مذكرة أسئلة امتحانات وإجاباتها النموذجية انجليزي ثاني عشر ف2 #م. سلمان الفارسي 2021 2022

مذكرة أسئلة امتحانات وإجاباتها النموذجية انجليزي ثاني عشر ف2 #م. سلمان الفارسي 2021 2022

مذكرة أسئلة امتحانات وإجاباتها النموذجية انجليزي ثاني عشر ف2 #م. سلمان الفارسي 2021 2022


معلومات الملف “مذكرة أسئلة امتحانات وإجاباتها النموذجية انجليزي ثاني عشر ف2 #م. سلمان الفارسي 2021 2022”
الصف: الصف الثاني عشر العلمي
الفصل: انجليزي الصف الثاني عشر العلمي
المادة: انجليزي ف2 الصف الثاني عشر علمي
حجم الملف: 6.16 MB


مذكرة أسئلة امتحانات وإجاباتها النموذجية انجليزي ثاني عشر ف2 #م. سلمان الفارسي 2021 2022

A) From a, b, c and d choose the most suitable word that best completes each of the following sentences: (5×10=50 Marks) 

1. All employees should work together to ……………….plans and achieve objectives.
 a. execute
b. conceal
 c. resign
d. wane

 2. Each citizen is a/an ……………………..part in the process of developing our country.
 a. dual
b. integral
 c. embarrassed
d. fatigued

 3. Some passengers suffer from ….heights that planes reach in the sky.
a. dizzying
b. deserted
c. alight
d. durable

 4. I was very embarrassed – little did I expect to …………………. my hero and not say a word to him!
 a. bump into
b. make up
 c. put to
d. come down

 5. Sleeping well is essential to recover from whole day ……….at work.
b. admiration
 c. depopulation
d. exhaustion
a. bill

B) Fill in the spaces with the most suitable words from the list below:(5X10=50 Marks)
(densely / opportunity / narrate / frequently / cookery / cycle) 

6. People suffer from traffic jam in densely .populated cities and areas.

 7. Mothers’ skills in cookery  are not questionable. Their dishes are delicious.

 8. Our grandparents used to narrate  interesting stories to us before bedtime. 

9. Doctors recommend that people should walk or cycle as a good cardiovascular exercise.

 10. Children visited the Scientific Center and had the opportunity to contact the International Space Station

A) From a, b, c and d choose the correct answer that best completes each of the following sentences: (4 X 10 = 40 Marks) 

11. I had my car………at the mechanic last week.
 a. fixes
 b. fixed
 c. been fixing
 d. was fixed

12. The whole class wanted to know ……….. scored the highest mark in the exam.
 a. which
b. what
 c. where
d. who

 13. The new mobile operating system is exciting……………………… the old one.
 a. but
b. whereas
 c. while
d. in comparison with

 14. The plot of the movie was …..new nor appealing to the audience.
 a. or
b. and
 c. either
d. neither

B) From a, b and c choose the correct answer as required: (4 X 5 = 20 Marks)

15. They have never watched such an interesting soccer match. (Begin with: Never)
a- Never did they watch such an interesting soccer match
 b- Never had they watched such an interesting soccer match
c- Never have they watched such an interesting soccer match.

(Correct the verb) 16. My father (work ) in the company before he retired.
 a-My father will work in the company before he retired.
 b- My father had worked in the company before he retired.
C- My father is going to work in the company before he retired.

 17. “I go sailing with my friends at weekends”. (Change into reported speech)
a-He said that he went sailing with his friends at weekends.
 b- He said that he will go sailing with his friends at weekends.
C- He said that he is going sailing with his friends at weekends.

 18. Drivers can park cars anywhere in the parking area. (Change into passive)
a-Cars are parked anywhere in the parking area.
 b- Cars can be parked anywhere in the parking area.
 C-Cars are going to be parked anywhere in the parking area.

Write what you would say in the following situations: (4×10= 40 Marks)

19. A friend wants to start an extreme sport.

Approval and disapproval/ Agreeing and disagreeing

20. Your sister wants to know why you like adventure movies,

Explaining a choice / Giving reasons for a choice/ Stating advantages

21. One of your friends helped you with your homework about healthy habits.

Expressing gratitude/ Justifying

22. Your father wants you to know what you intend to study in the future.

Planning/ Giving opinion

From a ,b ,c and d choose the correct answer: (4×10=40 Marks)

 23. What are the best ways of ensuring a long life?
a- by eating a lot of food.
 b-by thinking about sports.
 c-by sitting without exercise.
d-by staying physically active.

 24. Why do most people prefer restoring old buildings?
a- Because the restoration process costs a lot of money.
 b- Because they are houses for modern workshops and arts.
 c- Because young people like to live and socialise in old houses.
d-Because old buildings are part of our heritage and have historical values.

 25. What difficulties do mountain climbers usually face?
a- Mountain climbers have many friends.
 b- Mountain climbers enjoy a lot of food.
 C- Mountain climbers usually face frostbite.
d- Mountain climbers have great team support.

 26. Why is it is impossible for us to live on Mars?
a- Mars is covered with water.
 b- Its atmosphere lacks oxygen.
 C- Mars is out of the solar system.
 d- It has two tiny natural satellites.

A) From a, b, c and d choose the correct answer: (5x 10–50 Marks)

27. What is the best title of the passage?
a- Animal Shelters
 b- Food for Animals
 C- A Zoo Adventure
d- Interesting Animals

 28. What does the underlined word “habitats” in the (3rd) paragraph mean?
a- homes
 b- fences
 C- covers
d- stores 

29. What does the underlined word “them” in the (4th) paragraph refer to?
a- trees
 b- paths
C- animals
d- people

30. …. According to paragraph (3), the animal shelter is.
a- run by Tobey and his family
. b- taken care of by a group of volunteers.
 c- full of workers who don’t like to help visitors.
d- a huge place with a parking area and a lot of trees.

 31. All the following statements are TRUE EXCEPT:
a- Tobey liked zoos more than animal shelters.
 Tobey went to the animal shelter with his family.
 Tobey toured his family through the shelter at their own pace.
 d-Tobey and his family thanked the volunteers for their efforts.

 الصف الثاني عشر العلمي, الملفات التعليمية, انجليزي الصف الثاني عشر العلمي, انجليزي ف2 الصف الثاني عشر علمي, مذكرة أسئلة امتحانات وإجاباتها النموذجية جغرافيا ثاني عشر أدبي ف2 #م. سلمان الفارسي 2021 2022

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