موضوعات تعبير للتدريب انجليزي حادي عشر ف2 #أ. محمد دوما 2021 2022 |
هل تبحث عن طرق ممتعة لمساعدة طفلك في الصف الحادي عشر على تحسين مهارات الكتابة باللغة الإنجليزية؟ إليك مجموعة من موضوعات التعبير الشيقة المصممة خصيصًا لمنهج الكويت للفصل الدراسي الثاني. استعدوا لرحلة ممتعة في عالم الكلمات والتعبير!
التعبير الإنجليزي ليس مجرد مادة دراسية، بل هو أداة قوية تساعد أبنائنا على التواصل بفاعلية والتعبير عن أفكارهم وآرائهم بثقة. إنه يفتح لهم أبوابًا واسعة نحو النجاح في الدراسة والحياة العملية.
إليك بعض الأفكار لموضوعات التعبير التي يمكن أن يستمتع بها طلاب الصف الحادي عشر:
هناك العديد من المصادر المتاحة عبر الإنترنت التي يمكن أن تساعد طفلك على تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية وتحسين مهارات التعبير لديه. إليك بعض الأمثلة:
نتمنى أن يكون هذا المقال قد ألهمك لمساعدة طفلك في الصف الحادي عشر على تحسين مهارات التعبير باللغة الإنجليزية. تذكر، الممارسة المستمرة هي المفتاح لتحقيق النجاح!
هل تبحث عن المزيد من المواد التعليمية للصف الحادي عشر في الكويت؟ تفضل بزيارة موقعنا للاطلاع على المزيد!
موضوعات تعبير للتدريب انجليزي حادي عشر ف2 #أ. محمد دوما 2021 2022
معلومات الملف “موضوعات تعبير للتدريب انجليزي حادي عشر ف2 #أ. محمد دوما 2021 2022” |
الصف: الصف الحادي عشر الادبيالفصل: انجليزي الصف الحادي عشر الادبيالمادة: انجليزي ف2 الصف الحادي عشر أدبيحجم الملف: 5.57 MB |
موضوعات تعبير للتدريب انجليزي حادي عشر ف2 #أ. محمد دوما 2021 2022
Unit 7: Broadcasting
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The mass media, including television, radio and newspapers, have great influences in shaping people’s ideas. In four paragraphs, plan and write an essay (of 14 sentences/ 140 words), expressing your opinion and giving reasons for your answer.
Plan / Writing outline
1. General background about the topic.
2. Thesis: One group of people believes that media have no effects on people’s lifestyle, while others believes that there are many powerful influences of mass media on our lives.
Paragraph 1: Mass media have a profound impact on cultures.
• globalization.
• .educational benefits.
Paragraph 2: The mass media have the ability to affect people’s minds.
• electing officials.
• imitating violence.
Conclusion: a summary of the main ideas in the article.
Nowadays, the mass media have become an epidemic all around the world. So that, people in different ages follow and use them, such as television, newspaper and the internet have become more popular among individuals. The mass media and its impact caused a dispute. One group of people believes that media have no effects on people’s lifestyle, while another believes that there are many powerful influences of mass media on our lives. I personally agree with the latter group, because of two main reasons which are explained below.
First of all, the mass media have a profound impact on cultures. It causes to eliminate the boundaries of cultures among people and creates globalization. The globalization is a good example to represent the effect of mass media. Individuals now can see what is happening in other countries or how they are dressed and how their culture is different. As a result, they usually imitate what others do.
Secondly, through information and entertainment, the mass media have the ability to affect public opinion. It informs people about daily events. This information sometimes is used to change people’s opinion. For example, though few of us probably think about it, our conceptions of our elected officials spring from television images and newspaper stories. In addition, seeing violent content can make it more likely that someone will behave in an aggressive or violent way.
Unit 8: TV Watching habits
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television is useless and has destroyed communication among friends and family. In four paragraphs, plan and write an essay (of 14 sentences/140 words), expressing your opinion and giving reasons for your answer.
Plan/Writing outline
1. General background about the topic
2. Thesis: Some people believe that television is useless and has destroyed communication among friends and family. I absolutely disagree with the statement.
Paragraph 1: Television brings a lot of benefits for many individuals and societies.
• Political and financial information.
2: Television gathers people together.
• Bringing family together.
• Giving chance for friends to communicate.
Conclusion: a summary of the main ideas in the article and your opinion.
The invention of television is one of the humankind’s greatest inventions. It is a way of communication among people of one country and different countries. However, some people believe that television is useless and has destroyed communication among friends and family. I absolutely disagree with the statement.
Firstly, television brings a lot of benefits for many individuals and societies. For example, televisions provide lots of crucial information which are certainly useful for many communities. It is common that news on television informs about the economic and political conditions of a particular country. This crucial information is definitely important for investors, financial analyst or bankers in making investment. Secondly, television also provides educative shows which are truly beneficial for the communities, specifically for students and scholars.
Unit 8: TV Watching habits
Some people say that television is a very useful tool when it comes to education. Others argue that television is a much inefficient, ineffective teacher. In four paragraphs, plan and write an essay (of 14 sentences/140 words), including different points of view and expressing your own opinion.
Plan / Writing outline
1. General background about the topic.
2. Thesis: Some people believe that television is useless and has destroyed communication among friends and family. I absolutely disagree with the statement.
Paragraph 1: On the one hand, television nowadays can hardly be called educational.
• Most shows are a waste of time.
• Educational programmes cannot replace books.
Paragraph 2: On the other hand, TV can be a powerful mean of delivering information.
• TV produces both picture and sound.
• TV can be used by teachers. I
(Conclusion: a summary of the main ideas in the article and your opinion.
There is a lot of controversy on the topic whether TV can play a role of a teacher. Some people hold a viewpoint that it can never be educational at all. Others, although disagree, referring to TV’s high potential of teaching through amusement.
On the one hand, television nowadays can hardly be called educational. All those talk shows and drama series, we see every day, are a complete waste of time. They can even have negative effects by distracting young. Moreover, most of the so-called educational programs in channels like National Geographic channel cannot replace books and academic lectures because they tend to entertain people and have not an aim to give deep and knowledge.
On the other hand, TV can be a powerful mean of delivering information and a nice part of learning process. Educational experts have proved that the more senses are involved at the time of studying; the more effective result can be achieved. TV produces both picture and sound, so its usefulness is obvious. Many teachers already use this advantage actively by showing students video cassettes which go as supplementary material to many language courses. So why not to broadcast such movies through television?
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