مذكرة انجليزي للصف العاشر ف2 ثانوية صفية بنت عبدالمطلب

مذكرة انجليزي للصف العاشر ف2 ثانوية صفية بنت عبدالمطلب

مذكرة انجليزي للصف العاشر ف2 ثانوية صفية بنت عبدالمطلب

معلومات الملف “مذكرة انجليزي للصف العاشر ف2 ثانوية صفية بنت عبدالمطلب”
الصف: الصف العاشر
الفصل: انجليزي الصف العاشر
المادة: انجليزي ف2 عاشر
حجم الملف: 3.57 MB


مذكرة لغة انجليزية للصف العاشر ف2 ثانوية صفية بنت عبد المطلب : نقدم لكم اعزائي الطلاب مجموعة كبيرة من الاسئلة والتدريبات لكتاب الطالب من منهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف العاشر الفصل الدراسي الثاني وتم اعداد هذا الملف ليساعد الطلبة في التحضير لبنود الامتحان الاخير ومساعدتهم في دراستهم 

مذكرة لغة انجليزية الصف العاشر ف2 ثانوية صفية بنت عبد المطلب : بإمكانكم تحميل هذا الملف على شكل ملف بي دي اف جاهز للتشغيل على اي جهاز لوحي او الكتروني او كمبيوتر كما يمكنكم تصفح الملف فقط من خلال هذه الصفحة من الموقع مباشرة 

Reading Comprehension Summary making & Translation

The good old days

Read the passage and then answer the questions below

Life before electricity was hard. After the sun went down in the evening it was dark. In the streets there were gas lamps but in people’s home there were no electric lights

so everyone used oil lamps, candles and firelight. In general, they went to bed earlier and got up as soon as the sun came up and they could see everything again

In many homes there was no running water for cooking, drinking or washing. In towns there were pumps, but in the country people had to carry water from wells or streams. Because there were no machines, people had to do everything by hand. This meant that household jobs all took longer. Washing clothes, especially took a lot of time and energy

Home entertainment was also different from today: they were no television to watch, no personal stereos , CD players or radios to listen to the news or your favourite music, and of course, no computer games or Internet. Families made their own entertainment: playing board games, chatting to each other and making their own music

For dairy farmers, there were no fridges to keep their milk, cheese and butter fresh. This meant that they could not make much money because they had to sell their products soon after they were made. Some people, however, still call these times the good old days

Reading Ponsion ,Summary Making ,& Translation Practice

Invisible Power

Read the passage and answer the questions below

For several years, countries around the world have been looking for new energy sources to replace fossil fuels. The country which makes the most use of solar power is Japan, and Holland uses more wind power than any other country. Now Britain, with its long coastline, is trying to lead the world in wave power technology

Experts say that in the future, the sea, with its wave and tide energy, could provide enough power for the whole planet. Twenty wave farms could supply electricity to a city with the size of Edinburgh, with its population of 450,000

Scientists are also constantly working to improve solar power technology. Although initially expensive, solar panels fitted to the roofs of houses can greatly reduce the bills households have to pay throughout the years, as the houses can take energy directly from the sun to power household appliances. As technology improves more and more things will start running from solar power

Scientists are working on the “Wave Hub ” this is a testing device, which will be located in the sea 15 km from the south-west coast of Britain and will cover 20 square kilometers. It will produce 30-40 megawatts of electricity every year

One of the greatest advantages of wave farms is that they will be invisible, unlike wind farms, which are very un popular with some people who say they ” spoil the countryside”. However, there are some disadvantages to wave machines: the machines are just below the surface of the sea and so could be a danger to ships. In addition to this, some people think wave farms may put tourists off and could be a danger to fish. Also


طريقة تنزيل مذكرة لغة انجليزية الصف العاشر ف2

بعد تصفحك للملف اعلى المقال يجب ان تقوم بتنزيله على جهازك من خلال ملف اعلى المقال يجب ان تقوم بتنزيله على جهازك من خلال خطوات بسيطة هي:

  • الضغط على زر التحميل الموجود اول المقال.
  • الانتظار والتمهل حتى ينتهي العداد التلقائي.
  • اضغط على زر التنزيل.
  • شغل الملف على جهازك ببرنامج وتطبيق قراءة بي دي اف.
  • اترك لنا تعليق تحفيزي.
  • شارك المقال بين اصدقائك.


تابعنا على صفحات التواصل الاجتماعي لموقع مدرستي 

صفحة مدرستي على الفيس بوك ( اضغط هنا )

قناة مدرستي على التليجرام ( اضغط هنا )

شارك الملف

الصف العاشر, الملفات التعليمية, انجليزي ف2 عاشر, انجليزي الصف العاشر, مذكرة انجليزي للصف العاشر ف2 ثانوية ناصر عبد المحسن

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