مذكرة امتحانات انجليزي ثاني عشر ف2 #أ. مادلين نبيل 2021 2022

مذكرة امتحانات انجليزي ثاني عشر ف2 #أ. مادلين نبيل 2021 2022


مراجعة نهائية انجليزي الصف الثاني عشر الفصل الثاني 2021-2022 مع أ. مادلين نبيل

هل أنت مستعد لامتحان الإنجليزي؟ مراجعة شاملة للصف الثاني عشر!

أهلاً وسهلاً بك يا بطل! هل أنت في الصف الثاني عشر وتستعد لامتحان اللغة الإنجليزية؟ لا تقلق! لدينا هنا مذكرة مراجعة رائعة ستساعدك على النجاح والتفوق في امتحان الفصل الثاني.

مراجعة مميزة مع أ. مادلين نبيل

هذه المراجعة القيمة من إعداد المتميزة أ. مادلين نبيل، وهي مصممة خصيصاً لتناسب منهج الصف الثاني عشر للفصل الدراسي الثاني للعام 2021-2022. ستجد فيها كل ما تحتاجه لتكون مستعداً تماماً للامتحان.

ماذا ستجد في هذه المراجعة؟

ستجد في هذه المراجعة أسئلة وتدريبات متنوعة تغطي جميع أجزاء المنهج. كما أنها تتضمن حلولاً نموذجية لتساعدك على فهم الأفكار بشكل أفضل. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمكنك الاطلاع على نصائح للمذاكرة الفعالة لتنظيم وقتك واستغلاله بشكل أمثل. هذه النصائح ستساعدك على الاستعداد الجيد ليس فقط للامتحان الحالي ولكن لجميع الاختبارات القادمة!

شاهد المراجعة الآن!

يمكنك مشاهدة المراجعة مباشرة من خلال الرابط التالي:

هل تبحث عن المزيد من الموارد التعليمية؟

إذا كنت تبحث عن المزيد من الموارد التعليمية لمساعدتك في دراستك، يمكنك زيارة موقع وزارة التربية الكويتية للحصول على معلومات حول المناهج الدراسية والكتب المدرسية. كما يمكنك أيضاً البحث عن نماذج امتحانات سابقة لمادة اللغة الإنجليزية للتدرب عليها.

نتمنى لك التوفيق والنجاح في امتحانك!

المصدر: وزارة التربية الكويتية

مذكرة امتحانات انجليزي ثاني عشر ف2 #أ. مادلين نبيل 2021 2022


معلومات الملف “مذكرة امتحانات انجليزي ثاني عشر ف2 #أ. مادلين نبيل 2021 2022”
الصف: الصف الثاني عشر العلمي
الفصل: انجليزي الصف الثاني عشر العلمي
المادة: انجليزي ف2 الصف الثاني عشر علمي
حجم الملف: 457 KB


مذكرة امتحانات انجليزي ثاني عشر ف2 #أ. مادلين نبيل 2021 2022

Second Period Quiz (No 1)

I- Vocabulary (20 Marks)

A- Choose the best answer from a, b, c or d: (4×5= 20 Marks)

1. Some elderly people need …………………..care to lead a healthy life without worries.

a) leafy

b) geriatric

 c) rural 

d) supple

2. People who work in a great………………..like London would not prefer to live there.

a) ailment

 b) almond

 c) blizzard

 d) metropolis

3. My dad is the best at………………..stories as well as being a wonderful narrator.

a) making up

 b) doing without

 c) doing away with

 d) making up for

4. Most villagers become attracted to the ………….of the city modern life and its services.

a) excuse

 b) reverence

 c) glamour

 d) depopulation

II- Grammar (20 Marks)

B- From a, b, and c choose the correct answer as required: (4×5= 20 Marks)

5- ” I will pay for your university” (Change into reported speech)

a- My father told me that I would pay for your university.

b- My father told me that he would pay for my university.

c- My father told me that he had paid for your university.

6- “Did you enjoy your mid-year holiday?” (Change into reported speech)

a- Emily asked her friend did she enjoy her mid-year holiday.

b- Emily asked her friend if she enjoys her mid-year holiday.

c- Emily asked her friend if she had enjoyed her mid-year holiday.

7- Merit is good at playing tennis. Olivia is good at playing tennis. ( Use Both – and)

a-Both Merit and Olivia is good at playing tennis.

b- Both Merit and Olivia was good at playing tennis.

c- Both Merit and Olivia are good at playing tennis.

8- The room was so crowded that we could find nowhere to sit. (Begin with: So )

a-So crowded was the room that we could find nowhere to sit.

b-So was the room crowded that we could find nowhere to sit.

c-So crowded the room was that we could find nowhere to sit.

III- Writing (40 Marks)

Some people think that cities are the best places to live, while others believe that living in big cities is becoming more difficult.

 Plan and write a six-sentence paragraph discussing the arguments for and against living in the city and stating your point of view.

The Outline (5 Marks)

I- Introductory sentence

II- Supporting details


III- Concluding sentence


Write Your paragraph Here (35 Marks)


Second Period Quiz (No 2)

I- Vocabulary (20 Marks)

A- Choose the best answer from a, b, c or d: (4×5= 20 Marks)

1. The little child was admired by all the audience for his ability to……….exciting stories

a) cycle

 b) narrate

 c) reverse

 d) conceal

2. My uncle insists on doing……………………exercises despite being eighty.
a) drowsy

 b) vacant

 c) deserted

 d) vigorous

3. Personal computers have helped us to………………………..a lot of paperwork

a) make up

 b) do up

 c) do away with

 d) make up for

4. Adding toasted, ground …………..on the cake will give it better taste and appearance

a) commentary

 b) centenarian

 c) hub

 d) almond

II- Grammar (20 Marks)

B- From a, b, and c choose the correct answer as required: (4×5= 20 Marks)

5- “ I am glad to meet you.”      (Change into reported speech)

a- Merit told me that I was glade to meet me.

b- Merit told me that she is glade to meet me.

c- Merit told me that she was glad to meet me.

6- “Where did you go at the weekend?” (Change into reported speech)

a- My friend wanted to know where had I gone at the weekend.

b- My friend wanted to know where I had gone at the weekend.

c- My friend wanted to know where did I go at the weekend.

7- Tom is a smart student. Jeana is a smart student, too. ( Use: Both – and)

a- Both Tom and Jeana is a smart student.

b- Both Tom and Jeana are smart students.

c- Both Tom and Jeana are smart students, too.

8- He had no sooner written the letter than he tore it into pieces. (Begin with: No sooner)

a- No sooner he had written the letter than he tore it into pieces.

b- No sooner he has written the letter than he tore it into pieces.

c- No sooner had he written the letter than he tore it into pieces.

III- Writing (40 Marks)

Some people prefer living in the countryside where they can enjoy natural views, while others think that life in the village is boring.

Plan and write a six-sentence paragraph discussing the arguments for and against living in the village and stating your point of view.

The Outline (5 Marks)

I- Introductory sentence


II- Supporting details


III- Concluding sentence


Write Your paragraph Here (35 Marks)



Second Period Quiz (No 3)

I- Vocabulary (20 Marks)

A- Choose the best answer from a, b, c or d: (4×5= 20 Marks)

1. Both parents and teachers should be ……………….because they have offered us a lot.

a) bestowed

 b) reversed

 c) concealed

 d) honoured
2. My family spent a week in aan……………..fishing village in the bay. It was fantastic.

a) elderly

 b) embarrassed

 c) rural

 d) integral

3. We ……………………..our cousins while shopping last week, it was a great day.

a) bumped into

 b) did without

 c) did away with

 d) made up for

4. It is true that ……………………..in Europe has increased greatly in the 20th century.

a) commentary

 b) life expectancy

 c) vicinity

 d) excuse

II- Grammar (20 Marks)

B- From a, b, and c choose the correct answer as required: (4×5= 20 Marks)

5- ” We will test the new vaccine next month.” (Change into reported speech)

a- They said that they would test the new vaccine the following month.

b- They said that they test the new vaccine the following month.

c- They said that they tested the new vaccine the following month.

6- “How can I repair this car?” (Change into reported speech)

a- The old man asked Hassan how I can repair that car.

b- The old man asked Hassan how he could repair that car.

c- The old man asked Hassan how he has repaired that car..

7- Samir likes reading newspaper. Omar likes reading newspaper. (join using both….and)

a- Both Samir and Omar like reading newspaper.

b- Both Samir and Omar likes reading newspaper.

c- Both Samir and Omar liked reading newspaper.

8- The party had scarcely started when the lights went out. (Begin with: scarcely)

a- Scarcely does the party start when the lights went out.

b- Scarcely had the party started when the lights went out.

c- Scarcely has the party started when the lights went out

III- Writing (40 Marks)

Some people think that geriatric homes are the best choice to take care of the elderly, while others believe that no one can replace the care and love of the family.
Plan and write a six-sentence paragraph discussing the arguments for and against sending the elderly to geriatric homes and stating your point of view.

The Outline (5 Marks)

I- Introductory sentence

II- Supporting details


III- Concluding sentence


Write Your paragraph Here (35 Marks)


Second Period Quiz (No 4)

I- Vocabulary (20 Marks)

A- Choose the best answer from a, b, c or d: (4×5= 20 Marks)

1. A lot of people complained about the………caused by the endless work on the road.

a) reverence

 b) almond

 c) disturbance

 d) hub

2. My grandfather is having aan…………………….surgical operation next week.

a) supple

 b) astounded

 c) tranquil

 d) cardiovascular

3. Mr. Adel doesn’t have a car, so he…………………to work everyday.

a) reverses

 b) cycles

 c) conceals

 d) honours

4.Volunteers came from………………….to help after the earthquake had hit the city.

a) far and wide

 b) hustle and bustle

 c) odds and ends

 d) pluck up the courage

II- Grammar (20 Marks)

B- From a, b, and c choose the correct answer as required: (4×5= 20 Marks)

5- “ I saw your father in the supermarket yesterday.” (Change into reported speech)

a- Omar said that I saw your father in the supermarket yesterday.

b- Omar said that he saw your father in the supermarket the day before.

c- Omar said that he had seen my father in the supermarket the day before.

6- “Does Anna work in Kuwait?” (Change into reported speech)

a- I wanted to know if Anna works in Kuwait.

b- I wanted to know if Anna worked in Kuwait.

c- I wanted to know if Anna has worked in Kuwait.

7-The old house is small. The new one is big. (Join using :in comparison with)

a- In comparison with the old house, the new one is big.

b- The old house is small in comparison with the new one is big.

c- In comparison with the old house is small, the new one is big

8- The artst rarely paid attention to his agent’s advice. Rarely …………………………………………… (Complete)

a- Rarely the artist did pay attention to his agent’s advice.

b- Rarely did the artist pay attention to his agent’s advice.

c- Rarely will the artist pay attention to his agent’s advice.

III- Writing (40 Marks)

Some people think that geriatric homes are the best choice to take care of the elderly, while others believe that no one can replace the care and love of the family.
Plan and write a six-sentence paragraph discussing the arguments for and against sending the elderly to geriatric homes and stating your point of view.

The Outline (5 Marks)

I- Introductory sentence


II- Supporting details


III- Concluding sentence


Write Your paragraph Here (35 Marks)


Second Period Quiz (No 5)

I- Vocabulary (20 Marks)

A- Choose the best answer from a, b, c or d: (4×5= 20 Marks)

1. Rural …….. is the natural result of the deterioration of life conditions in the villages.

a) expectation

 b) vicinity

 c) infrastructure

 d) depopulation

2. Kings and Queens usually live in………………………….. palaces.

a) supple

 b) astounded

 c) palatial

 d) fatal

3. Merit …………………to win the competition as she had been training for many weeks.

a) reversed

 b) narrated

 c) deserved

 d) bestowed

4. My ……………. for that hard- working man grows every day. He really deserves it.

a) admiration

 b) hub

 c) overcrowding

 d) export

II- Grammar (20 Marks)

B- From a, b, and c choose the correct answer as required: (4×5= 20 Marks)

5- “ Our teacher asks too many questions.” (Change into reported speech)

a- The students said that our teacher asks too many questions.

b- The students said that our teacher asked too many questions.

c- The students said that their teacher asked too many questions.

6- “Would you like to go shopping tomorrow?” (Change into reported speech)

a- Emily asked her friend whether she would like to go shopping the next day.

b- Emily asked her friend whether would she like to go shopping the next day.

c- Emily asked her friend whether you would like to go shopping the next day.

7-George likes to read science fiction. Rita likes to read poetry. (Join using : whereas)

a- George whereas likes to read science fiction, Rita likes to read poetry.

b- George likes to read science fiction, whereas Rita likes to read poetry.

c- George likes to read science fiction, Rita likes to read poetry whereas.

8- It was such an interesting story that I read it in one sitting. (Begin with : Such)

a- Such an interesting story was it that I read it in one sitting.

b- Such an interesting story it was that I read it in one sitting.

c- Such interesting was the story that I read it in one sitting.

III- Writing (40 Marks)

Some people think that cities are the best places to live, while others believe that living in big cities is becoming more difficult.
Plan and write a six-sentence paragraph discussing the arguments for and against living in the city and stating your point of view.

The Outline (5 Marks)

I- Introductory sentence


II- Supporting details


III- Concluding sentence


Write Your paragraph Here (35 Marks)




 الصف الثاني عشر العلمي, الملفات التعليمية, انجليزي الصف الثاني عشر العلمي, انجليزي ف2 الصف الثاني عشر علمي, مذكرة امتحانات انجليزي ثاني عشر ف2 #أ. مادلين نبيل 2021 2022

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