مذكرة التقوية انجليزي حادي عشر ف2 #معهد سمارت مايند 2021 2022

مذكرة التقوية انجليزي حادي عشر ف2 #معهد سمارت مايند 2021 2022

مذكرة التقوية انجليزي حادي عشر ف2 #معهد سمارت مايند 2021 2022


معلومات الملف “مذكرة التقوية انجليزي حادي عشر ف2 #معهد سمارت مايند 2021 2022”
الصف: الصف الحادي عشر الادبي
الفصل: اسلامية الصف الحادي عشر الادبي
المادة: اسلامية ف2 الصف الحادي عشر أدبي
حجم الملف: 3.20 MB


مذكرة أحاديث إسلامية سابع ف2 #2021-2022 نقدمها بشكل جميل ومبسط وبشرح كافي بدون استطراد، يضمن للمتعلم سهولة الفهم ووصول الفكرة للمتلقي بدون عناء ، حيث سيكون السؤال بالخط الثخين، أما الجواب فيسكون بالخط الرفيع، متمنين لكم دوام النجاح و التوفيق .

Fill in the spaces with the most suitable words: 

(deterrent/ adversely/ glorify/ innumerable/ dedication/ remote) 

They always ………………………………….……. Diana for her good deeds. 

I can’t count all the famous battles of Arab Muslim s. They’re ………………………. 

The media can ………………………………………………….……..…. affect our minds.

Media should act as a ……………………………………… to negative practices.

Answer the following questions and then read the article about the power of the media. 

a- What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of the media? 


…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. b- Give a real-life example that affirms the freedom of the press in Kuwait. 



Complete these lists with nouns or verbs from the article

I talked to Fawaz ………………………………….. father is the manager of KOC. 

whom       b) who           c) whose       d) which 

Thisis the woman ………….…………………………………..…. gave me the money. 

whom       b) who           c) whose       d) which

I met the girl, …………………………………………………. you told me to help.

whom       b) when         c) whose       d) which

Do you remember the day .……………………………………………… we first met?

when        b) where       c) which        d) who 

The student ……………………….……. has been training well won the grand prize.

when          b) whose         c) who             d) where 

The man ………………………. invented the first Television system was John Long. 

when          b) whose         c) who             d) which

An inventor …………….….. inventions benefit people shouldn’t be forgotten. 

a)who which          c) whose         d) where

C- From a, b, and c, choose the correct answer as required: 

1 . “Charity begins at home” is a proverb. It means we must help our family first.  ( which)  

“Charity begins at home” which is a proverb it means we must help our family first. 

“Charity begins at home” is a proverb which means we must help our family first. 

sent an email to my lawyer. He lives in Kuwait City.                                    (Join: who)       a) I sent an email to my lawyer who he lives in Kuwait City. 

I sent an email to my lawyer. He who lives in Kuwait City. 

I sent an email to my lawyer who lives in Kuwait City. 

I met with Hamad. His father is the owner of the company.                 (join using whose) 

I met with Hamad whose his father is the owner of the company. 

I met with Hamad whose is the owner of the company. 

I met with Hamad whose father is the owner of the company. 

I met the poor girl. You told me to help the poor girl.                              (join using whom) 

I met the poor girl whom you told me to help. 

I met the poor girl whom you told me to help the poor girl. 

I met the poor girl whom told me to help the poor girl. 

I met the man. You told me to help the man.                                            (join using whom) 

I met the man whom you told me to help. 

I met the man whom you told me to help the man. 

I met the man whom told me to help the man. 

Write what you would say in the following situations: 

You are invited to attend your friend’s birthday party, but you can’t go. 

Your sister wants to know what you think about a car she has recently.

Recent data indicates that, on average, children spend approximately three hours a day watching television.  Although this figure may seem staggering at first, after a quick survey amongst my fellow classmates realised the 5    accuracy of this statistic. 

In view of this, I believe that broadcast television stations have a responsibility to serve the educational needs of children when scheduling their core programming, including specifically designed programmes that can be viewed both in and outside the classroom. 

Television can be a valuable teaching aid, especially when we are studying other cultures or languages. For example, a geography lesson on Sri Lanka can be greatly enhanced by viewing a documentary about the country and its customs. Every week in one of our French lessons, we watch a programme about a family 

15  who lives in Paris. Primarily, this helps us practise listening to spoken French. However, I also feel it helps me relate to my studies more, and improves my concentration. Pre-recorded programmes are also commonly used in maths and science lessons. The teachers themselves record them late at night, as educational programmes 

20  are rarely shown at prime time. The teacher makes sure the maths and science shows do not contain any new lessons, and are instead used as a revision tool. This helps us visualise what we have been learning: for example, I found it much easier to understand fractional distillation after I had seen the process on video. I definitely feel that the programmes we are shown at school have a greater 

25   educational value than most children’s programmes. Although they are fun, we don’t learn much from them. Public broadcasters should be injecting more education into children’s entertainment, especially during after-school hours, when the majority of viewers are students. 


1. How can TV be a valuable teaching aid? 

Choose the right answer from a, b, c and d:  

I advised him …………………………………………………………….. to bed earlier. 

to go                            b- to goes                     c- to going                  d- to be gone 

He prefers me ……………………………………. do my homework before I watch TV. a- to doing                       b- to do                        c- to does                    d- to did 

I warned him ……………………………………………………………. waste his time. 

to                                 b- not to                       c- to not                       d- not too 

Do as required in brackets: 

He asked me to changes the channel.                                      (Correct the Underlined) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 

Turn up the volume.                                                                             (Reported Speech) 

He asked his father …………………………………………..…………………………………………………

Watch this film with me.                                                                      (Reported Speech) 

He asked Hani ………………………………………………..…………………………………………………… 

Never come late again.                                                                            (Reported Speech) 

The teacher warned the students ………………………………………………………………………… 

Don’t use the others’ things without asking them first.                    (Reported Speech) 


From a, b, and c, choose the correct answer as required:

1. ‘’Never drive a car without wearing a seatbelt.’’ Said the policeman.        (Report)

The policeman asked me never drive a car without wearing a seatbelt

It took him a very long time to ………………………………………………… the fever. 

Let’s ………………………………………….. our business. We have no time to waste. 

Could you …………………….. to channel 2, please? I don’t want to see this film again. 

We …………………………………………….. meet over a cup of tea during the break. 

The manager asked his secretary to ………………………… the minutes of the meeting. 

He ……………… well with his neighbours. 

The line was busy, so I couldn’t …………………………………………………… him. 

Doctors should never ……………………………….. their duties towards their patients.

Choose the right option: 

I have to ……….………………………………………………….. early to go to school. 

get down to                    b- get over                   c- get through                d- get up 

We have an exam this week, I should …………………………………………………… 

get down to                    b- get over                   c- get through                d- get up 

My father and his colleagues ………………………………………………… very well. 

get down to                    b- get on                      c- get through                d- get up 

I’ve had a bad cold, but I’m ………………………………………………………. it now. 

getting down to              b- getting over             c- getting through          d- getting up

Complete the sentences with a word from the list 

I’m not enjoying this programme. Can we watch……………..……else? 

something              b. everything             c. nothing              d. anywhere 

I’m still hungry. Can I have………………….. else to eat? 

something             b. everything              c. nothing               d. anywhere 

We’re the last ones to leave………………………..else has already gone home. 

something             b. everybody               c. nothing               d. anywhere 

We can’t stay here tonight. We’ll have to go ………….………….else. 

something              b. everything               c. nothing                d. somewhere 

nobody                  b. everything                c. nothing                 d. somewhere 

We need to change and go………………..else where we can enjoy fresh air. 

anything                  b. something                   c. somewhere            d. someone 

Has……………………seen the remote control of the Television. 

anywhere                b. anything                      c. somebody                d. anybody 

Did you go……………………else? 

anything                  b. anywhere                     c. something                d. somewhere 

1. complete sentences a-f with one of these phrasal verbs. 

                 Get behind with  /  get down to  /    get on 

                      Get over  /   get through  /    get up 

I think there’s something wrong with my phone. People say they’ve tried to phone me but couldn’t …………………………. . 

If you don’t do your homework, you will …………………….your work. 

All the students in my class ………………………….very well. 

It takes old people a long time to……………………….colds and flu. 

We enjoyed a relaxing holiday, but now it’s time to……………………….work again. 

I don’t need much sleep, so it’s easy for me to……………………..early. 

2. put the sentences into indirect speech using the verbs in parantheses. 

‘Can you change the channel, please?’ (ask)          he asked him to change the channel. 

‘Can you please turn up the volume for me?’ (ask) 

‘Rewind the video for me.’ (tell) 


‘Hani! Watch this film with me; it’s really good!’ (ask) 


‘Can you look for the remote control?’ (want) 


3. Make sentences using the words in parentheses. 

‘Watch more educational programmes.’ (teachers / advise / their students) ………Teachers advised their students to watch more educational programmes……… 

Match these statements with their responses. 


Do you the remote control? ……….. 

Anything good on? ……….. 

Could you mute the volume for a second?………. 

Write an essay of about (14 sentences 160 words) about its good as well as its bad effects on teens and how we can use TV appropriately and avoid its negative effects.  




Read the following passage, then do as required:  

It is hard to know where to start when beginning strength training. There are countless exercises you can do. Some of which work with certain bodies, while others don’t. With some familiarity of the basics, you can begin to craft a routine helping you achieve your personal goals. 

Strength training should be a part of your workout routine due to its numerous benefits. One purpose of strength training is to build muscles and improve bone density. For another thing, strength training increases the strength of ligaments and joint functioning. It can help raise good cholesterol levels and lower blood sugar levels. Most people like strength training because of its most obvious benefit which is having a slimmer appearance. 

In a paragraph of FOUR sentences ONLY, summarize and paraphrase the passage above in answer to the following question:  

– What are the benefits of strength training? 








From a, b, c and d choose the right option: 

Professional camcorders are used for …………………………………………….………………. 

pedestal                     b- stabilizing                       c- ENG                     d- capability 

The Lumiere Brothers introduced the world’s first cinema ……………………………… 

motion picture          b- period drama                 c- pedestal                d- consumer 

My car’s brakes are soft and flexible because they are …………………………………… 

stabilizing                  b- hydraulic                        c- high-end               d- pedestal 

Fill in the spaces with words from the list: 

(consumer / high-end /nowadays / period drama / stabilizing / pedestal / capabilities) 

1. That statue, which is mounted on the grey …………. stands for William Shakespeare. 2. 

We live in a ………………………….……. society. People here buy goods and use services. 

He has great …………………………………………………….……………. as a writer. 

……………………………….…. many children prefer watching TV to reading. 

This camera has a shoulder ……………………………………………………………… 

Video cameras are used nowadays for recording everything from live sport to …….…. 

This is a ………………………………………………………………….. video camera. 


Fill in the spaces with words from the list: 

 ( cast  /  up to scratch / anticipation / critics /soundtrack ) 

What a wonderful piece of art! It is in fact a play much praised by the …………… 3 ) After the final performance, the director give a party for the ………………………. 

I want you to listen to this ………………………… and identify which film it is. 

In ………………………… of bad weather, we took plenty of warm clothes. 


How has film reviewing changed since the rise of information technology 

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 

What qualities do you think make a good film critic? 

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 

What type of film would you recommend to your friends? State your reasons. 

The students in my class at school works hard. 


More and more people is making their own video films. 


The audience was very quiet during the concert. 


My football team has a match every week. 


In my opinion, children watches too much television. 


our government does everything it can to look after the people. 


The ship’ss crew is always there to answer passengers’ questions. 


Read the following short text. Replace the words/phrases in bold with the correct synonym from the box. 

constantly / enhancements / hurt / lately launched / manufacturers / stop / plans 

                                    methods / minimising risks 

Road accidents (1) kill and injure thousands of people every year, so car (2) makers are (3) always trying to think of new (4) ways of (5) improving safety for drivers and passengers. Seat belts and anti-lock brakes are a few examples of the (6) improvements that have been 

(7) introduced (8) recently. Please send your (9) suggestions and ideas on how to (10)prevent car accidents to the following address: Road Safety magazine 25th Street, City Centre. 

Complete the text using the verb form of the words in paranthesis. 

Yesterday was an interesting day. First, I had to sit an extremely difficult maths test. The exam last month was too short, so the teacher decided to 


………………….(long) it by two hours. On the way home, I was arguing with my brother. Bit by bit, the argument began to 

) it by two hours. On the way home, I was arguing with my brother. Bit by bit, the argument began to 

(2)…………………….(sharp). The bus driver decided to go downtown in order to (3)……………………(short) the trip. There were constructions to (4)………………….(wide) the road. The driver was driving very carefully because big black clouds were (5)………………..(dark) the sky. Suddenly, we saw a boy crossing the street. Luckily, the driver was driving slowly and stopped the bus in time. 

acquainted with     b- unsung                 c- venomous             d- inexperienced 3) Let’s 

……………………….. the canoe down to the water. 

       a- daydream                b- overcome             c- shred                      d- drag 4) She tried hard to ……………………… her fear of flying, but in vain. 

                    a- decelerate            b- shred                     c- overcome                 d- daydream 

5) The young child gave me a ……………………………… grin. 

      a- cautious                    b- confidential        c- toothy                     d- watchful 6) It’s important to ……………………….. the speed of a vehicle while driving.       a- disregard                 b- decelerate           c- overcome               d- slam into 7) These are the latest instructions. Please ………………… any you received before.       a- disregard                             b- shred                    c- drag                       d- daydream 8) Under the ………………….. eye of their mother, the two boys played on the shore. 

a- confidential                  b- intentional            c- watchful           d- inexperienced 

9) The plane ……………………….. from its usual route. 

     a- deviated                          b- dragged                 c- overcame        d- slammed into 10) The letter is marked “ private and …………………. ”. It must have private content. 


a- fundamental                  b- intentional           c- toothy        

1. Rearrange the words to form meaningful sentences. 

always / at nine o’clock / out of the garage / in the morning / gets / his car / he 


she / into town / after breakfast / often / Mrs Hodges / takes 


a parking place / near the shops / they / find / rarely 


sometimes / in a garage / Mr Hodges / his car / parks 


fly / with my parents / to Florida / sometimes / I / in winter 


My brother was hurt in a car accident. (ride his bike on the road) 


The bus fell in a hole in the middle of the street. (pay attention to the road signs) 


I bumped my head when the car hit the wall. (wear seat belt) 


It was difficult for me to stop the car in time. (drive too fast) 


Mum burned the spaghetti. (forget it’s on the stove) 




Complete the sentences with at, on, or in 

The headquarters of the United Nations is……………………..New York. 

In most countries, people drive………………………….the right. 

I usually buy a newspaper…………………………..my way to work. 

The course begins…………………………….7o’clock and ends……………………….10 o’clock. 


Some people are for fining drivers who drive without wearing their seat belts while others are against fining them. Write an essay of 4 paragraphs (14 sentences 160 words) discussing both views. 



…………………………… has become more important in our life to refresh our minds. 

These students are …………………………………………… They are trouble makers.

He made the project in ……………………………………….. with an Egyptian expert. 

Trainee teachers are asked to ………………………………….. their own performance. 

The shipping of oil threatens the ……………………………….. life around the islands. 

I think the government should ……………………………… giant economical projects. 

From a, b, c and d choose the right option:  

1) The world is heading for a/an …………………………. disaster. 

   a- ecological                 b- joint                            c- sustainable                d- nominal  

2) ……………………………. can seriously harm the environment. 

  a- Aquaculture             b- Partnership               c- Deforestation            d- Recreation 

Fill in the spaces with words from the list: 

(nominal / tusks / kidnaps / hybrid / latter / toenails) 

The policemen are looking for the which ……………………………………… children. 

She’s only the ……………….. boss of our college, the real work is done by her deputy

Look at this flower! It has a strange color and shape. I think it is a ………………. one. 

Poachers hunt elephants to sell their …………………………. which are made of ivory. 

The young girl was so happy after she had her ………………………………… painted. 


Why do you think people cut down thousands of trees every year? 


How can the government protect the endangered species. 


Many animals are in danger, why? 


What do you think of spending money on projects to preserve natural resources? 


He 1- (believe) ………………………. that the world must do something now to save the giant panda. “In 20 years it will be too late,” he 2- (say) …………………………….. We must save our large areas of bamboo forest now. I 3-(not think) ………………………….. We’ll be able to do it if we wait more than five years.” Currently, Faisal 4-(spend) ………………………….. much of his time trying to persuade people to give money to support the work of his center. He fears that he won’t be able to achieve his aim, but he always 5-(think) ………………… of new ways of making money to help his animals. 

Choose the correct option: 

I …………………………….. you are a nice person. 

think                     b- am thinking                  c- thinks                     d- thinking 

It ……………………………………………… good. 

tasting                   b- is tasting                       c- tastes                     d- taste 

You …………………………………………… great. 

are looking            b- is looking                     c- looking                  d- look   

He’s been ………………………. since this morning. 

working                 b- work                             c- worked                 d- works

He …………………………………… a huge house. 

is having                b- has                                c- have                     d- having 

They ……………………… at the photo album now. 

are looking             b- looks                              c- looking                 d- is looking   

They ………………………………………… a robot. 

designing               b- are designing                c- designs                d- am designing 

I ……………………………………. him very much. 

likes                       b- liking                            c- am liking             d- like 






1. anticipate 

 يتوقّ عْ

6. exhaust pipe  

  أنبوب العاد م

2. consent 


7. fell   

 يقطع شجر ة

3. contradict   يناق  ضْ

8. landfill site  

 موقع دفن نفايا  ت

4. dread 

  يقلق    يفزع  يخ س 

9. smokestack  


5. dump 

 يرم النفاي ة

10. suspect 


 يشتبه    يشك ف 


Fill in the spaces with words from the list: 

(suspected/ anticipate/ smokestack/ dread/ landfill site/ consent) 

Look at that factory. There is a black smoke coming from the …………………………… 

The town’s garbage are usually thrown in the …………………………………………… 

We all …………………………………… to think what will happen if the factory closes. 

Climbers read the weather forecast to ………… what might happen during their trips. 

he strongly …………………………………………………………. he was lying to her. 


From a, b, c and d choose the right option: 

Mona’s testimony ………………………….. her brother’s. 

anticipates                 b- dreads                     c- contradicts                 d- suspects 

He ………………………………… the rubbish in the bin. 

dumped                      b- felled                       c- consented                  d- contradicted 

I really wonder why people ………………………… trees. 

suspect                      b- dread                       c- contradict                  d- fell 

Fumes from the ………………… of vehicles can make it difficult for people to breathe. a- landfill site                 b- exhaust pipe            c- smokestack               d- tusk 

1. Complete the sentences below with words formed from the words in capitals. 

People are worried about the threat of environmental (POLLUTE)……………………….. . 

The (DESTROY)…………………….of the forests of Borneo is threatening orangutans. 

Some experts believe that (GLOBE)……………………warming affects our climate. 

People have great (DIFFICULT)……………………looking after adult orangutans. 

Charities try to (PERSUASION)…………………..people to give money to their causes. 

Acid rain may have caused major (ENVIRONMENT)…………………..damage.

Ice has made the roads (DANGER)………………….. 

The government is holding campaigns to save the orangutan from (EXTINCT)………………… 

Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the word box. There are more words than you need.   

Climate / pollution / fumes / habitat / landfill / warming / catastrophe 


The natural home of an animal is called its………………………… 

The rapid disappearnce of rainforests is a major cause of global………………………….. 

Scientists have predicted that over a million species could become extinct by the middle of this century as……………………………change threatens their habitats. 

Recycling diverted 79 million tons of waste away from………………..………………..sites. 

One main reason for air pollution is the exhaust…………………………produced by cars and other vehicles.  

3. Write the correct verb forms in these sentences.     

Who (you / go)……………………………to the match on Saturday with? 

What (you / wear)………………………………last winter? 

I can’t stand cartoons. I (think)……………………….they are silly. 

5. Join the two sentences using the connectors in brackets. 

You can hear what I’m saying. You keep quiet. (if) 


Fill in the spaces with words from the list: 

(anxiety / amend / international / chiefly) 

I think my father’s success was …………………….. due to his integrity and hard work. 

He is a pianist with a / an ………………………………….…………..………………….. reputation. 

Children normally feel a lot of ………………………….….. about their first day at school. 

From a. b. e and deloose the right option: 

Starvation and wars are the main problems that ……………………….. the world today. a- tackle                   b- anticipate                   c- confront                     d- amend 

The teacher is going to …………………………………..……………. the problems of the class. a- confront                b- amend                         c- anticipate                   d- tackle   

He was in a dreadful ……… because he lost his money and missed the last train home. a- symposium           b- plight                           c- anxiety                      d- hybrid 

On the next …………………………………………….. we will discuss the new policy. a- anxiety                  b- hybrid                          c- symposium               d- plight 

An increase in temperature could cause environmental problems ………………………. a- world wide            b- nominal                       c- latter                         d- ecological  

Summary making 

Read the following passage then answer the question below: 

It seems that the desire for money is part of human nature. This desire varies from one person to another. However, in every society, rich or poor, there is a strong relation between money and respect. The more money a person has, the more prestige he is likely to acquire. Money plays a different role in every stage of our life; therefore, its importance is closely related to the personal or social goals it is meant to achieve. To a child at school, it means buying things like candies and sweets. Besides, to teenagers and young people, it means independence and it helps them gain a marked social status and respect, since they can buy things their fellow teenagers cannot. Moreover, An adult realizes the value of money as a breadwinner of a family. Satisfying the family needs and brings him/her happiness. Finally, at the age of retirement, money is the main source of security to a person.  

In four sentences of your own, summarize and paraphrase the paragraph in an answer to the following question:  

What ‘s the importance of money at the different stages of life? 




…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



From a, b, c and d choose the right option:

The last earthquake was indeed the worst ……………………… in the country’s history. a- 

remedy                     b- expert                       c- shortage                         d- calamity 

They passed a law that ………………………………………………… smoking in cars. 

prohibits                   b- quakes                      c- accumulates                   d- flares up 

Because of the overpopulation, there will be a …………………………………. in food. a- shortage                     b- calamity                   c- remedy                           d- dam 

He intends to sell his car because it would be too ………………………….. to repair it. 

remarkable               b- prolonged                 c- previous                         d- costly   

My mother is a an …………………………………………………….. at dress-making. 

Expert                     b- shortage                    c- remedy                           d- dam 

Every time I get on a plane, I ………………………………………………… with fear. 

flare up                    b- prohibit                     c- accumulate                     d- quake 

Change into reported speech: 

I’m glad to meet you. 

John told me ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 

We lost our way to the park yesterday. 

David said ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 

I’ll be here in the café tomorrow. 

Sara said ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 

Our teacher asks too many questions in our class. 

Our colleagues told us ………………………………………………………………………………….……… 

I ‘m going to pay for your friend’s ticket tonight. 

He told me ………………………………………………………………………………………….……………….. 

‘’Will you go shopping tomorrow with me? 

Mariam asked her friend………………………………………………………………………………………… 

‘’Do you live in this house?’’ 

           He asked me ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 

‘’where did you go yesterday?’’ 

            The mother asked her daughter…………………………………………………………………………… 

‘’where will you spend this weekend?’’ 

             I asked my friend…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 

‘’where does she stay?’’ 


‘’study your lessons and don’t waste your time. 

           The teacher advised the students…………………………………………………………………………. 

” Where did you go yesterday?” (Change into reported speech)  

My friend wanted to know where I go the day before. 

My friend wanted to know where I had gone the day before. 

My friend wanted to know where I would go the day before.  

“We will test the new vaccine next month.’ (Change into reported speech)  

They said they tested the new vaccine the following month. 

They said they test the new vaccine the following month. 

They said they would test the new vaccine the following month.  

“Where will you spend your summer vacation?” (Change into reported speech)  

My cousin asked me where I spent my summer vacation. 

My cousin asked me where I had spent my summer vacation. 

My cousin asked me where I would spend my summer vacation. 

“Are you doing a research on Coronavirus

               (Change into reported speech)  

The journalist asked the experts if they did a research on Coronavirus. 

The journalist asked the experts if they were doing a research on Coronavirus. 

The journalist asked the experts if they had done a research on Coronavirus.  

“Did they leave last year?”                                      (Change into reported speech)  

My cousin asked me if they have left the year before. 

My cousin asked me if they had left the year before. 

My cousin asked me if they will leave the year before.  

 اسلامية الصف الحادي عشر الادبي, اسلامية ف2 الصف الحادي عشر أدبي, الصف الحادي عشر الادبي, الملفات التعليمية, مذكرة التقوية انجليزي حادي عشر ف2 #معهد سمارت مايند 2021 2022

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