مراجعة نهائية مع امتحان تجريبي انجليزي سابع ف2 #م. رقية 2021 2022 |
مراجعة نهائية مع امتحان تجريبي انجليزي سابع ف2 #م. رقية 2021 2022
معلومات الملف “مراجعة نهائية مع امتحان تجريبي انجليزي سابع ف2 #م. رقية 2021 2022” |
الصف: الصف السابعالفصل: انجليزي الصف السابعالمادة: انجليزي ف2 سابعحجم الملف: 1.47 MB |
(Unit 7)
A) Choose the correct answer from a), b), c) and d
1. …………………….My friends and I celebrated our graduation
a. cheerfully
b. curiously
c. rather
d. neatly
2. Al-Abdali is an area known for its ……………. The farms there are so beautiful.
a. rule
b. cultivation
c. calligraphy
d. chariot
3. Noura is very ……… she lives in a huge house and her family owns four cars.
a. cultural
b. ancient
c. endangered
d. privileged
4. The final exam will …………………… all the units we covered this course.
a. restore
b. preserve
c. include
d. realise
B) Do as shown between brackets
5. I (go) shopping with my friends yesterday. (Correct the verb)
6. Our teacher gave us homework last week. (Change into negative)
7. I was sleeping, when my brother (leave). (Correct the verb)
8. While I (sleep), my mother came home. (Correct the verb)
A) Fill in the spaces with the suitable words from the list
(dig up – hidden –– sow –– runway –– repair)
9. My friend lost her watch. We found it ………………… under the class cabinet.
10. A farmer has to ……………………… the soil before growing the plants.
11. Farmers …………………… the seeds to grow plants.
12. ………………… .I like going to the airport and watching planes land on the
B) Do as shown between brackets
13. She must (reading) her book. (Correct the verb)
14. My sister and I must brush our teeth. (Change into negative)
15. At home, we have to sing the Kuwaiti anthem. (Change into negativ.)
16. My teacher (have) to give us an exam. (Correct the verb)
17. I stayed at home last weekend to study. (Change into negative)
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d
18. In Islam, it’s good to be …………………… and give money to needy people.
a) selfish
b) generous
c) brilliant
d) ambitious
19. I love writing songs, I would like to be a …………………… in the future.
a) biologist
b) composer
c) park ranger
d) zoo keeper
20. …………………… .My brothers likes drawing new characters, he’s so
a) imaginative
b) generous
c) selfish
d) ambitious
21. My sister has an interview, they want her …………… with all of her information.
a) cabinet
b) laundry
c) profile
d) citizen
22. My mother always asks me to ……………….my clothes and toys in my room.
a) organize
b) contribute
c) sweep
d) repair
B) Do as shown between brackets
23. In the library we should speak loudly. (Change into negative)
24. The tortoise moves slowly. (Ask a question)
25. Why don’t you (joins) a club? (Correct the form)
26. Ali had to go to the club last week. (Change into negative)
27. Sara paints pictures (good). (Correct the form)
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d
28. You have to keep your stuff …………………… organized on your desk.
a) neatly
b) impatiently
c) regularly
d) generously
29. The new …………………… of Al-Ostora Magazine is so nice.
a) film
b) quality
c) issue
d) concert
30…………………….. My cousin likes gold accessories but I prefer
a) silver
b) submarine
c) mausoleum
d) profile
31…………………….. If you dream of good future, you should be very
a) selfish
b) ambitious
c) impatient
d) generous
32. …………………….My car stopped working, I think there’s something wrong with its
a) composer
b) seagull
c) engine
d) population
B) Do as shown between brackets
33. No, they didn’t call the firemen. (Ask a question)
34. He didn’t (found) his wallet. (Correct the form)
35. I like visiting the zoo. I see different animals there. (Join using where)
A) Fill in the spaces with the suitable words from the list
windmill – pollution – renewable – gadgets – reduce
36- My mom is going on a diet as she wants to …………………… her weight.
37- There are many time-saving …………………… for housewives.
38- Flowing water is a …………………… source of energy.
39-………………….. . Cars and factories cause too much air .
B) Do as shown between brackets
40. My friend (visit) me this evening. (Correct the verb)
41. I’m going to play tennis, tomorrow. (Ask a question)
42. We are going to have dinner outside. (Change into negative)
43. Raghad watched a new film, last night. (Change into passive)
44. John Green wrote many books. (Change into passive)
45. It’s not time to go home, ………………………? (Add question tag)
A) Do as shown between brackets
46. Our team played well. It didn’t win the match. (Join the sentences)
47. I know you must be tired. I will let you rest. (Join the sentences)
48. They will spend the weekend in Al-Khairan. (Change into negative)
49. Ali (participate) in the next Olympic Games. (Correct the verb)
50. Fajer could be abroad. (Change into negative)
Total Mark (60 Marks)
I. Reading (30 Ms)
A. Vocabulary (14 Ms)
A) Choose the correct word from a), b), c) and d): (4×2=8 Ms)
1. In the past, businessmen in Kuwait used to ………………… spices with India.
a) trade
b) sow
c) create
d) honour
2. When I travelled to London, I had to pack my ………………… very early.
a) coal
b) coast
c) faculty
d) luggage
3. Islam teaches us to be generous to ………………… people; they need help.
a) cultural
b) homeless
c) hidden
d) ambitious
4. My mother asked me to tidy my room ………………… before the guests arrived.
a) rather
b) rarely
c) neatly
d) heavily
B) Fill in the spaces with the suitable word(s) from the list: (4×11⁄2=6 Ms)
reduce – achievement – valley – recall – population
5. Becoming a doctor is a great ………………… so, I have to study hard.
6. The ………………… of China is about 1.3 billion people.
7. My grade in math was very bad. I couldn’t ………………… anything I had studied.
8. We should all try to recycle more to ………………… our waste.
B. Reading Comprehension (16 Ms)
: Read the following text carefully, then answer the questions below There was once a boy whose father one day told him that he is old enough to look after the sheep. Every day he had to take the sheep over the grass fields and watch them s they grazed to become strong sheep with thick wool. The boy was unhappy though. He wanted to run and play, not watch the boring sheep. So, he decided to have some fun instead. He cried ‘Wolf! Wolf!’ until all the village came running with stones to scare away the wolf before it could eat any of the sheep. Once they saw that there was no wolf, they left angrily saying the boy was wasting their time and making fun of them. The next day, the boy again cried ‘Wolf! Wolf!’ and the villagers again rushed to chase the wolf away. As the boy laughed at the fright he had caused, the villagers left, some angrier than others. The third day, as the boy went up a small hill, he suddenly saw a wolf attacking his sheep. He cried as hard as he could, ‘Wolf! Wolf! Wolf!’, but the villagers thought he was trying to fool them again and did not come to rescue the sheep. The little boy lost three sheep that day, all because he cried wolf too many times. |
A) Choose the correct answer from a), b), c) and d): (6×2=12 Ms)
9. The best title of the passage can be
a) The village
b) The bad trick
c) A funny wolf
d) Father and son
10. The underlined word “cried” in line 5 means
a) screamed
b) laughed
c) chased
d) attacked
11. The underlined pronoun “them” in line 12 refers to the
a) sheep
b) stones
c) villagers
d) fields
12. The writer’s purpose of writing this passage is to
a) chase a wolf away
b) have fun and play
c) cry wolf many times
d) teach us to tell the truth
13. If the boy didn’t make fun of the villagers, they would
a) help him save the sheep
b) laugh loudly at him
c) look after his sheep
d) run and play with him
14. All of these statements are TRUE except
a) The boy wanted to play
b) The villagers were angry
c) The father cried ‘Wolf
d) The wolf ate three sheep
B) Answer the following questions: (2×2=4 Ms)
15. ? Why was the boy unhappy about looking after the sheep
16. What do you learn from that story.
II. Writing (30 Ms)
A. Grammar (11 Ms)
A) Choose the correct answer from a,b,c,and d: (4×2=8 Ms)
17. Before you have an exam, you…………..study hard.
a) must
b) mustn’t
c) can’t
d) won’t
18-You have school tomorrow, you………….stay up late.
a) should
b) shouldn’t
c) haveto
d) has to
19- My grandfather’s house is ……………..360 mall.
d) infront of
20-If you eat healthy food, you…………… get the energy you need.
a) will
c) won’t
B) Do as shown between brackets: (2×11⁄2=3 Ms)
18. My sisters (play) a game when I entered the room. (Correct the verb)
19. We learned French today. (Change into passive)
B. Writing (15 Ms)
Plan and write an article of two paragraphs (not less than 10 sentences) about “renewable and non-renewable energy”. These guide words may help you
/ reuse – solar energy – limited – stop – oil – important – coal – pollution /
Total | Student’s mark | Mark | Rubrics |
1 | Planning ( graphic organizer/ mind mapping) | ||
8 | Exposition of ideas and coherence | ||
2 | Paragraphing and number of sentences | ||
1 | Grammar | ||
1 | Spelling | ||
1 | Handwriting and punctuation | ||
1 | 2 marks to be deducted from the total mark for changing the format. | ||
15 | Off point planning / topics receive zero. |
C. Spelling (4 Marks)
Rewrite the underlined words correctly: (4×1=4 Ms)
20. …………………… The anceint pyramids are located in Egypt.
21. …………………… My iPhone crashed down so I had to repiar it
22. ……………………It was dark, so I walked cautoiusly back home.
23. …………………… A hurircane causes a lot of damage to buildings.
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