) scream
b) decide
d) waste
b) Fill in the spaces with the most suitable words from the list below:
( desalination plants / soundly / coral reefs /businessmen / carefully )
5. Butterfly fish hide themselves in coral reefs.
6. You have to drive carefully in this snowy weather.
7. The baby was sleeping soundly in his mother’s arms.
8. Kuwait build desalination plants to get salt out of water.
Read the following text carefully, then answer the questions below.
A morkey is an animal which lives mainly on trees; it often comes on the land to look for food. Monkeys are found in most parts of Asia, Africa, and America. Some monkeys are big and strong like gorillas and some others are small. A monkey eats plants, fruits and vegetables. Monkeys live a minimum of fifteen years to a maximum of thirty years if they live in a jungle. They live in big groups like families. The mother monkey looks after her babies,
Monkeys have hair on their skin. They have two big ears on the sides of their heads. A monkey has four long legs and a tail which can catch or hold anything. Monkeys can easily climb on a tree, swing, and jump. They like jumping for fun. They are intelligent and funny animals. They quickly copy what a person is doing. We can see them at the zoo. Also, they are trained to perform sports tricks in the circus.
a) Choose the correct answer from a ,b, c and d:
9. What is the best title of the passage?
a) Jungle Life
b) Monkeys Life
c) Jumping on Trees
d) Animals in danger
10. What is the opposite of the underlined word ” strong “in the 1s’ paragraph?
a) fast
b) weak
c) short
d) funny
11. The underlined word ” They “in the 2nd paragraph refers to:
a legs
b) heads
c) ears
d) monkeys
12. A monkey can easily climb trees because:
a) It has two big ears
b) It lives in groups
c) It has long legs and a tail
d) It has hair on the skin
13. According to the text, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
a) Monkeys live in Asia
b) Monkeys eat meat
c) Monkeys live up to 30 years
d) Gorillas are big monkeys
14. What is the writer’s purpose of writing this text?
a) To tell us about monkeys
b) To list the names of animals
c) To show how to train animals
d) To explain the importance of jungles
b) Answer the following questions:
15. Where are monkeys found?
Monkeys are found in most parts of Asia, Africa, and America.
16. What do monkeys eat?
They eat plants, fruits, vegetables.
a) Choose the best answer from a, b, c and d:
17. Yesterday, while I …………… my lunch, my friend Ahmad called me.
a) eat
b) ate
c) was eating
d) am eating
18. If I meet Ali, I……… him to the party
a) invite
c) invited
b) had invited
d) will invite
19. Nasser and his friends used to ………….. to school.
a) walk
b) are
c) walked
d) will walk
The family were sitting on the beach when it…. to rain.
a) start
b) started
c) will start
d) is starting
b) Do as required between brackets:
21. They are the teachers. They teach us Maths. (Join using : who)They are the teachers who teach us Maths.
22. Mona used to play tennis when she was young. (Make negative)
Mona did not use to play tennis when she was young.
C Spelling:
Re write the following words correctly :
23. I heard soemone screaming and I called the police ,(someone)
24. The teacher asked me to shwo him my homework. (show)
25. Do not swim in the sea because it is ruogh today. ( rough )
26. The cat walked slwoly and quietly to catch the mouse. (slowly)
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