مذكرة انجليزي تاسع ف1 #للمتميزين ٢٠٢١ ٢٠٢٢ |
هل أنت مستعد للتألق في مادة اللغة الإنجليزية؟ هذه المذكرة هي مفتاحك للنجاح في الصف التاسع الفصل الأول في الكويت! تم تصميمها خصيصًا لمساعدة الطلاب على فهم المنهج بسهولة وتحقيق أعلى الدرجات. هيا بنا ننطلق في رحلة تعلم ممتعة!
هذه المذكرة ليست مجرد ملخص للمنهج، بل هي دليل شامل يرافقك خطوة بخطوة نحو التفوق. إليك بعض الأسباب التي تجعلها فريدة:
المذكرة تغطي جميع جوانب منهج اللغة الإنجليزية للصف التاسع الفصل الأول، وتشمل:
لمساعدتك في رحلتك التعليمية، يمكنك الاطلاع على مذكرات الصف الثامن ومراجعات اللغة العربية للحصول على دعم إضافي.
لا تضيع الوقت، ابدأ الآن في استخدام هذه المذكرة القيمة وحقق أفضل النتائج في مادة اللغة الإنجليزية. التحميل مجاني وسريع!
يمكنك تصفح المذكرة مباشرة هنا:
لمزيد من المعلومات حول المناهج الدراسية في الكويت، يمكنك زيارة موقع وزارة التربية الكويتية.
نتمنى لك التوفيق والنجاح في دراستك!
مذكرة انجليزي تاسع ف1 #للمتميزين ٢٠٢١ ٢٠٢٢
معلومات الملف “مذكرة انجليزي تاسع ف1 #للمتميزين ٢٠٢١ ٢٠٢٢” |
الصف: الصف التاسعالفصل: انجليزي الصف التاسعالمادة: انجليزي ف1 تاسعحجم الملف: 567 KB |
مذكرة انجليزي تاسع ف1 #للمتميزين ٢٠٢١ ٢٠٢٢ نقدمها بشكل جميل ومبسط وبشرح كافي بدون استطراد، يضمن للمتعلم سهولة الفهم ووصول الفكرة للمتلقي بدون عناء ، حيث سيكون السؤال بالخط الثخين، أما الجواب فيسكون بالخط الرفيع، متمنين لكم دوام النجاح و التوفيق .
A) – Choose the correct answers from a, b, c and d:
1. The Earth is always in ………………….. motion as it spins on its axis once every 24 hours. a) constant b) cracked c) toxic d) ethnic
2. All kinds of spiders …………………. flies and other small insects to survive. a) prey on b) embark on c) appeal to d) consist of
3. On their wedding anniversary, my parents will ………..…….. a trip around the world. a) prey on b) embark on c) appeal to d) consist of
4. Felicity Aston was the leader and the organizer of the North Pole …………………. in 2018. a) expedition b) literature c) reputation d) influence
5. Polar bears living at the North Pole are known to ………………..human beings and seals. a) embark on b) depend on c) prey on d) appeal to
6. After graduation, my elder brother is …………….….. a suitable job that appeals to him. a) regarding b) accompanying c) documenting d) seeking
7. The British ………………………. to Mount Everest is leaving next month. a) expedition b) reputation c) habitat d) wilderness
8. Sharing happiness and sadness promotes the strong ………………. among family members. a) bond b) wilderness c) expedition d) quest
9. Children under 14 must be ……………….………. by an adult.
a) documented b) accompanied c) sought d) regarded
10. Wild animals like lions, giraffes, elephants and zebras live in the …………………. a) expedition b) reputation c) habitat d) wilderness
11. NASA has recently revealed that a/an …………………will be sent to Mars next month. a) quest b) expedition c) bond d) wilderness
12. The nurse ……………………..the old lady to the check-up room.
a) accompanied b) documented c) regarded d) sought
13. Lions …………………….. huge herds of wildebeest and zebra.
a) embark on b) appeal to c) depend on d) prey on
14. If you are moving to the city, you will have to adapt with the ……………..….noise there. a) cracked b) significant c) constant d) ethnic
15. Nothing will stop them in their………………………….for truth.
a) bond b) wilderness c) expedition d) quest
16. Rami has been driving around with a/an…………….……. windshield for months. a) cracked b) significant c) constant d) ethnic
17. In societies with strong family……………………… , people tend to live longer. a) bonds b) wilderness c) expeditions d) quests
B) – Fill in the spaces with words from the list:
(quest – cracked – constant – embark on – wilderness – prey on) 1. Astronauts from NASA will ………………….. a space mission to planet Mars next week. 2. The football team will continue its ………………………………. for Olympic gold medals. 3. Newborn babies require ………………..…… care from their parents until they grow up. 4. The glass was ………………………… because a stone hit the window. 5. Lions and tigers in this area ………………………… deer and other wild animals.
(cracked – wilderness – embarked on – quest – seek)
1. She graduated in 1962 and ……………………… a career as a teacher. 2.Young footballers dream of playing in Europe in a …………..………..for fame and wealth. 3. You have …………………….……..lips. I am sure you don’t drink enough water. 4. Believe it or not, large parts of Canada are still ……………………………..
A) – Choose the correct answers from a, b, c and d:
1. Reem never ……………………………. on the school walls.
a) write b) writes c) wrote d) writing
2. Ali always …………………………. his grandparents at the weekend.
a) visiting b) visit c) will visit d) visits
3. We usually ………………….…….. messages to our friends.
a) send b) sends c) sending d) will send
4. My father sometimes ………………..……… me with my homework.
a) help b) helps c) will help d) helping
5. The car always ……………………….. very fast.
a) moved b) moves c) move d) moving
6. Hamad usually ………………..……. to the beach on holidays.
a) goes b) go c) went d) gone
7. We often …………………….. our class.
a) cleans b) cleaning c) clean d) cleaned
8. The sun …………………………… in the east.
a) rise b) rising c) rose d) rises
9. My uncle …………………………. too much TV every day.
a) watches b) watch c) watching d) watched
10. I always ………………………….. my school bag in the evening.
a) packs b) pack c) packed d) packing
11. Hamad ………………………….. his teeth before sleeping yesterday. a) brushes b) brushed c) brush d) brushing
12. Seif ………………………….. the piano last Monday.
a) played b) play c) playing d) plays
13. Aseel ………………………….. a gold medal in 2017.
a) win b) won c) wins d) winning
14. My father ………………………….. e- mails to his friends one hour ago. a) sends b) sent c) send d) sending
15. The car ………………………….. suddenly in Hawally last night.
a) stop b) stops c) has stopped d) stopped
16. Noura ………………………….. to Syria to study engineering a week ago. a) goes b) go c) went d) gone
17. My mother ………………………….. a delicious cake yesterday.
a) makes b) made c) making d) make
18. Manal ………………………….. pizza in a restaurant three days ago. a) ate b) eat c) eating d) eats
19. I ………………………….. school at 2o’clock yesterday.
a) leave b) have left c) am leaving d) left
20. My mother ………………………….. me a present when I passed the tests. a) gives b) gave c) given d) giving
21. He ………………………….. Dr. Salem in hospital yesterday.
a) saw b) sees c) has seen d) seeing
22. Ali finished homework, watched the match and then ……………………….. to bed. a) go b) is going c) went d) gone
B) – Do as required in brackets:
1. My father always………………………. (give) me pocket money at the weekend. (Correct) 2. Dana never ……………………………. (eat) in the classroom. (Correct) 3. We always ……………………………. (watch) TV in the evening. (Correct) 4. Hassan often ……………………………. (go) to the camp with his family. (Correct) 5. The students always……………………………. (listen) to their teachers’ advice. (Correct) 6. Salem sometimes ……………………………. (read) books in the library. (Correct) 7. A scientist always………………………. (do) experiments in the science labs. (Correct) 8. Sharks……………………………. (live) in seas and oceans. (Correct) 9. Sara often……………………………. (buy) her clothes by herself. (Correct) 10. Rami usually …………………………. (wake up) in the morning at 6 o’ clock. (Correct) 11. Lions and tigers……………………………. (eat) other animals. (Correct) 12. Omar always……………………………. (wash) his hands before eating. (Correct) 13. Dinosaurs ……………………………. (live) on earth in the past. (Correct) 14. Kuwaitis ……………………………. (use) to live in mud houses in the past. (Correct) 15. Ibrahim …………….…… (answer) all the questions in the exam last Sunday. (Correct) 16. I ……………………………. (learn) how to drive a car in 2017. (Correct) 17. Hamad …………………………. (lose) his laptop in the mall three hours ago. (Correct) 18. Mr. Smith ……………………………. (buy) a new villa in Liverpool in 2018. (Correct) 19. My sister……………………………. (have) a stomachache last night. (Correct) 20. My little brother ……………………………. (break) my camera yesterday. (Correct) 21. Ali………………………. (find) an ancient coin on the beach last Monday. (Correct) 22. Sara wears a new dress for the wedding party.
a) ……………………………………………………………………………… (Ask a question) b) ……………………………………………………………………………… (Make negative)
23. Khalid went to hospital because he was ill.
a) ……………………………………………………………………………… (Ask a question) b) ……………………………………………………………………………… (Make negative)
24. Aseel has three brothers.
a) ……………………………………………………………………………… (Ask a question) b) ……………………………………………………………………………… (Make negative)
25. Badr gets up at 6 o’clock every day.
a) ……………………………………………………………………………… (Ask a question) b) ……………………………………………………………………………… (Make negative) 26. Sara eats lunch at a restaurant.
a) ……………………………………………………………………………… (Ask a question) b) ……………………………………………………………………………… (Make negative) 27. Divers found treasure on a shipwreck.
a) ……………………………………………………………………………… (Ask a question) b) ……………………………………………………………………………… (Make negative) 28. Youssef saw a car accident on the Arabian Gulf Street yesterday.
a) ……………………………………………………………………………… (Ask a question) b) ……………………………………………………………………………… (Make negative) 29. This car costs 5000 KD.
a) ……………………………………………………………………………… (Ask a question) b) ……………………………………………………………………………… (Make negative)
30. Polar bears prey on seals and fish.
a) ……………………………………………………………………………… (Ask a question) b) ……………………………………………………………………………… (Make negative) 31. Yes, I tidied my room. (Ask a question) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 32. Yes, we got there by taxi. (Ask a question)
33. Yes, Dana brushes her teeth twice a day. (Ask a question) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
34. No, I don’t play video games. (Ask a question) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 35. No, he doesn’t eat kabab. (Ask a question) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 36. No, they didn’t travel abroad. (Ask a question) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
A) – Choose the correct answer(s) from a, b, c and d:
1. His skill at computer programming gave him a good…………………………as an expert. a) reputation b) literature c) association d) expedition
2. Lionel Messi is……………………………..as the best footballer in history. a) accompanied b) sought c) regarded d) emitted
3. The center offers a …………………………….…….of leisure activities. a) popularity b) influence c) quest d) variety
4. She had cared for her father ………………………. until his death.
a) essentially b) devotedly c) regardless d) obviously
5. Charles Dickens is one of the best-known Victorian ………………….. a) novelists b) expeditions c) bonds d) varieties
6. Adel has a/an…………………. of different, brightly-coloured ties that he wears to work. a) gratitude b) bond c) variety d) catastrophe
7. Her parents always …………………. her as the smartest of their children. a) extended b) sought c) emitted d) regarded
8. Mike hoped to exert his ………………….. to make them change their minds. a) influence b) wilderness c) literature d) appreciation
9. Her ……………………. has declined since her return from exile two years ago. a) gratitude b) expedition c) popularity d) catastrophe
10. His ……………………. was destroyed when he was caught stealing some money. a) gratitude b) wilderness c) literature d) reputation
11. The British Medical ………….is campaigning for a complete ban on tobacco advertising. a) Appreciation b) Association c) Novelist d) Reputation
12. I had a brilliant English teacher who fired me with enthusiasm for ………..at an early age. a) influence b) wilderness c) literature d) appreciation
13. There has been a/an ………….increase in the number of women students in recent years. a) ethnic b) significant c) cracked d) monsoonal
14. Tom’s research …………..…… how the crisis occurred and started.
a) suffocates b) rushes c) documents d) regards
15. Football is…………….……..as the most popular and interesting sport all over the globe. a) rushed b) accompanied c) regarded d) documented
16. A balanced diet should contain a/an ………..…….…… of fruits, vegetables and meat. a) influence b) expedition c) novelist d) variety
17. Social media has a great ………………on people, especially adults.
a) wilderness b) gratitude c) quest d) influence
18. TOYOTA cars have a very good ………….……because of their quality and reliability. a) wilderness b) literature c) expedition d) reputation
19. Today, the novel enjoys enduring …………and ranks among the USA’s top-selling books. a) gratitude b) expedition c) popularity d) catastrophe
21. Jules Verne was………….as the father of science fiction due to remarkable success. a) embarked b) emitted c) regarded d) accompanied
B) – Fill in the spaces with words from the list:
(association – variety – regarded – novelist – document)
1. Agatha Christie is a famous English ……………….…..……..who wrote many detective novels. 2. Each zoo must have a big ………….…..of animals, birds and plants from around the world.
3. Electricity, smart phones and the internet are ………………………..….as the most important inventions nowadays.
4. Some people keep a diary to …………………… important situations, improve memories and achieve goals.
(influence – reputation – accompanied – documented – regarded)
1. The newspaper has a/an…………………….….……for being littered with spelling mistakes. 2. Historians and writers …………….…everything related to the First and Second World War.
3. Global warming could have a significant …………………………on agriculture in many parts of the world.
4. Al Khawarizmi is widely…………………………as the father of algebra.
A) – Choose the correct answer(s) from a, b, c and d:
1. I haven’t decided where to spend my upcoming vacation; maybe, I ………………..to Spain. a) will go b) am going to go c) went d) was going
2. I think you……………………..the new movie – No Time to Die.
a) liking b) are going to like c) will like d) has liked
3. Oh! We don’t have any bread. I …………………………..some from the bakery. a) bought b) am going to buy c) will buy d) buy
4. I want to borrow your suitcase because I ……………………. Mom in Scotland next week. a) will visit b) am going to visit c) visited d) visit
5. You lost your wallet. Don’t worry, I ……………………..for your meal. a) will pay b) am going to pay c) paid d) pay
6. I’ve already made so many sandwiches. Dad …………………..us to the park. a) will take b) is going to take c) took d) taking
7. Based on their findings, scientists say we……………………..a bad winter this year. a) had b) will have c) are going to have d) have
8. I can’t decide. I guess I …………………………….the blue jacket.
a) will buy b) bought c) am going to buy d) buy
9. She hates vegetables. She ………………………..that salad.
a) will eat b) isn’t going to eat c) is going to eat d) won’t eat
10. I can’t join you at the party; I …………………….. away for two weeks. a) are going to be b) will be
c) was d) am going to be
11. This exercise looks really hard – I ……………………..you.
a) am helping b) will help c) am going to help d) helped
12. Don’t forget that we ……………………..Adnan and Lina tonight!
a) are going to visit b) will visit c) would visit d) visit
13. I promise I …………………..the truth to anyone.
a) won’t tell b) am not going to tell c) don’t tell d) telling
14. I need so much chocolate; I ……………………….a big birthday cake. a) will make b) made c) am going to make d) was making
15. The telephone is ringing. I ………………………….it.
a) am going to answer b) answered c) will answer c) would answer
Do as required in brackets:
1. Dana has got her camera. She……………………………….. (take) some photos. (Correct) 2. These shopping bags are very heavy. I …………….….. (call) my son to help us. (Correct) 3. We don’t have any milk left. I …………………… (buy) some on the way home. (Correct) 4. Probably, Trump……………………..……. (not be) the next president. (Correct) 5. It’s sunny outside. You ………………….………. (not need) an umbrella. (Correct) 6. I know that we don’t have any bread. I ……………….…….…… (buy) some. (Correct)
7. Their suitcases are packed. They …………………….……….. (go) on holiday. (Correct) 8. It’s very hot in here. I ……………………………….. (open) the window. (Correct) 9. Omar is learning Spanish. He ………………………………. (travel) to Spain. (Correct) 10. I am going to study medicine in the UK next year. (Ask a question)
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11. My uncle will buy a new car tomorrow. (Make negative)
12. Dad is going to travel to Canada on a business trip. (Ask a question) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13. Fahad is going to go to hospital to do an x-ray for his neck.
a) …………………………………………………………………………………………(Ask a question) b) …………………………………………………………………………………………(Make negative)
A) – Choose the correct answer(s) from a, b, c and d:
1. Kuwait always provides humanitarian ………………. to all countries in need. a) wilderness b) novelist c) literature d) assistance
2. Wars are regarded as the worst …………….because millions of innocent people are killed. a) appreciation b) catastrophe c) gratitude d) reputation
3. Success depends ……………on your hard work and determination not on dreams. a) essentially b) regardless c) obviously d) devotedly
4. They spent their……………..………vacation on a yacht in the Caribbean. a) ethnic b) cracked c) annual d) constant
5. ……….………………of what you think, I believe she’s the best person for the job. a) Regardless b) Obviously c) Seriously d) Essentially
6. We’d like to ……………………..a warm welcome to our Japanese visitors. a) document b) accompany c) extend d) regard
7. There are 40 ………..……groups among the school’s pupils, who speak different languages. a) annual b) ethnic c) cracked d) constant
8. Sam has no……………………….of the fine things in life.
a) reputation b) appreciation c) catastrophe d) literature
9. The doctors who saved my daughter have my undying…………………….. a) gratitude b) novelist c) wilderness d) peninsula
10. Kuwait always ……..……. to help and support other countries facing some disasters. a) rushes b) regards c) documents d) suffocates
11. The building must be completed on time, ……………………of the costs. a) regardless b) obviously c) seriously d) essentially
12. We would like to express our………….………..to everyone for their donations. a) literature b) catastrophe c) association d) gratitude
13. …………..……….minorities have tended to live together in the same areas of the city. a) Annual b) Ethnic c) Cracked d) Constant
14. The firemen …………… into the burning house to put out the fire and to save the family. a) rushed b) documented c) extended d) regarded
B- Fill in the spaces with words from the list:
(ethnic – assistance – catastrophe – regardless – appreciation – rush) 1. Everyone has the right to have good medical care, ………………….. of their ability to pay. 2. Governments shouldn’t differentiate among citizens on the basis of their …………… origins. 3. Kuwait government always offers …………….…..…….. regularly to poor countries. 4. We’ve got much time to answer the test; there’s no need to ……….….………..…… 5. Pollution, global warming and deforestation can lead to an ecological …………….……….
(ethnic – regardless – essentially – rushed – annual – appreciation ) 1. I would like to express my …………….………….. for all your hard work and efforts. 2. The …………………..……..medical conference will be held in New York this year. 3.The wedding ceremony will be held on time, ……….………………. of the bad weather.
4. They argue from time to time like any other couple but their relationship is …………..……. a happy one.
5. The people …………….……..… to the nearest exit as soon as they heard the fire alarm.
A) – Choose the correct answer(s) from a, b, c and d:
1. If Ahmed………………………….. , he would pass the test.
a) studies b) study c) studied d) ‘d study
2. If I ………………………….. earlier, I would catch the train.
a) got up b) gets up c) get up d) would get up
3. If she practised a sport, she………………………….. fit.
a) will be b) be c) were d) would be
4. I would ask you if I………………………….. any help.
a) need b) needs c) ‘d need d) needed
5. If I were you, I………………………….. it with two hands.
a) will carry b) carried c) would carry d) carry
6. If I ………………you, I wouldn’t mention it.
a) am b) was c) were d) would be
7. Tom……………….more if he were younger.
a) would travel b) traveled c) travels d) will travel
8. If I ………………….…..in a big city, I would go out more.
a) would live b) live c) lived d) am living
9. If you came early, you ………………….…..the first seat.
a) got b) will get c) get d) would get
10. Adam would be silly if he …………………………. take this opportunity. a) doesn’t b) don’t c) wouldn’t d) didn’t
11. A pilot is a person ………………………….. flies a plane.
a) who b) which c) whose d) where
12. Animals ………………………….. live in the nature park are rare.
a) who b) which c) whose d) where
13. I met the doctor ………………………….. gave me medicine.
a) who b) which c) whose d) where
14. This is the teacher………………………….. teaches us English.
a) who b) which c) whose d) where
15. I saw the movie ………………………….. is about space.
a) who b) which c) whose d) where
16. This is the bag ………………………….. I bought yesterday.
a) who b) which c) whose d) where
17. This is my uncle ………………………….. house is located by the sea. a) who b) which c) whose d) where
18. My father bought a car ………………………….. cost him about 15000 KD. a) who b) which c) whose d) where
19. The boy, ………………………….. bike was stolen, is my brother.
a) who b) which c) whose d) where
20. I saw Salma ………………………….. won the gold cup in swimming last week. a) who b) which c) whose d) where
21. The police were looking for the car ………………….. driver was masked. a) who b) which c) whose d) where
22. The person ……………………. talks to me every day is my teacher. a) who b) which c) whose d) where
23. The car …………………….. hit me was yellow.
a) who b) which c) whose d) where
24. I am looking for someone …………………….. can watch my dog while I go on vacation. a) who b) which c) whose d) where
25. The police needed details …………………….. could help identify the robber. a) who b) which c) whose d) where
26. Never go to a doctor …………………….. office plants have died.
a) who b) which c) whose d) where
27. The story is about a young woman ………………….. 5-year-old son suddenly disappears. a) who b) which c) whose d) where
Do as required in brackets:
1. I would ask you if I …………………………….. (need) help. (Correct) 2. If I ………………….………….. (get up) earlier, I would catch the train. (Correct) 3. If I ate lunch, I ………………….……..…….. (not feel) hungry. (Correct) 4. If I worked in this factory, I ……………………….…… (change) many things. (Correct) 5. If I…………………..………… (speak) French, my job would be much easier. (Correct) 6. If I …………………………..………… (be) you, I’d change my job. (Correct) 7. If I………………………….……… (have) more time, I’d tell you the story. (Correct)
8. His car would be safer if he ……………………..………… (buy) new tyres. (Correct) 9. If I studied well, I ………………….……………………………………..………….….. (Complete) 10. If he saw the lost boy, he …………………………………………………………….. (Complete) 11. He would come early if ……………………………………………………………..… (Complete) 12. You would feel better if …………………………………………………………….… (Complete)
13. I would buy a new car if …………………………………………………………….… (Complete) 14. The person is my teacher. He talks to me every day. (Join: who) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15. Spaghetti is my family’s favorite meal. We eat it twice a week. (Join: which)
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16. I delivered the parcel to Charles. He gave it to Ann. (Join: who) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
17. I have to buy a present for my mother. Her birthday is next week. (Join: whose) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
18. We talked about the party. Sarah wants to organize it for my birthday. (Join: which) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19. Tom had to do all the work himself. His secretary left a few days ago. (Join: whose) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20. Steven is an architect. His designs have won many awards. (Join: whose) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 21. The woman called yesterday. She wants to buy the house. (Join) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 22. My friend invited many people. His house is huge. (Join) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 23. Ali received a bad mark on his essay. It was only one page long. (Join) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24. My mother speaks 3 languages. She was born in Europe. (Join) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25. My cousin is living in a hotel. His house burned down last week. (Join) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
A) – Choose the correct answer(s) from a, b, c and d:
1. Malaysia is a / an…………………..………of Malay, Chinese, Indian and native cultures. a) peninsula b) species c) fusion d) habitat
2. The failure of the …………..climate would destroy harvests on which a billion people rely. a) ethnic b) cracked c) toxic d) monsoonal
3. It is difficult to imagine how the North and South could ever agree on a formula to unify the divided………………………
a) peninsula b) gratitude c) appreciation d) expedition
4. I think what ………………….. me about his painting is his use of colour. a) preys on b) depends on c) embarks on d) appeals to
5. Widening the road will uproot trees and damage wildlife …………………… a) fossil fuel b) literature c) habitat d) reputation
6. A new ……………………. of spider has been discovered in a field in Cambridgeshire. a) peninsula b) species c) fusion d) habitat
7. The loss of their goalkeeper through injury was a / an ………………… setback for the team. a) ethnic b) cracked c) toxic d) major
8. Atoms ………………. positively-charged protons, negatively-charged electrons and neutral particles called neutrons.
a) consist of b) depend on c) embark on d) appeal to
9. The Olympic Games gave the country an opportunity to ………………………… its economic achievements.
a) regard b) showcase c) emit d) seek
10. The air we breathe …………………..… oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and vapor. a) consists of b) depends on c) embarks on d) appeals to
11. RWMF is a three-day event………………….bands and performers from all over the world. a) documenting b) showcasing c) regarding d) extending
12. Such music managed to …………………… the tastes of both the young and the old. a) consist of b) depend on c) embark on d) appeal to
13. These measures will protect the ………..………… of endangered species such as wolves. a) peninsula b) literature c) fusion d) habitat
14. Dieticians recommend eating citrus fruits as they are a / an …………source of vitamin C. a) ethnic b) cracked c) toxic d) major
B) – Fill in the spaces with words from the list:
(appeal…to – species – habitat – peninsula – major – showcased)
Pandas, gorillas, rhinos and sea turtles are regarded as endangered ……….………..…… 2. It’s a programme designed to …………..….. mainly………..…..16 to 25-year-olds. 3. Restored films are being ……………………. this month at a festival in Paris. 4. The plant is situated on the Korean ……………………… – formerly a military zone. 5. The land next to the harbour is perhaps the most threatened wildlife …………… in Britain.
(monsoonal – major – showcase – consist of – fusion – peninsula)
1. Many different companies ……..………their products in modern shopping malls and stores.
2. The Cherry Blossom Restaurant serves a / an……………………of Japanese and Californian cooking.
3. Nuclear weapons are a / an ………………………. obstacle on the road to peace. 4. Her responsibilities ……………………..answering the phone and greeting visitors. 5. The ………………….…..heavy rain destroyed 200 houses and killed 150
A) – Choose the correct answer(s) from a, b, c and d:
1. I ……………………………….the train to Paris tomorrow.
a) take b) am taking c) is taking d) took
2. We…………………………with Susan at 3 o’clock tomorrow afternoon. a) met b) would meet c) were meeting d) are meeting
3. They ………………………. to New York tomorrow morning.
a) is flying b) flew c) are flying d) have flown
4. We…………………………….at Joe’s Cafe tonight. We’ve already booked the table. a) are eating b) ate c) have eaten d) are eaten
5. He…………………………..at Damascus Airport tomorrow morning about 7.30. a) arrives b) has arrived c) am arriving d) is arriving
6. The students ………..…………. the Scientific Center next Sunday.
a) visit b) are visiting c) have visited d) is visiting
7. Tonight, I …………………… “Furious 8” at home alone.
a) watched b) have watched c) am watching d) watch
8. What time are Paul and Paula ……………………… for dinner tonight? a) coming b) came c) comes d) come
9. We……………………… a barbecue at the weekend. We’ve invited lots of people. a) had b) are having c) have d) would have
10. Our teacher has booked a bus because the class ………………….. a museum next week. a) has visited b) visited c) is visiting d) visit
11. When the doorbell rang, the old man ……………………..a nap in the living room. a) was having b) had c) is having d) will have
12. While John was driving home, he ………………………a great accident. a) was seeing b) see c) saw d) would see
13. While I ……………..a birthday cake, a bee flew in the kitchen through the open window. a) am making b) made c) make d) was making
14. I was having lunch when James …………………….home.
a) arrives b) was arriving c) arrived d) arrive
15. The baby………………..……..soundly when the phone rang.
a) was sleeping b) is sleeping c) slept d) sleeps
16. Sam fell off the ladder while he …………………….…… the ceiling of his room. a) paints b) is painting c) was painting d) painted
17. I was reading a book when suddenly I …………………………a noise outside. a) was hearing b) hears c) will hear d) heard
Correct the verbs in brackets:
1. I ………………………..………… (fly) to Spain tonight. I’ve got the plane ticket. 2. Dana…………………….……. (go) to the doctor next week. She’s got an appointment. 3. I did really well in the interview, so I………..……..………… (start) a new job on Monday. 4. We………..……………….. (have) a party this weekend. We’ve already sent the invitations.
5. Let’s go swimming after school.
Sorry, I…………………………… (play) basketball with Sally and Miko. 6. I………………….…………….. (not work) tomorrow. We can go shopping if you like. 7. Have you got any plans for the vacation?
Yes, we………………………. (fly) back to Tokyo to visit my grandmother.
8. My sister……………………. (get) married next month. We have invited hundreds of guests. 9. Dana…………………………….…… (give) a party next week. Has she invited you? 10. I………………………….. (drive) John to the airport tomorrow. His own car is under repair. 11. The fire………………………….. (still burn) when the first firefighters arrived at the scene. 12. While Dana…………………………….…… (clean) the vases, she cut her finger. 13. I ………………………….…… (meet) an old friend in town while I was doing the shopping. 14. I was taking my dog for a walk when suddenly another dog………………….….. (attack) it. 15. We………………… (sail) a few miles off the coast when a horrible thunderstorm came up.
A) – Choose the correct answer(s) from a, b, c and d:
1. I was told she would be at the meeting, but …………………………….. I was misinformed. a) regardless b) obviously c) devotedly d) seriously
2. The report said that the victims had ……………………….. in the fumes. a) suffocated b) documented c) regarded d) sought
3. The alarm …………………………infrared rays which are used to detect any intruder. a) regards b) suffocates c) seeks d) emits
4. The length of time spent exercising ………………………the sport you are training for. a) preys on b) depends on c) consists of d) appeals to
5. Environmentalists would like to see ………………….replaced by renewable energy sources. a) fossil fuels b) pollutants c) novelists d) bonds
6. Sulphur dioxide is one of several …………..………….. that are released into the atmosphere. a) fossil fuels b) pollutants c) novelists d) bonds
7. Thousands of fish were killed as a result of a discharge of ……………………….. chemicals from a nearby factory.
a) toxic b) cracked c) annual d) ethnic
8. The ……………………….. that farmers spray on their crops kill pests, but they can also damage people’s health.
a) bonds b) pesticides c) fossil fuels d) novelists
9. He wasn’t ……………………….. injured – he just got a few cuts and bruises. a) regardless b) obviously c) devotedly d) seriously
10. In the house fire, many people died because they ………………… from smoke inhalation. a) suffocated b) documented c) regarded d) sought
11. Global warming and pollution are both caused by the excessive use of……………………… a) fossil fuels b) pollutants c) novelists d) bonds
12. Sounds ………………….. by the dolphins were recorded with an underwater microphone. a) emitted b) regarded c) sought d) rushed
13. Many scientists blame the global warming on industrial ……………………… a) catastrophes b) pollutants c) species d) habitats
B) – Fill in the spaces with words from the list:
(depended on – emit – fossil fuels – toxic – obviously – pollutants)
1. TV sets, computers, and phones …………… large amounts of radiation that affect us badly. 2. Eating vegetables, fruits, fish and nuts is …………………..…….. healthy to your body. 3. In her last difficult years, she ……………………..…….her husband to look after her. 4. Carbon dioxide is not highly ………………………..to animals or humans in small amounts. 5. Strict regulations must be made to reduce the hazardous air………………………..
(obviously – pesticides – suffocates – toxic – emit – fossil fuels)
1. Trees and plants are useful as they absorb carbon dioxide and ……………………… oxygen. 2. The report was ……………………. prepared with studious care and attention. 3. The animal seizes its prey by the throat and ………………………………. it to death. 4. Solar energy and wind power are becoming popular as alternatives to ……………………… 5. Many pests have developed resistance to the most commonly used ………………….……..
A) – Choose the correct answer(s) from a, b, c and d:
1. English ………………….……….. in many countries of the world.
a) speaks b) is spoken c) spoke d) is speaking
2. The oldest house in the USA ……………………………….. in 1624.
a) was built b) is being built c) will be built d) built
3. Two car thieves ………………………… by the police last night.
a) are arrested b) were arrested c) arrested d) were arresting
4. Pizza …………………. with cheese and tomatoes.
a) makes b) is made c) is making d) will make
5. Corals ……………………………… to make jewellery.
a) are collecting b) will collect c) was collected d) are collected
6. Hundreds of houses ……………………….. by the Great Fire of London. a) is destroyed b) were destroyed c) destroyed d) will destroy
7. Three people ……………………….. in the fight last night.
a) are hurting b) are hurt c) were hurt d) will be hurt
8. All my letters and postcards …………………………… by the postal services. a) are losing b) is lost c) lose d) were lost
9. Two windows ………………………… during yesterday’s party.
a) is broken b) were breaking c) broke d) were broken
10. Girls and boys ………………………… the same things in our school. a) are taught b) are teaching c) was being taught d) teach
11. Sugar and tobacco …………………………. on large fields in Brazil.
a) grow b) are growing c) grew d) are grown
12. All the windows of the house ………………………… at the moment. a) are cleaning b) are being cleaned c) clean d) were cleaned
13. “Hamlet” and “Romeo and Juliet” ……………………….. by William Shakespeare. a) were writing b) wrote c) were written d) write
14. Many people ………………………. in the Second World War.
a) are killed b) were killing c) killed d) were killed
15. An e-mail to my Dad………………………..a few hours ago.
a) sends b) was sent c) can be sent d) is sending
16. The car……………………………this evening.
a) will wash b) will be washed c) will washed d) will be wash
17. Their house …………………………. every year.
a) is painting b) was painted c) is pained d) paints
18. We will ……………………………. by that teacher
a) teach b) have taught c) be taught d) being taught
19. The money………………………stolen by the thieves if you leave it there. a) was b) will be c) was being d) is
20. This problem ……………………….. by your brother yesterday.
a) was solved b) will be solved c) is solved d) solves
21. The students ………..……………grammar yesterday at this exact time. a) were being taught b) taught c) should be taught d) were teaching
22. My article………………………….right now by the editor.
a) is checking b) checks c) is being checked d) was checked
Change into the passive:
1. They use this road too often.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. The Government is planning a new road near my house.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3. My grandfather built this house in 1943.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4. People speak Portuguese in Brazil.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5. They are building a new stadium near the station.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6. A workman will repair the computer tomorrow.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7. An old woman feeds the pigeons.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8. I will never forget this experience.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9. The tiger was chasing the deer.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10. They make shoes in that factory.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11. They speak German at EU meetings.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12. The dentist is cleaning the woman’s teeth.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13. Millions of fans will see the final game tomorrow.
14. The publishers are reading the book.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15. Many people use bicycles as a means of transport.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 16. They were rebuilding the old road when I drove by.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 17. The local council opened a new shopping center.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 18. They will launch the new ship next week.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 19. My brother can speak German and Spanish.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 20. He will finish the puzzle by tomorrow.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 21. Mom is ironing your shirt.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 22. We were painting the gate when it started to rain.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 23. Some boys were helping the wounded man.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 24. You should write the answers on both sides of the paper.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 25. Thomas Edison invented the electric light bulb.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 26. They will deliver my computer on Monday.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 27. You can see the movie on DVD.
28. The secretary will correct the mistakes.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 29. The doctor is examining the patients in the hospital.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 30. We are doing our science project now.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 31. We must do something before the situation gets out of control.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 32. This company employs five people each year.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 33. Millions of people all over the world watch this programme.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 34. Somebody stole my car from the car park.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 35. Somebody took this picture a while ago.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 36. The workers were repairing the roof when the fire started.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 37. They saw the suspect entering the building.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 38. They were opening the parcel when I came in.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 39. The police are investigating the murder.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 40. Rami is feeding the cats now.
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