مذكرة النجاح انجليزي ثامن ف2 #2021-2022

مذكرة النجاح انجليزي ثامن ف2 #2021-2022

مذكرة النجاح انجليزي ثامن ف2 #2021-2022

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معلومات الملف “مذكرة النجاح انجليزي ثامن ف2 #2021-2022”
الصف: الصف الثامن
الفصل: انجليزي الصف الثامن
المادة: انجليزي ف2 ثامن
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مذكرة النجاح انجليزي ثامن ف2 #2021-2022 نقدمها بشكل جميل ومبسط وبشرح كافي بدون استطراد، يضمن للمتعلم سهولة الفهم ووصول الفكرة للمتلقي بدون عناء ، حيث سيكون السؤال بالخط الثخين، أما الجواب فيسكون بالخط الرفيع، متمنين لكم دوام النجاح و التوفيق .

I Choose the correct answer:

l-The pupils suggested some solutions but they are all……….I

a) obsessed b) handy c) unrealistic d) worth

2—Oil is the main…….in Kuwait

a) application b) feature c) media d) product

3)Smoking should be ………in public places

a) gathered b) banned c) confused d) defended

4)My sister is…….by computer games

a) unrealistic b) worth c) handy d) obsessed

Complete the following sentences using although /however:

1-….Although……..the exam was hard, he solve all of it.

2-He passed the test,…however…..he didn’t get the job

3-….Although….my mother doesn’t like pizza, she makes it very will

4-This man looks very old,…however………he is very active

5-.Although……..I was sick, I went to school yesterday

(One of its usages is to express about future arrangements)

Do as shown between brackets:

1-Hamad is watching TV tonight (Negative)

Hamad isn’t watching TV tonight

2-Noha is going to travel to Australia in May (ask a question

What is Noha going to do in may?

3- Ahmed and Huda(have) a wedding party next Friday. (correct

the verb)

Ahmed and Huda are having a wedding party next Friday.

4-I (study)English next year. (correct)

I am studying English next year

“Social media has become a huge part of everyday life”. “plan and write a composition of two paragraphs(not less than 10

sentences)about Social Media explaining the advantages and the disadvantages of using social media.

Read the following, then answer the questions:

The computer has become one of the wonders of the world. It is clear that it affects all our lives. The computer systems are developing all the time in the future , you will probably drive your smart car from a city to another .you don’t have to worry during this long journey. If something goes wrong with your car engine, the computer in your car will help you. It will find out what is wrong and do what should be done. It will connect to the internet to find the nearest garage that can fix your car problems. This can be done by sending an email. It will be easy to know the problem. Your computer will also help you know the way if you get lost by using satellites. Really it is a great wonder! 

Answer the following questions:

1-What do you think of the computer?

I think the computer is an important modern invention

2-How will the computer help drivers in the future?

if something goes wrong with the car engine ,the computer

will find out what is wrong and do what should be done .It

will also help the drivers know the way if they got lost by

using satellites.

3-What does the underlined word “it” refer to?

“It” refers to the computer in your car.

Choose the correct answer:

4-The computer in your smart car will help you to

a) sell your car b) build a garage c) lose the way

d) know what’s wrong with your car

6) You will never feel ……..while driving a smart car

a) happy b) safe c) worried d) relaxed

Choose the correct answer:

1-Our talented teacher always ………information perfectly

a) conveys b) exchanges c) imports d) donates

2-My mother bought a golden…….from the jeweler’s

a) reaction b) means c) bracelet d) skin

3-She didn’t answer …………but sat silently for a few moments.

a) directly b) gradually c) efficiently d) necessarily

4)It was a………situation when the poor man lost his little money

a) countless b) sensitive c) royal d) skillful

6-Trains ……….both passengers and goods

a) active b) exchange c) convey d) gather

Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

(talented / skin / feature / bracelet / various)

1-My …skin…. is very sensitive I can’t bear sun rays.

2-Woman and girls are fond of gold necklaces, rings


3-There are….various……kinds of fish and sea animals in the sea.

4-Ahmed is very….talented……in playing football, he will be a famous football player>

Choose the correct answer:

1-Hassan (feel – felt – had felt) better after he (sleep – slept – had slept) well.

2-By the time he had arrived home, his mother (had celebrated- celebrates – celebrated) his success.

3-Sara got high marks because she (had -has -have) worked hard.

4-They (have gone – had gone – went) to the airport when I arrived to the house.

5-He didn’t have any money because he (lost – has lost – had lost) his wallet

6-I answered the phone when you (call – called – had called) me

7-Salem (goes – went – had gone) to the coffee after he had finished his work.

You can join two subjects/objects/or verbs with (both…and)

Notice: When joining two subjects, the verb should be in plural form.

Join using (both. And):

1-MY mother is a good teacher, she is a good house wife.

My mother is both a good teacher and a good house wife

2-Famous actors are talented. They are skillful

Famous actors are both talented and skillful.

3-Noha is watching TV. Sally is watching TV

Both Noha and Sally are watching TV.

4-Hamad is from Kuwait. Salim is from Kuwait

Both Hamad and Salim are from Kuwait.

5-I like apple, I like orange

I like both apple and orange

Reading Comprehension

Nowadays you can find fast food restaurants in almost every big city.

Most people prefer fast food restaurants. Speed and price make them the favorite restaurants. Some people don’t want to spend a lot of time preparing food. So, they can order what they want and eat it in about fifteen minutes. That’s why they are called ‘fast food restaurants ‘. The prices are also cheap because of the large number of meals sold every day.

People like to be comfortable and enjoy their food. The famous fast food restaurants like Hardee’s make sure that a beef burger in Kuwait tastes the same as the one in New York and not different from the one bought in London. An example of fast food is beef burgers. They have too much salt, fat and spices. This mixture of fat, sugar and salt set off the pleasure chemicals in the brain. That is why people like having fast food. But, some people say that they are not good for health.

They don’t have the important food elements which our bodies need.

Food experts advise us not to eat tinned food because it is not fresh. Sometimes, fast food is not well protected from dirt, dust, and insects, especially flies. Such food doesn’t also have enough proteins and vitamins. So, eating fast food every day leads to horrible fatness and causes many dangerous diseases like heart attacks and high blood pressure .

A) From a, b, c and d choose the right answer:

1- The best title for this text is:

a. Dangerous Diseases

b. Proteins and Vitamins

c. Healthy Food and Restaurants

d. Fast Food and its Bad Effects

2- What does the underlined pronoun (which) in paragraph (۲) refer


a. beef burgers

b. sugar and salt

c. food elements

d. pleasure chemicals

3- What is the meaning of the underlined word (horrible) in paragraph


a. dirty

b. healthy

c. very bad

d. very slow

4- What makes fast food restaurants favorite for most people?

a. people have much time

b. people like speed and price

c. people have a lot of money

d. people like to prepare their own food

5- One of the following statements about fast food is NOT true:

a. Beef burgers contain unhealthy food elements

 b. Fast food is full of spices

c. It’s advisable to eat fast food daily

d. Fast food is full of fats

6- What is the author’s purpose in writing this text?

a. To warn us of eating fast food

b. To encourage people to eat less

c. To protect us from dust and dirt

d. To state the advantages of fast food

Answer the following questions:

7- Why are the prices of fast food meals cheap?

-Because of the large number meals sold every day.

8- What does eating fast food every day lead to?

-It leads to horrible fatness and cause many diseases such as

heart attacks and high blood preasure.


“We all have ideas,feelings,and opinions that we want to

communicate. “plan and write a composition of two paragraphs (not


Answer the following questions:

15 less than 10 sentences) about communication explaining

communication in the past and communication nowadays.

*Your writing should include a topic sentence, supporting details and a conclusion.

Choose the correct answer:

1-You shouldn’t be ……..to animals by frightening or beating them.

a) cruel b) various c) worth d) unreal

2-Old people are known for their………..

a) fortune b) wisdom c) trust d) alley

3-The judge found him………and he was released

a) pourd b) various c) unrealistic d) innocent

4-We are really ……..of Kuwait’s honorable history and heritage.

a) innocent b) modest c) cruel d) proud

5-People in each society learn old customs and traditions from


a) ancestors b) ladders c) applications d)


6-The two drivers who had a car accident were taken to

a ……..hospital

a) innocent b) cruel c) nearby d) proud

Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

1-If there’s a…nearby………cafe, we could stop for a drink

2-The man didn’t steal the money, he turned to be ….innocent……..

3-Joha was loved by children and…. grown-ups…….alike because of being funny and smart

4-I feel ….proud………….of my favorite football team who won the world cup

5-My father was standing on a……..ladder……painting the ceiling himself.

Reported speech Imperatives

1-The mother said to her daughter ,”put on your shoes”

The mother ordered her daughter to put on her shoes.

2-“Don’t play with dogs” said my father.

My father asked me not to play with dogs.

3-My teacher said to me “open your notebook”

My teacher asked me to open my notebook.

4-Noha said to her brother, “Don’t make noise at home.”

Noha ordered her brother not to make noise at home.

5-The coach said to Sara, “Get on your feet”

The coach asked Sara to get on her feet.

Choose the right preposition to complete these phrasal verbs:

1-I look….for…….my lost mobile phone until I found it

2-Look….out…….! A car is coming very fast.

3-Students look…. Up….new words in the dictionary.

4-I have a dog. I look….after….it and feed it every day.

5-We should look….at…..the board when our teacher are explaining the lesson .

Reading Comprehension

Read the following, then answer the questions:

A grizzly bear hunts for fish in the river. A black rhinoceros runs across the plains of Africa. These animals share the Earth with us.

They fascinate us with their beauty and we love learning about their habits. But just loving them isn’t enough. These animals are endangered. Many of them are dying, and without special care, they may someday disappear from Earth.

Africa was once filled with plenty of wild animals, but not anymore.

One of these animals, the black rhinoceros, is powerful and can be dangerous. However, its strength can’t always help it to escape hunters. Many hunters kill rhinos for their valuable horns. This has caused the black rhino to be placed on the endangered species list.

The elephant is also endangered and is killed for its ivory tusks.

Unfortunately, it’s people who cause many of the problems that animals face. We change and pollute their habitats. We hunt them for skins, tusks, furs, and horns. We destroy animals that get in the way of farming or building. We remove them from their natural habitats and take them home as pets.

What can you do to help endangered animals? Make an effort to support zoos and wildlife groups. You can also be a smart shopper and never buy a pet that has been raised in the wilderness. If we allow even one species on Earth to die out, it affects other living things and changes our world. 

الصف الثامن, الملفات التعليمية, انجليزي ف2 ثامن, انجليزي الصف الثامن, مذكرة النجاح انجليزي ثامن ف2 #2021-2022


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