إمتحان انجليزي للصف السابع ف1 الخاص 2022

إمتحان انجليزي للصف السابع ف1 الخاص 2022

إمتحان انجليزي للصف السابع ف1 الخاص 2022


معلومات الملف “إمتحان انجليزي للصف السابع ف1 الخاص 2022”
الصف: الصف السابع
الفصل: انجليزي الصف السابع
المادة: انجليزي ف1 سابع
حجم الملف: 1.90 MB


a) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d:

1- There is a big ……………. at school where students can enjoy acting many plays.

a – javelin
b- registration
c- envelope
d- theatre

2- In the aquarium at the scientific centre people can see ……….kinds of fish and sea anima

a- numerous
b- lively
C- original
d- tasteless

3- In February our streets are beautiful. They are …………… decorated with lights and fla
a- initially
b – personally
C- gently
d- magnificent

4- It takes hard work and great effort to ………all your rivals in the other team.

a- excel
b- run
C- sprinkle
d- survive

b) Fill in the spaces with the most suitable words from the list:
(snorkel – recited – destination – cuisine – luxury)

5-The kinds of food in the Italian …cuisine… are easy to cook especially pasta and pizza.
6- The teacher gave me full mark because I…… recited… the holy Quran correctly.
7- Let’s go to the sea to swim and ……snorkel………..The weather is wonderful today.
8- You have to book another ticket if you want to travel to another……. destination

Read the following passage carefully, then answer the questions below:
 16 China is a wonderful country. Its population is about 1.4 billion people. It has many festivals. One of these festivals is the New Year Festival. It lasts for eight days. Chinese people start preparing for it a week before. They clean their houses and decorate them with red lights and colourful papers. They go shopping to buy new red clothes and costumes to wear.

Relatives come from far away to join their families. They all sit around the table for the tasty special dinner meal. Lots of special food is prepared but the most important kind is usually fish. Dinner is usually eaten at home, after dinner, children are given red envelopes with some money inside. At midnight they enjoy many activities like fireworks, lions and dragon dancing parties, so streets are always crowded and noisy.

The next morning, on the first day of the new year, they wear their new clothes and visit their friends and neighbours. Traditionally, young people visit the older ones to say Happy New Year. In the afternoon, there are parades or marching where people dress up in colourful clothes. Some people wear huge lion costumes, too. Festivals and celebrations are fun.

 a) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d: 

9. The best title for this passage is: 

a) Special Meals in China
b) Chinese New Year
c) Colourful Costumes
d) Chinese Population

10. The underlined word “tasty” in the second paragraph means

a) delicious
b) important
c) huge
d) different

11. The underlined word they, in paragraph 1. refers to

a) colourful papers
b) red lights
c) Chinese people
d) their houses

 12. Streets in China are always …………. ..during the New Year Festival

a) calm and wonderful
b) dark and sad
c) crowded and noisy
d) full of animals

13. According to the passage, all the following statements are TRUE except:

a) China has a small population
b) Chinese buy new red clothes for the New Year Festival
c) Children receive money in the New Year Festival
d) On the first day of the New Year, there are parades

14. The purpose of the writer in this passage is to:

a) advise us to travel to China
b) tell us about the history of China
c) show us how to decorate our houses
d) describe the festival of Chinese new year

b – Answer the following questions, according to the passage

15. How long does the New Year Festival last?
It lasts for eight days. 

16. Why are festivals fun?
Because people enjoy doing many fun activities like fireworks, lions and dragon dancing parties. Decorating houses, preparing food, visiting relatives and friends.
(Any reasonable answer related to the passage is accepted)

a) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d

17- I……………on my project now to finish it on time. 

a- was working
b- have worked
c-am working

18- Always …………right and left before crossing the street. 

a- look
b- looks
d- looked

19- I don’t have ………………… money to buy the new car.

 a- a 
b- any
c- some
d- an

20-If I travelled to London, I ……………… shopping in Harrods. 

a- go
b- can go
C- will go
d- would go

b) Do as shown between brackets: 

21- My brother likes going to the sea alone .(Make negative)
My brother doesn’t like going to the sea alone.

22- We have got many story books to read ………. haven’t we 

Re-write the underlined words correctly: 

23- I am interested in horse riding, so I will join an erqesutain club.
………….. equestrian ……..

24- To reach the hospital, you have to take this rtuoe directly then turn left.
.. ……………….route ………….

25- Mirrors rfelcet light and give a large space as well.

26- I should check the correct answer. I am not qitue sure about it.

 الصف السابع, الملفات التعليمية, انجليزي ف1 سابع, انجليزي الصف السابع, إمتحان انجليزي للصف السابع ف1 مبارك الكبير 2022

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