مذكرة قواعد انجليزي عاشر ف2 #أ. محمد السيد 2021 2022

مذكرة قواعد انجليزي عاشر ف2 #أ. محمد السيد 2021 2022

مذكرة قواعد انجليزي عاشر ف2 #أ. محمد السيد 2021 2022


معلومات الملف “مذكرة قواعد انجليزي عاشر ف2 #أ. محمد السيد 2021 2022”
الصف: الصف العاشر
الفصل: انجليزي الصف العاشر
المادة: انجليزي ف2 عاشر
حجم الملف: 4.48 MB


مذكرة قواعد انجليزي عاشر ف2 #أ. محمد السيد 2021 2022

Do as required between brackets:

 1- “Where will you spend your summer vacation?”
a- My cousin asked me where I spent my summer vacation.
 b- My cousin asked me where I would spend my summer vacation.
 C- My cousin asked me where I had spent my summer vacation.

2- “Are you doing research on Coronavirus?
a- The journalist asked the experts if they had been doing research on Coronavirus
 b- The journalist asked the experts if they had done research on Coronavirus.
 C- The journalist asked the experts if they were doing research on Coronavirus.

3- ” Where did you go yesterday?”
a- My friend wanted to know where I go the day before.
 b- My friend wanted to know where I would go the day before.
 C- My friend wanted to know where I had gone the day before.

4- “We will test the new vaccine next month.’
a- They said they would test the new vaccine the following month.
 b- They said they tested the new vaccine the following month.
 C- They said they had tested the new vaccine the following month.

5- The doctor said to me, “Don’t eat too much fast food.’
a- The doctor advised me don’t eat too much fast food.
 b- The doctor advised me not to eat too much fast food.
 C- The doctor advised me not to don’t eat too much fast food.

6- “I slept only for two hours last night.”, He said.

He said …………………………………… (Complete)
a- he was sleeping only for two hours last night.
 b- he had slept only for two hours the previous night.
 C- he has slept only for two hours yesterday.

الأفعال المركبة Phrasal Verbs -1

1-يذهب ب to go by: all means of transport

 2-يركب / يمتطي to ride: bicycle, motorbike.

 3-يسافر على متن / ظهر to travel on: train, bus, plane, boat  

 4-يلحق ب to catch: train, bus, plane, taxi 

 5 -ينزل من على to get on / off: train, motorbike, bus, plane, boat cake in 

 6-يركب داخل  to get into / get out of: boat, car, taxi 

7 -يقود to drive: bus, taxi, train, car 

 8 -يفوته / لا يلحق to miss: train, plane, bus, boat 

2-Adverbs of manner

– Choose the most suitable answer from a, b, c and d:

 1- She planned their trip to Greece very ………….. She wanted to enjoy her holiday.
a- carefully b- careful – more careful d-most careful

 2- Jim painted the kitchen very ………….. It would’ve been better if we hired
 a painter. a-bad b- badly – more bad d-most bad

 3- She gave me a ………………… look. She must’ve mistaken me for someone else.
 a- carefully b-careful C- more careful d-most careful

4- She speaks very …… … … … … . I can’t hear her well.
 a- most quiet b-more quiet c- quietly d- quiet

3.إعتاد على فعل شيء في الماضي لكنه توقف في الحاضر Used to Used to + infinitive 
! 1-The construction used to describes a past action.
He used to travel everywhere by taxi

. 2- Negative: She didn’t use to play the piano very well.
 3- Question: Did you use to wear glasses?

Choose the correct answer from (a, b, c or d):

1- When I was a child I………………. go swimming in the lake.
 a- used to b- use to C- am used to d-was used to

2- In the army, I ……. …………… at six every morning.
a- get up b- used to get up c-am used to getting up d – getting up

 3- People …………. be aware of the benefits of technology in the past, but now they are.
a) didn’t use to b) are used to c) used to d) use to

4- Our grand ancestors .…………………………. cook their food at home in the past.
a) use to b) are using to c) are used to d) used to

5- I think people used to ……………………. their time listening to the radio.
a) spend b) spent c) spending d) have spent

Do as shown between brackets:

1. I want to put a swimming pool in the yard, but it ……………………….. on soft ground. (Passive)
a) has built b) is building c) has to be built

2- I think my car has a problem with the engine. It …… easily by my father, so I won’t go to the garage.         (Passive voice)
a) could repair b) could be repaired c) repaired

3- The report must be organized. It …….. on a laptop; that’s better than handwriting. (Passive voice)
a) should type b) should be typed c) types

4- If your kitten is two months old, she .………. her necessary vaccinations. (Passive voice)
a) may give b) gave c) may be given

 5- The job interview was too easy. He ……. some more difficult questions by the manager. (Passive voice)
a) should have been asked b) should ask c) is asked

6- I think my favorite movie is coming out next year. It …………….. in the summer! (Passive voice)
a) could release b) could be released c) releases

– Choose either make or take:

1- This machine is (took-made) in France.

 2- I can’t take- make all these bags in one hand.

 3- How much do you (take – make) a week?

 4- (Take – Make) this pill and you will be fine.

 5- He (made-took) the money and ran away.

 6- They (made-took) a taxi and went to the airport.

 7- We will not (make- take) the conference call next Sunday.

 8- The boss (made-took) me do the job in the weekend.

 الصف العاشر, الملفات التعليمية, انجليزي ف2 عاشر, انجليزي الصف العاشر, مذكرة قواعد انجليزي عاشر ف2 #أ. محمد السيد 2021 2022

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