مراجعة (9) انجليزي ثاني ابتدائي ف2 #أ. رشا عبد السلمان 2020 2021

مراجعة (9) انجليزي ثاني ابتدائي ف2 #أ. رشا عبد السلمان 2020 2021

مراجعة (9) انجليزي ثاني ابتدائي ف2 #أ. رشا عبد السلمان 2020 2021


معلومات الملف “مراجعة (9) انجليزي ثاني ابتدائي ف2 #أ. رشا عبد السلمان 2020 2021”
الصف: الصف الثاني
الفصل: انجليزي الصف الثاني
المادة: انجليزي ف2 الصف الثاني
حجم الملف: 72 KB


مراجعة (9) انجليزي ثاني ابتدائي ف2 #أ. رشا عبد السلمان 2020 2021

Choose the correct answer: ( Grammar )

1- I get up ———————– 5 o’clock.

a. in

 b. on


2- I do ————- homework every day.



 c. her

3- I got a tasty pie ——- the bakery.


 b. on

 c. under

4- We go to the supermarket ————- Thursday.

a. in

 b. on

 c. at

5- All my clothes are ————— the basket.

a. in

 b. on

 c. under

6- I go to school with —————- father.


 b. my

 c. her

7- Rashed goes to the bookshop with————– brother.



 c. his

8- My mother has ————— breakfast in living room.

a. my

 b. her

 c. his

9- ———— Fridays, I go to the park.

a. in

 b. on

 c. at

10- I like reading stories ———- 7 o’clock every day.

a. in

 b. on

 c. at

نموذج الإجابة 

Choose the correct answer: ( Grammar )

1- I get up ———————– 5 o’clock.

a. in

 b. on


2- I do ————- homework every day.



 c. her

3- I got a tasty pie ——- the bakery.


 b. on

 c. under

4- We go to the supermarket ————- Thursday.

a. in

 b. on

 c. at

5- All my clothes are ————— the basket.

a. in

 b. on

 c. under

6- I go to school with —————- father.


 b. my

 c. her

On – Monday
In — basket
At —- 3 0’clock
At —– bakery

7- Rashed goes to the bookshop with————– brother.



 c. his

8- My mother has ————— breakfast in living room.

a. my

 b. her

 c. his

9- ———— Fridays, I go to the park.

a. in

 b. on

 c. at

10- I like reading stories ———- 7 o’clock every day.

a. in

 b. on

 c. at

I – —mY
He — – his
She —- her

 الصف الثاني, الملفات التعليمية, انجليزي ف2 الصف الثاني, انجليزي الصف الثاني, مراجعة (9) انجليزي ثاني ابتدائي ف2 #أ. رشا عبد السلمان 2020 2021

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