مراجعة نهائية مع امتحان تجريبي انجليزي سادس ف2 #م. رقية 2021 2022

مراجعة نهائية مع امتحان تجريبي انجليزي سادس ف2 #م. رقية 2021 2022

مراجعة نهائية مع امتحان تجريبي انجليزي سادس ف2 #م. رقية 2021 2022

معلومات الملف “مراجعة نهائية مع امتحان تجريبي انجليزي سادس ف2 #م. رقية 2021 2022”
الصف: الصف السادس
الفصل: انجليزي الصف السادس
المادة: انجليزي ف2 سادس
حجم الملف: 1.23 MB


مراجعة نهائية مع امتحان تجريبي انجليزي سادس ف2 #م. رقية 2021 2022 نقدمه لكم بأسلوب سهل وممتع للقارئ و المتعلم

                                                                                                          Unit 7 (Vocabulary

Choose the right word  from a, b, c, and d: 

   1-The microwave allows us to ………………….. food very fast.  

       a. measure                         b. heat                                c. reflect               d. export 

2- In science class we did an ………………….. to see how plants grow. 

       a. experiment                   b. degree            c. tanker                        d. mirror 

   3.A …………………… carries oil, cars and other things overseas. 

       a. petrol                           b. pipeline   c. water cycle    d. tanker 

4. ……………… starts with the sun heating water and ends with water to the sea. 

a. Water cycle    b. Petrol    c. Degree     d. Mirror  Grammar 

Do as shown between brackets: 

    5.My mother waters the flowers in the garden.                                     (Change into passive)  


                 6.My friends went to a party last weekend.                                      (Ask a question) 


           7.I enjoy watching scary movies at home.                               (Change into negative) 


 unit 8( Vocabulary ) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d: 

  1. Rain is a of ……………… for water.

              a)drought            b)source         c)light bulb      d)flood 

  1. Dirty water is filled with…………………….

                a)chemicals          b)north pole    c)drought                     d)bacteria 

  1. Cancer is a ……………………….illness.

              a)contaminated    b)fatal                             c)cross             d)bright 

  1. To save energy, you need to………….…lights.

              a)put on              b)put off               c)lose              d) purify 

  1. When there’s a lot of rain, there might be ………………..

a)bacteria       b)flood      c)source       d) south pole Grammar 

Do as shown between brackets: 

  1. Amal writes her homework every day.        (Change into negative)


  1. Whatsapp is used for (send) messages.        (Correct)


  1. She can swim in deep water.                        (Change into negative)


Unit: 9 (Vocabulary)

Fill in the blanks with the right word from the list: chemistry – sadly – cure – prize – bright – algebra

16-I like math so I’ll study ……………………… when I go to the university. 

17-A lot of scientists are working on a …………………. for cancer. 

18-We will study ………………….. in the science lab. 

19-My friend had a …………….. idea about our project. 

20-There was an accident on Ghazali road and …………………. a man got hurt. 


Do as shown between the brackets: 

21-I (eat) pizza for dinner last Monday.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             (Correct the verb) 


22-My father went to work at 7 o’clock yesterday.                                                                                                                                                                           (Ask a question) 


23-Yes, I studied hard for my exam.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               (Ask a question) 


24-Noura is very bright, ……………………….……….?                                                                                                  (Add a question tag) 

Unit 10(Vocabulary) Choose the right word  from a, b, c and d: 

25-You should study hard for your …………………. exams.              a- boring        b- final                  c- cross        d- energy-saving 

26-You should end your e-mail with …………………….. and then your name. 

              a- best wishes                            b- championship  c- volleyball   d- goggles 

27-Sarah ……………………… an email from her cousin in Dubai. a- received       b- communicated c- married    d- purified 

28-You’re very good at tennis. Why don’t you ……………… a club? a- receive                 b- join            c- communicate   d- look forward to 

29- Don’t forget to take your ……………………. when you go swimming. 

              a- racket                        b- goggles           c- subject   d- championship 

Grammar Do as shown between the brackets: 

30-The teacher will write an email.                                                                                              (Change into negative 


31-I travelled to Dubai last month.                                                                                                        (Ask a question) 


32-Rashed is (go) to watch a film tonight.                                                                                                                                                                                      (Correct) 


33-Mariam is looking forward to (eat) pizza tonight.  (Correct)



Unit  (11 ) (Vocabulary)

 Do as shown between brackets

  1. The Nile is the (long) river in the world.                     (Correct)


  1. A dog is (big) than a rabbit.                                      (Correct)


  1. New Zealand is a (small) USA.                                     (Correct)


  1. Farmers grow crops in their farms.                 (Ask a question)


  1. You can see beautiful beaches in Lebanon.       (Change into negative)


39-Kuwait is a small country,………………………? (Add a question tag) Unit (12) (Vocabulary) 

Choose the correct answer from a, b , c and d: 

40-Some big ships have a …………….. for helicopters 

              a. tennis court            b. helipad           c. experience           d. volleyball 

41-We’ll stay in Switzerland for a …………….. only. 

                a. volcano                      b. flood               c. hole                       d. fortnight 

42-Our team will play the final match in the main………………..       

a. tennis court           b. experience       c. subject                 d. ocean 

43-Whenever I travel abroad, I send…………….. to my friends. 

a. causeway               b. smoke             c. e-cards                  d. fortnight 

 44-I like Ayoub Hussein’s paintings, they are really……………… 

     a. active                    b. comfortable      c. amazing                            d. kind 

Grammar Do as shown between brackets: 

  1. No, I haven’t visited Dubai, yet.                            (Ask a question)


  1. Mariam has already (make) dinner.                    (Correct the verb)


  1. I have already eaten sushi.                                      (Change into negative)


  1. King Fahd causeway is 25 km long.                        (Ask a question)


  1. I enjoy (take) photos.                                               (Correct the verb)


  1. I’m going to have lunch at the restaurant.                      (Change into negative)

A) Choose the correct word from a), b), c) and d):                                                                                                                                                                                                        (4×2=8 Ms)

  1. The doctor will ………………… the patient’s height and weight.
    1. measure             b) receive                c) lose                  d) link
  2. You should speak English in this radio ………………… . We’ll start in a minute.
    1. pipeline   b) source     c) interview d) causeway
  3. My teacher has a long………………….in teaching
    1. subject               b) racket                 c) drought   d) experience
  4. These shoes are not ………………… . I need a bigger size.
    1. bright                 b) boring                c) similar                d) comfortable


B) Fill in the spaces with the suitable word(s) from the list:        (4×1½=6 Ms) really – abroad – final – attractive – fortunately

  1. The driver was driving very fast. …………………, he didn’t have an accident.
  2. Our school football team has reached the ………………… match of the cup.
  3. I ……………..don’t like swimming.
  4. Bright colourful flowers are ………………… to many insects.

B. Reading Comprehension (16 Ms)

Read the following text carefully, then answer the questions below:

While we are asleep at night, some people are at work. Night workers do many important jobs. They sleep during the day. Many cleaners work at night. They clean streets, offices and shops while it is quiet and there are not many people around. Road workers keep our roads safe to drive on. They often repair roads during the night when there is very little traffic. Some railway workers work at night, too. They fix train tracks and railway signals so that trains can travel safely. 

People are also needed to drive trains and buses. Pilots fly planes at night, too. Many goods – such as fresh food and newspapers – have to be delivered every day. Some truck drivers work through the night to make sure that these goods arrive on time. Most bakers start work while it is still dark. They bake at night so that the bread will be fresh when it goes on sale in the morning.  News stories don’t only happen during the day. Some reporters need to work during the night to make sure that all the news is up to date. Hospital patients need to be looked after twentyfour hours a day. Many doctors and nurses need to work at night. Fires, accidents and other emergencies can happen at any time. So, there are always firefighters, police and ambulance workers on duty. 

A) Choose the correct answer from a), b), c) and d):                                                                                                                              (6×2=12 Ms)

9. The best title of the passage can be: 

a) Night jobs         b) Clean streets         c) Emergencies         d) Repairing roads 10. The opposite of the underlined word “quiet” in line 3 is: 

              a) dark                   b) safe                      c) noisy                  d) fresh 

  1. The underlined pronoun “They” in line 10 refers to:
    1. works                 b) drivers    c) pilots             d) bakers
  2. The writer’s purpose of writing this passage is to:
    1. inform people about having food on time
    2. show the importance of night workers 
    3. advise people of sleeping well at night
    4. express the feeling of hardworking people
  3. According to the passage, all the statements are NOT TRUE except:
    1. Accidents can’t happen at any time.
    2. Pilots repair roads during the night.
    3. Patients need to be looked after all day long.
    4. Streets and roads can never be safe at all.
  4. Working at night is sometimes BAD because:
    1. you don’t get normal sleep        b) all people like the dark

              c) no one can stay up at night   d) it is dark everywhere 


                  امتحان الصف السادس          الفترة الدراسية الثانية                    2021 / 2022     الصفحة رقم) 3(

B) Answer the following questions:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (2×2=4 Ms)

  1. Why do some reporters need to work during the night?


  1. Would you like to be a night worker? Why?


II. Writing (30 Ms) A. Grammar (12 Ms)A) Choose the correct answer from a,b,c and d:  (4×2=8 Ms)

17. I look forward to………………. abroad. 

           a) travel                 b) traveling           c) traveled                 d) travels 

18.Prizes………………to great people. 

           a) give                     b) given                  c)are given 

19.It’s a holiday, I ……………visit my grandmother. 



           a) might                 b)won’t                  c) will            

20.I have……………………written my homework. 


d) have
a) already              b) yet                      c) ever        


d) ago
B) Do as shown between brackets:                                  


(2×2=4 Ms) 

  1. My sister is (young) than me.                                            (Correct the form)


  1. We are going to join a tennis club tomorrow.                           (Ask a question)


4(B. Writing (14 Ms)

Plan and write one paragraph (not less than 6 sentences) about “football”. You may use the following guidewords: 

/ popular – all ages – everywhere – TV – stadium – clubs – stars – like / Plan for your writing first      













……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 



Student’s mark 


Planning (graphic organizer/mind mapping)










Exposition of ideas and coherence



Number of sentences









Hand writing






2 marks to be deducted from the total mark for changing the format.



Off point planning/topics receive zero





C. Spelling (4 Marks) Rewrite the underlined words correctly:                           (4×1=4 Ms)

  1. My daughter likes to study chimersty at the university.     ……………………
  2. We use the rekcat to play tennis in the club.                       ……………………
  3. I stayed frotngiht in the hotel.                                           ……………………
  4. The view of the city ispelasant.                                 ……………………

الصف السادس, الملفات التعليمية, انجليزي ف2 سادس, انجليزي الصف السادس, مراجعة نهائية مع امتحان تجريبي انجليزي تاسع ف2 #م. رقية 2021 2022


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