موضوعات تعبير انجليزي ثامن ف2 #أ. إسلام طاجن 2021 2022

موضوعات تعبير انجليزي ثامن ف2 #أ. إسلام طاجن 2021 2022

موضوعات تعبير انجليزي ثامن ف2 #أ. إسلام طاجن 2021 2022

معلومات الملف “موضوعات تعبير انجليزي ثامن ف2 #أ. إسلام طاجن 2021 2022”
الصف: الصف الثامن
الفصل: انجليزي الصف الثامن
المادة: انجليزي ف2 ثامن
حجم الملف: 1.17 MB


موضوعات تعبير انجليزي ثامن ف2 #أ. إسلام طاجن 2021 2022 نقدمها بشكل جميل ومبسط وبشرح كافي بدون استطراد، يضمن للمتعلم سهولة الفهم ووصول الفكرة للمتلقي بدون عناء ، حيث سيكون السؤال بالخط الثخين، أما الجواب فيسكون بالخط الرفيع، متمنين لكم دوام النجاح و التوفيق .

Writing / Unit 7 / Social Media 

Social media has become a huge part in our life. It has many advantages. People can share ideas and opinions. They can get information and the latest news. Social media helps us to keep in touch. People can raise money for charity. 

However, social media has some disadvantages. It wastes time. It makes us less social. It doesn’t make real friends. Children become lazy. It affects us negatively. Smart phones are important nowadays. They have many advantages. We can use them to call people at any time. We can simply surf the net. We use them to communicate together. Some people watch news on their smart phones. 

However, smart phones have some disadvantages. First, people are addicted to social media. Second, they harm eyes and waste time. Third, people became less social. In my opinion, smart phones are important but we need to use them wisely. 

Writing / Unit 8 / Communication – التواصل 

Nowadays, communication is very easy because of digital communication. People communicate in many ways. They use smart phones to make calls and keep in touch with family and friends. They surf the Internet to get information. They watch TV to know the latest news. 

Other people prefer face to face communication. They meet together. They chat and talk about many things. They understand each other better. In my opinion, digital communication is faster and better helping us to communicate easily. 

We all grow up with stories. They have many benefits. First, they build trust between the speaker and the listener. Second, they increase interest and allow the listener to be part of the story. Finally, they help people to understand the world and change behaviour. 

There are different situations that people tell stories. Grandparents always recount old stories about the family. Children read stories at school with their friends. also, people hear different stories at work. We all watch stories on TV and the Internet. Finally, stories inspire us and are a good way to reach out people. 

Writing / Unit 10 / An invention – اختراع 

I dream of inventing flying cars. They will be eco-friendly. They will use solar energy. They could be self-drive cars. They won’t use oil. 

Flying cars will change people’s lives. They will travel to other countries easily. They will arrive to their destinations early. There will be no accidents. They will save our time. 

Creativity is using our imagination to create something original. Everyone is creative. Creativity activates our imagination to make new things. It also helps us to think differently and solve problems. It improves our skills. 

There are many types of creativity. First, evolution of ideas is a type of creativity which depends on gradual improvements such as cars. Second, people can combine ideas together as linking a computer in a network to get the internet. Third, finding new use for things is another type of creativity like different uses for plastic. Finally, changing approach helps us to solve problems easily like city planners.  

الصف الثامن, الملفات التعليمية, انجليزي ف2 ثامن, انجليزي الصف الثامن, موضوعات تعبير انجليزي ثامن ف2 #أ. إسلام طاجن 2021 2022


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