كتاب التدريبات لغة انجليزية للصف السابع
كتاب التدريبات لغة انجليزية للصف السابع |
كتاب تدريبات اللغة الإنجليزية الممتع للصف السابع!
مرحباً يا أصدقائي طلاب الصف السابع! هل أنتم مستعدون لخوض مغامرة شيقة في عالم اللغة الإنجليزية؟ هذا الكتاب مليء بالتدريبات الممتعة التي ستساعدكم على تحسين مهاراتكم في اللغة الإنجليزية بطريقة سهلة ومسلية.
لماذا هذا الكتاب مهم لطلاب الصف السابع؟
اللغة الإنجليزية أصبحت مهمة جدًا في حياتنا اليومية والدراسية. هذا الكتاب يساعدكم على:
- فهم دروس اللغة الإنجليزية بشكل أفضل.
- التمرن على القواعد بطريقة سهلة.
- زيادة ثقتكم بأنفسكم في التحدث والكتابة باللغة الإنجليزية.
- الاستعداد الجيد للاختبارات.
حمل كتاب التدريبات وابدأ الآن!
يمكنكم الآن تحميل كتاب التدريبات الخاص بمادة اللغة الإنجليزية للصف السابع من خلال الرابط التالي:
شاهد الكتاب مباشرة
يمكنك تصفح الكتاب مباشرة قبل تحميله:
دروس أخرى مفيدة للصف السابع
لا تنسوا الاطلاع على دروس أخرى مفيدة وممتعة لمادة اللغة الإنجليزية:
نتمنى لكم التوفيق والنجاح في دراستكم!
المصدر: وزارة التربية – دولة الكويت
كتاب التدريبات لغة انجليزية للصف السابع
معلومات الملف “كتاب التدريبات لغة انجليزية للصف السابع” |
الصف: الكتب الدراسيةالفصل: كتب الصف السابعالمادة: كتب الصف السابع ف2حجم الملف: 18.96 MB |
كتاب التدريبات لغة انجليزية للصف السابع
نقدم لكم كتاب التدريبات لغة انجليزية للصف السابع بشكل مبسط وجميل بعيد عن التعقيد لإيصال المعلومة بشكل مشوق ورائع .
Egyptian International Publishing Company – Longman,
10a Hussein Wassef Street,
Messaha Square,
Arab Republic of Egypt
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without the prior written permission of the Publishers.
The Longman imprint is the property of Pearson Education
being used under license from Pearson Education.
First printed in 2008
Second edition 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020
The publisher wishes to thank the Evaluation
Committee of Kuwait Ministry of Education:
Evaluation and Adaptation Committee
Ms Sakina A. Hussain, ELT Supervisor General, MoE
Ms Helena Mohammad, ELT Senior Supervisor, MoE
Ms Huda Al-Ammar, ELT Senior Supervisor, MoE
Ms Lubna Abo-Abdou, ELT Supervisor, MoE
Ms Khawla Al Refaee, ELT Supervisor, MoE
Ms Hadeel Al Kandari, ELT Supervisor, MoE
Ms Naseema Al Rashed, ELT Supervisor, MoE
Mr Mohammed Azatour, ELT Head of Department, MoE
Ms Amal Al-Jimaz, ELT Head of Department, MoE
Mr Abdelaziz El Mahboubi, Teacher of English, MoE
Ms Khalida Al Failakawi, Teacher of English, MoE
Ms Hanan Al Fuzai, Teacher of English, MoE
Ms Joza Al Otaibi, Head of Foreign Languages, MoE
Special thanks for a valued contribution:
Mrs. Suzan Al-Bashiti, ELT, General Supervisor, MOE
The Ministry of Education wishes to thank the Amendment Committee (2016):
Mrs. Hanan Ghaleb Aburezq, ELT Supervisor, MoE
Mr. Jaouad Amrani, ELT Supervisor, MoE
Mr. MY Abdelaziz Adnani, ELT Supervisor, MoE
Mrs. Asmaa Taleb AlAwadhi, Head of Department, MoE
Mr. Sassi Ben Bechir Mkaidi, Head of Department, MoE
Mrs. Rajaa Nouri AbdAlkareem, Teacher, MoE
Unit 1 Family and Friends
Unit 2 Sports and Activities
Unit 3 School Life
Progress Check
Tell Me How
Unit 4 Instructions and Directions
Unit 5 Free Time
Unit 6 Celebrations and Food
Progress Check
Now and Then
Unit 7 Journey to the Past
Unit 8 The Work We Do
Unit 9 Jobs and Personality
Progress Check
Facing Challenges
Unit 10 Travels and Exploration
Unit 11 Energy and Recycling
Unit 12 Predicting the Future
Progress Check
Complete the following interview. Work in pairs.
A: Hello, I’m a reporter. Do you mind answering some questions?
B: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
A: What’s your name? What do you do?
B: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
A: What are your hobbies? Do you like sports?
B: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
A: Thank you very much.
B: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
You are a reporter working on a survey about people’s hobbies.
Interview your partners.
Draw your family tree and tell your partner about it.
A) Write the correct contractions
is not = isn’t are not = …..…………
has not = …………… cannot = ……………….
you have = …………. we are = ……………….
will not= …….……. we would = ………….
B) Rewrite the sentences using
• They have not been to Australia.
• We will not go camping.
• Most students are not here.
Follow the examples below
and use (’s ) or ( ’ ).
1. Tom / bicycle
Tom’s bicycle
2. men / shoes
men’s shoes
1. teachers / room
2. Omar / car
3. children / clothes
4. engineer / office
5. workers / bus
My ideal home
.My ideal home is very beautiful. It’s a large house
It’s got bedrooms for all the family and a big living
.It’s also got a lovely garden with flowers
.One of my favourite rooms is my bedroom. It’s blue
And it’s got my computer in it. And I’ve got all my favourite
.books here, too
!I hope you like my ideal home
Do as shown between brackets.
• (Ahmad wakes up at five o’clock. (Ask a question
• (My cousins live in the village. (Ask a question
• (Nawal likes action movies. (Make negative
• (We go to school on Fridays. (Make negative
• (We enjoy (shop) ————————– in The Avenues. (Correct the verb
. Faris asks his father some questions for a school project. Complete the dialogue with these sentences
Can you teach me to ride a camel ?
I can play the piano .
Can you ride a horse ?
No, I can’t dive very well .
No, I can’t .
Can you play football ?
Faris: Dad, can I ask you a few questions for my school project ?
Father: Yes, of course .
Faris : ——————————————————
Father: Yes, I can! It’s a wonderful sport .
Faris : —————————————————–
Father: ————————————— But I can ride a camel
Faris : Wow! ——————————————–
Father: Maybe, next time we’re in the
Faris : Can you dive?
Father: —————————— But I can swim.
Faris : Can you play a musical instrument?
Father: Yes, I can. ————————————–
Faris : Thank you, dad.
Read about Tareq Al Qallaf and choose the correct answers.
1 Tareq is a ———————— champion.
a fighting b fencing c wheelchair
2 His first success outside Kuwait happened in —————————–
a 1968 b 1990 c 1986
3 Tareq won two gold medals in 1993 and two more in 2006 in ——————
a Holland b Italy c UK
4 Tareq has won 280 international ————————— medals.
a bronze b silver c gold
A Star in Kuwait – Tareq Al Qallaf
Tareq Al Qallaf is a Kuwaiti fencing champion who uses a
wheelchair. Fencing is a sport that involves fighting with
a thin sword. According to the Kuwait Sport Club, his
first major achievement was when he won first prize at
the Stoke Mandeville Championship in the UK in 1986. He
won a silver medal in the Fencing World Cup in Holland in
1990. In 1993, Tareq won two gold medals at the Fencing
World Cup in Italy. His most recent success was winning
two gold medals, again in Italy, in 2006. In total, Tareq
.Al Qallaf has won 280 international gold medals
Complete the sentences about you.
1 I play ——————————————————————————————————————-
2 I’m keen on ——————————————————————————————————–
3 I’m interested in ————————————————————————————————-
4 The main influence in my life is ———————————————————————–
Read and complete the composition. Use these words:
and also but(X2) or
My name is Waleed and I’m twelve years old. I’d like to tell you about
my hobbies and favourite sports. I love football. In fact, I play it every
week —————————— watch my favourite team, the Kuwaiti national
team, on TV. I like basketball – I play it with my friends. I’m quite good
at it. I —————————— enjoy reading ——————————— I like playing
computer games best. I like listening to music ——————————- I can’t
.play a musical instrument. I’m terrible at music
Use capital letters where appropriate.
1. dr jones is staying at the ritz hotel.
2. professor ahmed is kuwaiti.
3. this book is about japanese people.
Ideal Education
Welcome to our school. We care about all our students and hope that you want to
send your son or daughter here.
Science laboratories
There are three science labs – one for Physics, one for Chemistry and one for Biology.
There is up-to-date equipment so that students can do experiments.
Computer Laboratories
There are two computer labs. Each one has got twenty computers and a lot of learning
This new library has got computers and a wide choice of books for all subjects. It has
also got a large collection of books for students to borrow.
Indoor sports hall
The school sports teams are very successful and students can train and learn new
skills in this well-equipped hall.
Food hall
Students can buy healthy snacks in the food hall.
Students can join the many clubs at the school. These include: the Table Tennis Club,
Gymnastics Club, Drama Club, Chess Club and Photography Club.
Summer Club
The Summer Club has extra classes, including sports, drama and music. There are
trips to interesting places and visits to other schools