مراجعة نهائية مع امتحان تجريبي انجليزي تاسع ف2 #م. رقية 2021 2022 |
مرحباً يا أصدقائي طلاب الصف التاسع! هل أنتم متحمسون لإنهاء الفصل الدراسي الثاني بنجاح؟ لدينا هنا مراجعة نهائية وامتحان تجريبي لمساعدتكم على الاستعداد بشكل ممتاز لامتحان اللغة الإنجليزية. هيا بنا نبدأ!
سنقوم بمراجعة أهم القواعد والمفردات التي تعلمناها خلال الفصل الدراسي الثاني. تذكروا، المراجعة الجيدة هي مفتاح النجاح!
لا تنسوا مراجعة الأزمنة المختلفة، مثل زمن الماضي البسيط والمستمر، والمضارع البسيط والمستمر. هذه القواعد أساسية لفهم اللغة الإنجليزية والتعبير عن أنفسكم بشكل صحيح. ولمزيد من الفهم يمكنكم مراجعة قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية على خان أكاديمي.
راجعوا الكلمات الجديدة التي تعلمتموها في الدروس المختلفة. حاولوا استخدام هذه الكلمات في جمل مفيدة لتثبيتها في ذاكرتكم. ويمكنكم البحث عن معاني الكلمات على قاموس المعاني.
حان الآن وقت الاختبار! اختبروا معلوماتكم ومهاراتكم في اللغة الإنجليزية من خلال هذا الامتحان التجريبي. هذا الامتحان سيساعدكم على التعرف على شكل الامتحان النهائي والاستعداد له بشكل أفضل.
تأكدوا من الحصول على قسط كاف من النوم قبل الامتحان. تناولوا وجبة إفطار صحية لتبدأوا يومكم بنشاط. ولا تنسوا مراجعة الملاحظات التي كتبتموها خلال الفصل الدراسي. تذكروا أيضاً أهمية إدارة الوقت أثناء الامتحان.
نتمنى لكم كل التوفيق والنجاح في امتحان اللغة الإنجليزية. تذكروا أنكم قادرون على تحقيق أفضل النتائج بالاجتهاد والمثابرة. ولا تنسوا أن تستمتعوا باللغة الإنجليزية وتتعلموا المزيد عنها!
هل تبحث عن المزيد من الموارد التعليمية؟ تفضل بزيارة مقالتنا عن أفضل التطبيقات لتعلم اللغة الإنجليزية.
كما يمكنك الاطلاع على دروس تفاعلية للغة الانجليزية للصف التاسع.
مراجعة نهائية مع امتحان تجريبي انجليزي تاسع ف2 #م. رقية 2021 2022
معلومات الملف “مراجعة نهائية مع امتحان تجريبي انجليزي تاسع ف2 #م. رقية 2021 2022” |
الصف: الصف التاسعالفصل: انجليزي الصف التاسعالمادة: انجليزي ف2 تاسعحجم الملف: 732 KB |
A-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d:
1- Prophet Mohammed, PBUH, is the ……………. leader of all Muslims all over the world.
a) scorching
b) spiritual
c) conventional
d) contagious
2- Money can only buy …………..things. However, it cannot buy health or happiness.
a) contagious
b) spiritual
c) material
d) massive
3- ……………Psychologists say many elderly suicides result from long periods with
a) immune
b) depression
c) quality
d) vendor
4- There are many ……………… of a successful teacher such as patience and creativity.
a) qualities
b) tournaments
c) vendors
d) confusion
A-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d:
5. It started to rain after we …………………to the station.
a. gets
b. had got
c. get
d. have got
6………………….. By the time we reached the hotel all the guests
a. leave
b. left
c. had left
d. leaves
7. We had met all our friends before we ………………..abroad.
a. travelled
b. had travelled
c. travels
d. travel
8. I do not know many people and I’m lonely. I wish I …………… more people.
a. knows
b. had known
c. knew
d. know
9. I wish I …………… my homework before going out yesterday.
a. finished
b. had finished
c. finishes
d. finish
B- Do as shown between brackets
10- If she had trained well, ……………………………………………………(complete)
11- We went home. We had enjoyed the birthday party. (join using after)
12- I wish I (can) ………………. help you but I’m too busy at the moment. (correct)
A-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d
13- Playing modern computer games requires hand-eye ……………….. from the player.
a) spectator
b) coordination
c) symptom
d) opponent
14- Running a marathon is the best test of ………………… and strong will.
a) opponent
b) regret
c) endurance
d) suspicion
15- Some ……… at the stadium painted their faces with the colours of their favourite team.
a) spectators
b) symptoms
c) opponents
d) tournaments
B)Fill in the spaces with words from the list
(struck / spectators/ tournament / eliminate / opponent)
16. Wimbledon is one of the Grand Slam …………………….. of tennis.
17. The local news announced that the city was ……………….by lightening last night.
18. The…………………kept clapping for the tightrope walkers in yesterday’s show.
19. It took a lot of time to ………………………the destruction of the 2 nd World War.
A-Choose the correct answer from a) ,b) ,c) and d
20.We always have ………………… busy day at school.
a. any
b. some
c. a
d. an
21- You should do ……………….. exercises regularly to keep fit.
a. some
b. any
c. an
d. a
22- we don’t have …………..time to waste because we are always busy studying .
a. any
b. a
c. some
d. an
23-Dana used to……………… shopping during her free time.
a. play
b. go
c. do
d. doing
B) Do as shown in brackets
24- The couch had given (any) advice to the team before the match started. (Correct)
25- My mother bought me some new clothes. (Make negative)
B- Fill in the spaces with words from the list
(currently / indicate / maintain / interfere / eventually)
26. It is not a good behavior to …………………… in the others’ affairs.
27. The United Nations always tries to ……………………peace among countries.
28. They ……………………have dug a well as a water supply for the villagers.
29. The paintings and carvings on the walls ……………………the innovations of artists.
A) Change into reported speech
30-Ali said,” My brother is going to study abroad this year.
31-Rabab said,” My uncle will visit us today.
32- ! The manager said,” Girls, your Projects were amazing
33-work very hard at school to please my mun” Hamad said to Walid.
A-Choose the correct answer from a) ,b) ,c) and d
34- Animals don’t speak;……………… some of them understand well
a) however
b) therefore
c) so
d) furthermore
35- Dogs are very loyal. they can………………………help people and police.
a) on the other hand
b) in addition
c) but
d) in contrast
36- Tame animals are easy to accompany;………… …… wild animals can hurt you.
a) furthermore
b) therefore
c) as
d) as a result
B)Join the following sentences
37- My grandfather is extremely ill. They will carry out an operation for him.
38. She is really helpful. Everybody likes her.
39. Bacteria are harmful. Some of them are useful.
A) Choose the correct word from a, b, c and d
40. Doctors always………………. diseases according to their symptoms.
a) rank
b) diagnose
c) achieve
d) revolutionize
41. The top student got a ……………….to complete his high studies in England.
a) economist
b) scholarship
c) cosmology
d) formula
42…………………… The innovations in technology are
a) groundbreaking
b) increased
c) world-renowned
d) scorching
43. Many people have great concern to the study of ………………… and its secrets.
a) economist
b) scholarship
c) Cosmology
d) formula
D- Do as shown between brackets
44- “What are you going to do after school?” (Reported speech)
45- “Do you have any question about it?” (complete)
……………………………………………………………….He wanted to know
46- My sister said “Help me with the housework.” (Reported speech)
…………………………………………………………………………… ……..
47 -The mother said “Don’t watch too much TV.’’ (Reported speech)
……………………………………………………………….The mother advised her daughter
48 -” Why did you send e-mails last week?” Sara asked Fawaz (Reported speech)
A) Choose the correct word from a, b, c & d
50- Generosity, courage and helping the poor are some of the good …. of kuwaiti people.
a) scholarships
b) traits
c) advances
d) species
51- Students in Kuwait and the whole world stopped going to schools ………. the COVID 19.
a) due to
b) come up with
c) give up
d) rank
52- Fawaz is working hard to achieve his ……………. of being a pilot for Kuwait Airways.
a) economist
b) abundance
c) goal
d) cosmology
53- The Earth’s surface area is very big, but when it is seen from space, it seems …… . small.
a) relatively
b) eventually
c) traditionally
d) currently
B ) Fill in the spaces with words from the list
(achieve – diagnose – Artificial-intelligence – relatively – traits)
54-…………deals with giving machines the ability to seem like they have human intelligence.
55-Islam taught us many valuable ………… such as honesty, loyalty, justice and tolerance.
56-Succesful people always ………….. their targets through hard working and patience. .
A) Choose the right word between brackets
57- In fact, the……………..country in the world is Russia.
a) large
b) larger
c) largest
d) the largest
58- It is known that prevention is ……………….than cure. So we have to be more careful.
a) good
b) better
c) best
d) the best
59- Coronavirus is the …………………. disease of our modern age.
a) dangerous
b) more dangerous
c) most dangerous
d) the most
60- Books are very …………………… in our life.
a) important
b) more important
c) most important
d) the more important
B) (Correct the following adjectives)
61-Smartphones are (good) than laptops.
…………………………………………………………………………… ……
62-My car is (expensive) than your car.
63-The math test was (bad). than the science test.
64 -Chemistry is the (difficult) school subject.
( المفردات – الاستيعاب المقروء – القواعد – التعبير – الإملاء )
Total Mark (60 Marks)
I- Reading 30 Ms
A-Vocabulary ( 14 Ms )
a) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d: (4X2 = 8 Ms)
1. Long hair is………………… regarded as an important sign of beauty.
a) devotedly
b) eventually
c) traditionally
d) relatively
2. Al- Hamra Tower was …………………… as the tallest building in Kuwait.
a) ranked
b) squeezed
c) regretted
d) converted
3. Malaysia has ………………… of natural resources.
a) endurance
b) literature
c) cosmology
d) abundance
4. Corona virus is a highly………………….. and fast spreading disease.
a) material
b) contagious
c) massive
d) conventional
b) Fill in the spaces with the suitable word(s) from the list: (4X11⁄2 = 6 Ms)
economist – spiritual – spectator – traits – intellectual
5. Companies should protect their………………. property with trademarks.
6. Dr. Nasser is a/an…………….. who studies and improves the system of business.
7. This book describes a ………………. journey from despair to happiness.
8. Islam teaches us valuable…………… such as honesty, loyalty and justice.
-Read the following passage carefully, then answer the questions below A lady and her husband went to meet the president of Harvard. Since they were dressed poorly the president wasn’t interested in meeting them. After making them wait for a long time, he |
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d: (6×2 = 12 Ms)
? 9. Which of the following is the main idea of the 3paragraph
a) How the son was killed
b) How Harvard university was built
c) How Stanford university was established
d) How the lady and her husband became rich
? What is the meaning of the underlined word “cemetery” in the 3rd 10.paragraph
a) a place for having fun
b) a place for studying
c) a place for doing research
d) a place for burying the dead
The underlined pronoun “him” in the 2paragraph refers to
a) driver
b) son
c) husband
d) president
12.? How can you describe Mr. and Mrs. Leland Stanford
a) They are rich but humble
b) They are poor and needy
c) They are rich and greedy
d) They are rich but stingy
13. According to the story which of the following statements is TRUE
a) The president of Harvard University was polite
b) The son died after a serious illness
c) Mr. and Mrs. Leland Stanford wanted to donate money to Harvard
d) Mr. and Mrs. Leland Stanford were not polite
14. What is the writer’s purpose of this story?
a) To advise us to be patient
b) To explain why we shouldn’t judge people by appearance
c) To show the importance of a university
d) To describe how Harvard university respect its students
B) Answer the following questions: (2×2 = 4 Ms)
15.? How much did it cost to start a university at that time
16. Mrs. Leland Stanford seems to be a strong woman. explain
II Writing (30 Ms )
A- Grammar (14Ms)
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d: (4X2 = 8 Ms)
17. I …………… basketball with my friends twice a week.
a) do
b) play
c) go
d) run
18. Fahad hasn’t got…………….. brothers but he has got five sisters.
a) a
b) some
c) an
d) any
19. I have a terrible toothache……………., I have to go to the dentist.
a) in contrast
b) moreover
c) therefore
d) although
20. My old mobile phone was……………… than my new one.
a) as cheap as
b) cheap
c) the cheapest
d) cheaper
b) Do as shown between brackets: (3X2 = 6 Ms)
21 ? . Sara said “What are you going to do after school
(change into reported speech)………………………………………………………..
22. Most people think social media is useful. Some people believe that it is harmful.
(join using on the other hand)………………………………………………………..
23. If she had practiced a sport, she (be) fit.
(correct the verb)………………………………………………………….
B- Writing ( 16 marks )
“ Prevention is better than cure ” “ An apple a day, keeps the doctor away” Plan and write a composition of two paragraphs (not less than 12 sentences) about “ Living a healthy life “ showing how unhealthy habits lead to diseases whereas healthy habits keep you healthy and well.
*Your writing should include a topic sentence, supporting details and a conclusion.
Total | Student’s mark | Mark | Rubrics |
2 | Planning ( graphic organizer/ mind mapping) | ||
7 | Exposition of ideas and coherence | ||
2 | Paragraphing and number of sentences | ||
1 | Grammar | ||
2 | Spelling | ||
2 | Handwriting and punctuation | ||
2 marks to be deducted from the total mark for changing the format. | |||
16 | Off point planning / topics receive zero. |
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