مخططات كامل وحدات الكتاب انجليزي حادي عشر ف2

مخططات كامل وحدات الكتاب انجليزي حادي عشر ف2

مخططات كامل وحدات الكتاب انجليزي حادي عشر ف2

معلومات الملف “مخططات كامل وحدات الكتاب انجليزي حادي عشر ف2”
الصف: الصف الحادي عشر الادبي
الفصل: انجليزي الصف الحادي عشر الادبي
المادة: انجليزي ف2 الصف الحادي عشر أدبي
حجم الملف: 2.00 MB


مخططات كامل وحدات الكتاب انجليزي حادي عشر ف2

Unit seven “Broadcasting

✓ It provides us with the latest news.
✓ It helps to raise public awareness.
✓ It acts as a deterrent to corrupt practices.
✓ It helps spread information fast.
✓ It promotes social problems.
✓ It informs us about the
successful achievements about our country.


✓ It can encourage negative thinking.
✓ It can glorify minor issues.
✓ It has the power to form and
alter public opinion
✓ It can promote unhealthy behaviour.
✓ It can be a source of fake news.
✓ It can make heroes out of ordinary people.
✓ It can encourage violence.

Forms of media


In the past 
– It was big 
– It was heavy 
– It had limited programmes


– It is smaller 
– It is lighter 
– It has various programmes

Unit Eight “Television Watching Habits
Watching Television

✓ It promotes inactivity.
It causes unhealthy behaviour.
It promotes negative thinking.
✓ It is a time waster if it’s used for long.
✓ It may lead to health problems.

✓ It develops imagination.
 ✓ It teaches family values. 
It develops good habits.
✓ It teaches new life skills.
✓ It can be used as a teaching aid.
✓ It can be used as a revision tool.

Family role

✓ Monitor what their children watch.
 ✓ Set family rules and stick to them.
✓ Turn off TV while doing homework.
✓ Set limits on TV viewing time.
✓ Encourage them to do other activities.
✓ Turn off TV during mealtimes.
✓ Watch TV with family and
✓   friends and discuss issues seen on TV with them

Unit Nine “Uses of Cameras
Types of video cameras


They are designed to be carried on the shoulder
They are very large

They are used for electronic news gathering
They have a shoulder-stabilizing device on the shoulder.

 the shoulder
They are fixed on studio pedestals or tracks
They have no recorder on their own, they are cable-bound

Consumer cameras
They are carried by hands
They are smaller in size

Different uses of cameras

Security matters
Web chatting
 Surgical operations
 Speed cameras
 Film making

Benefits of using  a video camera 

It has made our life smooth and easy going. 
It is useful in the field of education and medicine. 
It records the happy moments in our life. 
It helps us to talk and see each other all over the world. 

Qualities of a good film critic 

He should be organised. 
He should be accurate. 
He should be honest. 
He shouldn’t be biased

Unit Ten “Accidents


Over speed
Careless driving
Bad weather conditions
Mechanical failure
Running red lights
Running stop signs
Distracted Driving
Unsafe lane changes
Not respecting traffic rules
Using mobile while driving

Car accidents

Loss of people and money
Bad injuries
Traffic congestion Permanent disabilities

Building wide roads
Paving roads well
Setting strict traffic rules
Following traffic rules
Driving carefully
Installing speed cameras
Following safety measures while driving
Checking your car regularly
Concentrating well while

Safety innovations 

Smoke alarm 

They detect smoke and fires and save people’s lives. 
The best location for a smoke alarm is at the top of the stairs or in halls and corridors.
 They shouldn’t be put in or near kitchens as smoke from cooking can activate them. 


The weakest form of a disease that improves the immune system of the body.
 It prevents people from acquiring dangerous diseases. 
It stops diseases from spreading. 

They inflate immediately when a car collides with something solid. 
They prevent the occupants of the car from hitting dangerous objects

They retain people in their seats.
  They prevent or reduce injuries caused by a crash.

Unit Eleven ´The Planet in Danger

Environmental Threats 


Smoke from cars and factories.
Burning rubbish.

 ✓ Diseases among people.
 ✓ Killing animals.

 Suggested solutions
✓ Planting more trees.
 ✓ Moving factories outside cities.
  ✓  Setting strict rules.


✓ Cutting trees.
 ✓ Forest fires.

Leads to global warming.
 Harms the environment.
Destroys animal habitat.

 Suggested solutions
 ✓ Setting strict rules to stop
cutting trees.

-Global warmin

 ✓ Pollution.
 ✓ Deforestation.

 ✓ Spread of diseases.
 ✓ Weather change. ✓
 Animal extinction.

 Suggested solutions
✓ Planting more trees. 
✓ Using less energy.
 ✓ Using renewable sources of energy.


Endangered species


 ✓ Habitat destruction.
 ✓ illegal hunting. 
 ✓ Weather change.

 ✓ Disturbing the ecological balance.

 Suggested solutions
 ✓ Setting strict rules to ban hunting
  Building nature reserves For them.

Kuwait Bay
More food
 More jobs
 Improve water quality
Source of marine life

الصف الحادي عشر الادبي, الملفات التعليمية, انجليزي الصف الحادي عشر الادبي, انجليزي ف2 الصف الحادي عشر أدبي, مخططات كامل وحدات الكتاب انجليزي حادي عشر ف2

aymen m3toub

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