مذكرة انجليزي خامس ف2 #م. عين جالوت 2021 2022

مذكرة انجليزي خامس ف2 #م. عين جالوت 2021 2022

مذكرة انجليزي خامس ف2 #م. عين جالوت 2021 2022

معلومات الملف “مذكرة انجليزي خامس ف2 #م. عين جالوت 2021 2022”
الصف: الصف الخامس
الفصل: انجليزي الصف الخامس
المادة: انجليزي ف2 خامس
حجم الملف: 19.39 MB


مذكرة انجليزي خامس ف2 #م. عين جالوت 2021 2022


Choose the correct answer from (a, b, c and d):

1- I am very —————— about the holiday. I will travel to Canada.
a- excited b- wealthy c- aboard d- travel

2- I take my —————— to stamp it at the airport.
a- departure lounge b- flight c- passport d- leaflet

3- Let’s ——————- our bags at the front desk at the airport.
a- fasten b- wish c- depart d- check in

4- All ——————- should not smoke inside the airplane.
a- attendant b- passengers c- continent d- wild life

Reading Comprehension

Read the following passage and answer the questions below:
Huda is a doctor . She works in a big hospital in Hawally .She likes her job
very much . She lives with her family . They have a big house in Qortouba.
Last weekend , Huda travelled to Lebanon .She went there by plane . She
stayed in a hotel for three weeks. On the second week , She went to Beirut
by car . There was some strong winds and rain . She couldn’t see anything .
She had to stop her car and wait .It was very cold .When the rain stopped ,
Huda drove her car back to the hotel . She was so tired. She went back to
Kuwait sick and tired.
Choose the correct answer from (a, b, c and d):
1- The best title for the passage is:
a- A good doctor c- Qortouba area
b- Huda’s trip d- Weather in Lebanon
2- The opposite of the word (strong) in line 5 is:
a- weak c- cold
b- thin d- fast
3- The word (They) in line 2 refers to:
a- Huda c- The family
b- Hawally d- Lebanese people
4- Huda went to Lebanon by:
a- plane c- train
b- car d- walking
Choose the correct answer from (a, b, c and d)
5- Where does Huda work?
6- How was the weather in Lebanon?

Choose the correct answer from (a, b and c):

1- She —————— just played with her toys.
a- has b- have c- is

2- ————— May 2020 I went to Dubai.
a- At b- In c- On

3- Last year, we —————- Danah a happy birthday.
a- wishes b- wish c- wished

4- I take a shower ——————– bedtime every night.
a- at b- in c- on


A) Write an email to your friend of 4 sentences about (Going
travel – United States – stay – hotel – see – touristic

places – visit – Disney Land

B)- Spelling: Fill in the spaces with the missing words:

Every summer I travel to Turkey. We —————— at the
travel agency. Then we wait for the plane at the ——————————

. We collect our bags from the ————————-


Choose the correct word:

-The needle of the ………………………points to the south .
a) treasure b) invention c) compass d) east
– Amal should………………………the instructions.
a) follow b) fasten c) wish d) navigate
– Fahad answered ………………………………………all the questions.
a) correctly. b) equally. c) aboard. d) joyfully
– Mona likes cake ………………………with vanilla and strawberry.
a) excited b) traditional. c) flavoured d) spicy


Choose the correct word:

1-Last night, I ( go – went – going ) out with my
friends .

2-Amal ( decide – decided – deciding ) to go to an
Italian restaurant yesterday.

3- Abdullah AlSalem Cultural Center is located

( in – on – at ) the east of Kuwait City.


When Mona was fourteen years old, her aunt Ameenah gave her a beautiful
necklace . It was her birthday present .Mona was so happy and thanked her
aunt.After a week she was cooking in the Kitchen with her sister. They were
cooking fish and rice, after cooking she found that she had lost her golden
necklace. She looked for it everywhere in the house, but she couldn’t find it.
She became very disappointed. Her younger brother Sami came back home.
He was so hungry.He asked his mother to prepare the lunch. While he was
eating fish, he found the necklace in his mouth. He said to Mona , ” Who
made this nice fish?”. She said “I made it with our sister” He smiled and said
”Did you cook fish with a gold necklace ?”.
Choose the correct word from a, b, c and d:
-1-The Best title for this passage could be:
a) A Gold Fish b) A Gold necklace Story
c) Monas’ Birthday d) A Hungry Boy
2- The meaning of the word “disappointed” in line 6 is:
a) very happy b) very excited
c) very sad d) very amazed
3- The underlined word “she” in line 5 refers to…………………..
a) mother b) Mona
c) Ameenah d) Monas’ sister
4- Sami ate ………………………………………..for lunch.
a) fish and rice b) chicken and rice
c) meat and rice d) vegetables and rice
Answer the following questions: :-
1- How old was Mona in the story?
2- Why did Mona feel disappointed when she lost the ring?


Fill in the graphic organizer, then use it to write a paragraph of 5 sentences
about” Kuwait “

Choose the correct answer from (a,b,c, or d) :

1- If you eat lots of sweets, you will get a ………………………………
a) function b) illness c) fillings d)

2- I went to the supermarket ………………………………. last week.
a) gently b) twice c) bravely d)

3- The god is ………………………. the bone .
a) bitting b) grinding c) tearing d)

4- Monkeys are ………………………….. animals .
a) pleasant b) narrow c) intelligent d)

Choose the correct answer from (a,b,c, or d) :

1- If she eats too much sweets, she …………………… bad teeth.
a) have b) has c) is d) will

2- My teeth ………………………….
a) are healthy b) health c) healthy d) is

3- If i walk everyday, l …………………………. fit and healthy.
a) is b) will be c) be.
d) am

4- You should talk to your friends ………………………………. .
a) are gently b) gentle c) gently d) is

Ministry OfEducation Second term


Write a paragraph of 4 sentences about ( senses organs ) :

( five – hearing – touching – usually – together – help – world )



Read the following passage then Answer the questions below:

Dr. Saleh AL Ojairi was born in 1920. He is unique
Kuwaiti Astronomer who loved to learn about the stars. When he was
four years old, his father sent him to school to learn reading, Quran,
and Math.then he sent him to the desert to learn horse-riding,

shooting and other skills. When he was 18 years old, the book “ Al-
Manaheg Al-Hamedia “ by the Egyptian writer Ghaith Abdul Hameed,

changed his life. He met the writer and asked him many questions.
Then he finished his University studies in Egypt. His love for nature
like rains, winds, lightning, and darkness pushed him to learn more
about astronomy. He wrote many books and diaries and got many
Choose the correct answer from a,b,c or d
1- The best title for the passage is 
a) A Kuwaiti Baker b) Life in The Desert
c) A Kuwaiti Astronomer d) A Visit to Egypt
2- The underlined word unique in line (1) means 
a) one of a kind b) clear
c) young c) pleasant
3- The underlined word he in line (7) refers to
a) Saleh Al Ojairi’s father b) Saleh Al Ojairi
c) The Egyptian writer d) Ghaith Abdul Hameed
Answer the question 
1-  ? where did he finish his University Studies
2-  ? Who sent him to school 






الصف الخامس, الملفات التعليمية, انجليزي ف2 خامس, انجليزي الصف الخامس, مذكرة انجليزي خامس ف2 #م. عين جالوت 2021 2022

aymen m3toub

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