مذكرة امتحان قواعد للوحدات (7&8&9) انجليزي سابع ف2 |
هل أنت مستعد لامتحان اللغة الإنجليزية؟ هذه المذكرة ستساعدك في مراجعة قواعد الوحدات 7 و 8 و 9 المقررة في الفصل الدراسي الثاني للصف السابع في دولة الكويت. سنشرح القواعد بطريقة سهلة ومبسطة مع الكثير من الأمثلة لتفهم كل شيء جيدًا!
الوحدة السابعة تتحدث عن [موضوع الوحدة السابعة]. سنراجع معًا أهم القواعد اللغوية الموجودة في هذه الوحدة، مثل [مثال لقاعدة لغوية 1].
للتأكد من فهمك، سنعرض عليك بعض الأمثلة والتدريبات. حاول حلها بنفسك قبل الاطلاع على الإجابات!
في الوحدة الثامنة، سنتعلم عن [موضوع الوحدة الثامنة]. سنركز على قواعد مهمة مثل [مثال لقاعدة لغوية 2].
هذه التدريبات ستساعدك على تطبيق ما تعلمته في الوحدة الثامنة. لا تقلق إذا واجهت صعوبة، يمكنك دائمًا العودة إلى الشرح!
الوحدة التاسعة تركز على [موضوع الوحدة التاسعة]. سنتناول بالتفصيل قواعد مثل [مثال لقاعدة لغوية 3].
هنا تجد مجموعة من التمارين الإضافية لتعزيز فهمك لقواعد الوحدة التاسعة. استعد للامتحان!
نتمنى لك التوفيق في امتحانك! لا تنسَ مراجعة مراجعات أخرى لمادة اللغة الإنجليزية للصف السابع.
يمكنك أيضًا مشاهدة المذكرة مباشرة من هنا:
للمزيد من المعلومات حول المناهج الكويتية، يمكنك زيارة موقع وزارة التربية: وزارة التربية الكويتية.
مذكرة امتحان قواعد للوحدات (7&8&9) انجليزي سابع ف2
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مذكرة امتحان قواعد للوحدات (7&8&9) انجليزي سابع ف2
The Past Simple
Tense EX. (1) Choose the correct answer from a,
b, c, & d:
1. They ………………. a treasure under the sea in 2000
. a) find b) found c) will find d) has found
3. We …..……………. our best to help her.
a) does b) doing c) did d) done
4. Salim……….. diving with his team last weekend.
a) go b) going c) goes d) went
5. I ……….. ……….. my phone while I was walking on the beach.
a) lost b) losing c) lose d) was lost
6. My friend………… me to her birthday party two days ago.
a) inviting b) invited C ) invites d) invite
7. Maha and Dana met and …………….. tennis yesterday.
a) play b) plays c) played d) had played
EX. (2) Do as shown in brackets:
1. She met her friend in the garden. (Make negative)
2. The old man walked very slowly. (Ask a question)
3. Ali (buy) a nice book last Monday. (Correct the verb)
EX. (3) Make negative:
1. We visited the museum yesterday
2. I saw my friends at the shopping mall.
3. Sara danced in yesterday’s party.
4. Salim carried a heavy box.
5. The family stayed at an expensive hotel.
EX. (4) Ask questions:
1. We visited the museum yesterday
2. I saw my friends at the shopping mall.
3. Sara danced in yesterday’s party.
The Past Continuous Tense
EX. (1) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, &
1. My father entered the room while I ……………………. TV.
a) watch
b) was watching
c) were watching
d) watched
2. The kids …………………….in the garden when it suddenly started to rain.
a) playing
b) played
c) were playing
d) was playing
3. Salma …………………….in the park when I met her.
a) was walking
b) were walking
c) walking
d) walked
4. While I …………………..in my room, my sister left home.
a) studies
b) was studying
c) studied
d) were studying
5. My baby brother ….………. loudly so I couldn’t do my homework.
a) was crying
b) were crying
c) cried
d) have cried
6. While the teacher ……………… the lesson, the students kept listening to him.
b) have explained
c) was explaining
d) were studying
7 .you doing your homework at six o’clock last night ……………………
d) Do
a) Are
b) Were
8 c) Have ……………….he was kicking the ball, he fell down.
a) When
b) After
c) Before
d) While
EX. (2) Make negative:
1. We were visiting the museum.
2. I was meeting my friends at the shopping mall.
3. Salim was carrying a heavy box.
EX. (3) Ask questions:
1. The family were staying in an expensive hotel.
2. I was meeting my friends at the shopping mall.
3. The old man was walking very slowly.
EX. (4) Do as shown in brackets:
1. We were visiting the USA when I saw them. (Make negative)
2. Maha was travelling to London. (Make negative)
3. Ali was meeting his cousin in the mosque. (Ask a question)
4-While Maher (wash) his car, a tall man stole his wallet. (Correct the verb) (used to + inf.)
(used to + inf.)
EX. (1) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, &
1. My brother……………..ride a bicycle when he was young.
a) use
b) was used
c) used to
d) used
2. The kids used …………….play with each other in the garden.
a) to
b) in
c) for
d) of
3. Salma used to ……………..in the park when she was 10 years old.
a) walking
b) walked
c) walk
d) walks
4. I …………………..use to drink coffee when I was young.
a) don’t
d) haven’t
b) didn’t
c) doesn’t
5. How did your grandfather …………..to travel in the past?
a) use
b) using
c) used
d) uses
EX. (2) Make negative:
1. I used to go to bed late
2. People used to travel by plane long time ago.
3. Sara used to drink coffee when she was young.
4. Old people used to work in pearl diving.
EX. (3) Ask questions:
1. I used to go to bed at 9 o’clock.
2. People used to travel by plane long time ago.
3. Sara used to drink coffee when she was young.
4. Old people used to work for pearl diving in the past
EX. (4) Do as shown in brackets:
1. Mona used to walk for a long time. (Make negative)
2. We (use) to drink coffee in the morning. (Correct the verb)
3. Ali used to watch action films. (Ask a question)
Unit (8)
(Must / mustn’t
inf.) EX. (1) Choose the correct answer from a,+
b, c, &d:
1. You ………………. do exercise to stay fit.
a) mustn’t
b) doesn’t have to
c) has to
d) must
2. It’s late. You………make so much noise.
a) must
b) mustn’t
c) doesn’t have to
d) don’t have to
3.People …………….park their cars in the parking areas.
a will
b) shall
c) must
d) has to
4. You …….touch that kettle, it’s too hot.
a) must
b) mustn’t
c) don’t have to
d) doesn’t have to
4.To join this course, students ………………….. be 16 years old.
a) will
b) shall
c) must
d) has to
5. Students ………………….chew gum in the class.
a) didn’t have to
b) doesn’t have to
c) mustn’t
d) don’t have to
EX. (2) Make negative:
1. I must listen to bad people.
2. We must go now leaving Mona alone while she is sick.
3. You must stay late at night.
4. People must park their cars here.
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