مذكرة انجليزي تاسع ف2 #أ. إسلام طاجن 2021 2022

مذكرة انجليزي تاسع ف2 #أ. إسلام طاجن 2021 2022

مذكرة انجليزي تاسع ف2 #أ. إسلام طاجن 2021 2022

معلومات الملف “مذكرة انجليزي تاسع ف2 #أ. إسلام طاجن 2021 2022”
الصف: الصف التاسع
الفصل: انجليزي الصف التاسع
المادة: انجليزي ف2 تاسع
حجم الملف: 1.02 MB


مذكرة انجليزي تاسع ف2 #أ. إسلام طاجن 2021 2022

A) Choose the correct word from a, b, c and d:

1- My children like buying chocolate ice cream from a/an ……………. … on the beach.
 a) quality b) anxiety c) vendor d) depression

 2- Having healthy food and drinks daily can make your
system strong a) immune b) quality c) depression d) confusion

 3- She suffered from …….. after failing in the final match and losing the gold medal.
 a) vendor b) quality c) immune d) depression

 4- If the drought continues, death cases will occur on a ………. scale.
a) spiritual b) massive c) material d) regret

 5- Islam was inspired by the teachings of the ………. ………….. prophet Muhammad.
 a) spiritual b) material c) massive d) quality

 6- Children normally feel a lot of ……… ………… about their first day at school
a) vendor b) anxiety c) quality d) immune

 7- The spelling of some English words often causes …………………… for some learners.
 a) quality b) vendor c) confusion d) depression

 8- My uncle lives a spiritual life. That’s why the ……………… world doesn’t interest him.
 a) massive b) material c) spiritual d) regret

9- Japanese products are well-known by their …………………. but they are expensive.
a) regret b) immune c) depression d) quality

10- Recently, she’s been working as a street …………………. selling fruit and vegetables.
 a) anxiety b) quality c) regret d) vendor

 11- The fear of unemployment can be a source of deep ………………………. to people.
 a) quality b) anxiety c) immune d) vendor

12- Spiritual people aren’t concerned with the ……………………. world.
 a) material b) massive c) spiritual d) confusion

 13- Eating healthy food improves our children’s ……….. …….. system
 a) depression b) anxiety c) immune d) vendor

 14- It is wise to avoid doing things that you may ……………………. one day.
 a) regret b) confusion c) depression d) quality

massive / vendor / regret / depression / quality

 15-……….. To get the desired taste and colour, you have to use ingredients of high 
16- Whatever happens, you should never let feelings of ……………………. overwhelm you.
17- The manager expressed deep ………… for the number of staff reductions due to Covid-19.
18- The new system is capable of storing………. amounts of information.

quality / confusion / depression /vendor/ material

19- To avoid …………………….., the teams wore different colours.
20-………… Tiredness, loss of appetite and sleeping problems are all symptoms of 
21- My uncle has worked for a long time as a street …………………… selling newspapers.
22- My phone was broken because of the low ……………………. of production.

Choose the correct answer:

 4- After I ……………my work, I walked home.
 a) have finished b) had finished c) finish d) has finished

 5- After we ………………………home, I discovered that I forgot to buy a gift for my mother.
 a) will return b) has returned c) return d) had returned

 6- As soon as my father had entered the house, we ……………….. lunch to eat.
 a) prepare b) prepared c) preparing d) had prepared

 7- I …… …………..great after I had passed the exam.
 a) feel b) felt c) had felt d) feeling

 8- It started to rain after we ………..to the station.
 a) arrive b) arrived c) had arrived d) has arrived

 9- Ali couldn’t open the door because he ……. ………his keys.
 a) had lost b) lose c) loses d) lost

 10- When I ………………………., my kids had finished their meal.
 a) arrive b) arrived c) had arrived d) arrives 

11- I had been in New York for six years before I ……to the job.
 a) apply b) applied c) applying d) had applied

 12-By the time we arrived home, we ……… …………our grandma.
 a) visit b) had visited c) visited d) visits

13- they went to the cinema, I had bought the tickets online………………..
a) Before b) Because c) As soon as d) After

 14- he had travelled to USA, he mastered speaking English………………..
 a) Before b) When c) After d ) By the time

 15- we had celebrated a birthday party, we went home directly……… …………….
 a) After b) Before c) By the time d) When

 16- They visited the zoo ………………….the children had asked to see wild animals.
 a) When b) By the time c) Before d) Because DO

Do as Shown between the brackets:

17- The student felt great after he (pass) the final exam.     (Correct the verb)


18- After they (play) football, they went home. (Correct the verb)


……………………….. 19- She (see) incredible places because she had travelled to Thailand. (Correct)


20- As soon as he arrive) the town, we were happy to meet him.   (Correct the verb)


21- I paid them the money because they (deliver) me the order. (correct the verb)


22- He visited the zoo because my sister (recommend) it. (Correct the verb)


23- By the time my father entered the house, we (study) our new lessons. Correct the verb)


24- He ate his lunch. his mother had prepared some sweets. (Use: Before)


Do as shown between the brackets:

 42- If they had planted more trees, the city air …………….. so polluted.
 a) will not be b) will be c) would be d) wouldn’t have been

 43- If she …………….. to the doctor, she wouldn’t have been in so much pain now.
 a) go b) goes c) had gone d) went

 44- If I had been more careful, I …………….. down the stairs.
a) wouldn’t fall b) won’t fall c) wouldn’t have fallen d) would fall

 45- He ……………… the first place in the Olympics if he had trained hard.
a) will win b) would win c) wins d) would have won

 46- If you …………….. the bus, you would have been on time.
 a) catch b) catches c) had caught d) caught

47- If I had seen her in my friend’s wedding, I (ask) about her mother. (Correct the verb)


48- If you hadn’t come at 7:00 o’clock, I (leave). (Correct the verb)


49- He (learn about other cultures if he had read more books. (Correct the verb)


50-If the man (be) careful, the manager wouldn’t have fired him. (Correct the verb)


الصف التاسع, الملفات التعليمية, انجليزي ف2 تاسع, انجليزي الصف التاسع, مذكرة انجليزي تاسع ف2 #أ. إسلام طاجن 2021 2022

aymen m3toub

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