مذكرة مواضيع تعبير انجليزي عاشر ف2 #أ. محمد سيد 2021-2022 |
هل أنت مستعد لرحلة ممتعة في عالم التعبير باللغة الإنجليزية؟ هذه المذكرة الرائعة ستساعدك على كتابة مواضيع تعبير مميزة وسهلة الفهم، خاصة بمنهج الكويت للصف العاشر الفصل الدراسي الثاني.
هذه المذكرة مصممة خصيصاً لتناسب مستوى طلاب الصف العاشر في الكويت. تحتوي على مجموعة متنوعة من المواضيع الهامة التي تساعدك على التدرب وكتابة تعبير إنجليزي قوي.
لكتابة تعبير إنجليزي رائع، تذكر دائماً أن:
إذا كنت تبحث عن المزيد من الموارد التعليمية للصف العاشر، يمكنك الاطلاع على هذه المقالات:
شرح قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية للصف العاشر
مراجعة نهائية لمادة اللغة الإنجليزية للصف العاشر
تمارين تفاعلية في اللغة الإنجليزية للصف العاشر
نتمنى لكم التوفيق والنجاح في دراستكم!
المصدر: تم تجميع هذه المادة التعليمية بالاعتماد على مناهج وزارة التربية في دولة الكويت والخبرة التعليمية للمدرسين المتخصصين.
مذكرة مواضيع تعبير انجليزي عاشر ف2 #أ. محمد سيد 2021-2022
معلومات الملف “مذكرة مواضيع تعبير انجليزي عاشر ف2 #أ. محمد سيد 2021-2022” |
الصف: الصف العاشرالفصل: انجليزي الصف العاشرالمادة: انجليزي ف2 عاشرحجم الملف: 1.45 MB |
مذكرة مواضيع تعبير انجليزي عاشر ف2 #أ. محمد سيد 2021-2022
Renewable Energy Persuasive
Introductory sentence: The global need for energy is currently on the increase.
Supporting details : – governments invest in alternative sources of energy
– serious impact of global warming.
– renewable energy is clean and saves money
Concluding sentence:
In short, governments should support the use of renewable energy sources.
The global need for energy is currently on the increase. I strongly believe that
governments should invest in alternative sources of energy for environmental and
economic reasons. We are now aware of the serious impact of global warming.
Therefore, developing renewable sources is a must. Renewable sources of energy are
clean, and they save money. In short, to get all these benefits, governments should
invest in renewable energy sources.
Renewable Energy Expository
Introductory sentence: There are two main sources of energy: renewable and
finite sources.
Supporting details : – disadvantages of the finite sources- pollution, high cost
– advantages of renewable sources of energy
– clean and they save money
– infinite – clean – save money
Concluding sentence:
In short, I believe that to save energy is to save life as we know it.
Renewable Energy
There are two main sources of energy: renewable and finite sources. There are many
disadvantages of the finite sources of energy like pollution, high cost and being finite.
On the other hand, renewable sources of energy have many advantages. They are
infinite, clean and they save money over time. We can save energy by turning off the
lights and A/C when not in use. In short, I believe that to save energy is to save life as
we know it.
Introductory sentence: It is quite clear that technology has changed our lives
Supporting details : – made negative changes in our life
– inactive lifestyle/ health problems
– relationships have seriously been affected
Concluding sentence:
In short, we need to use technology wisely to avoid its negative effects.
It is quite clear that technology has changed our lives greatly. Modern
technology has made life easier, but I strongly believe that it has also made
negative changes in our life. Technology has changed our life into an inactive
lifestyle that caused health problems. Moreover, there are also social issues related
to technology. Our relationships have seriously been affected. In short, we need to
use technology wisely to avoid its negative effects.
Expository science and Technology
Introductory sentence: Technology and science are progressing rapidly.
Supporting details :
– advantages of modern technology
– easier, more comfortable life
– disadvantages of technology
– make us unfit – lazy
Concluding sentence:
In short, science and technology should be used wisely.
Technology and science
Technology and science are progressing rapidly nowadays. They made our life
easier and more comfortable. We have better means of communication such as
mobile phones and the Internet. Soon, we may have flying cars, cure-all medicine
and advanced health care. However, there are also disadvantages of technology
such as making us lazy and unfit. In short, science and technology should be used
Money brings happiness Persuasive
Introductory sentence: Can money bring happiness?
Supporting details:
– money is vital in bringing happiness.
– money can fulfill our desires and basic needs
– when it is donated
Concluding sentence: In short, I personally believe that money gives lots of
benefit to money is a vital factor in bringing happiness.
Money brings happiness لاملا
Can money bring happiness? Some people believe that money is vital in
bringing happiness. Others think happiness is not associated with money. I
personally believe that money plays a vital role in bringing happiness. Firstly,
money can fulfill our desires and basic needs or when it is donated. In short, I
personally believe that money gives lots of benefit to money is a vital factor in
bringing happiness.
Money Mixed Blessing Expository
Introductory sentence: Money is very important to most people in our world.
Supporting details:
– Why people need money
– food – clothes – home
– negative use of money
– corrupting – lead to greed – committing crimes
Concluding sentence: In short, money makes the world go around.
Money Mixed Blessing لاملا) Expository يریسفت(
Money is very important to most people in our world. Most people need to work
hard because they need to pay for food, clothes and a home to live in. In the past,
people didn’t have money, so they used to barter things. It. is believed that money
may sometimes be corrupting and leads to greed. Some people may commit crimes
to get money. In short, it’s truly said that money makes the world go around.
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