حل كتاب student book الوحدة الثامنة للصف السابع ف2 |
حل كتاب student book الوحدة الثامنة للصف السابع ف2
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الصف: الصف السابعالفصل: انجليزي الصف السابعالمادة: انجليزي ف2 سابعحجم الملف: 7.07 MB |
حل كتاب student book الوحدة الثامنة للصف السابع ف2 نضعه لكم من موقعنا من اجل التصفح المباشر والتنزيل على الأجهزة بأنواعها المختلفة والطباعة على الورق، ويتضمن هذا الملف حل الوحدة رقم 8 من كتاب المدرسة لمادة اللغة الانجليزية الذي يُدرس في المدارس الكويتية الى طلاب وتلاميذ صف سابع خلال فصل ثاني من العام، ونوفر الملف بالصيغة بي دي اف كحال باقي الملفات الدراسية التعليمية التي نقدمها لكم ونتمنى ان تقوموا بتصفح جميع ملفات المادة الأخرى بالإضافة الى ملفات الصف سابع كاملة ومنها: حل كتاب الانجليزي للصف السابع ف2
يتضمن حل الوحدة الثامنة من كتاب انجليزي سابع فصل ثاني على قطعة نصية وبعض الأسئلة حولها ونسرد لكم الجزء الأول منه كما يأتي:
The Work We Do
Before you read
Describe the picture and guess what the story is about
A hardworking farmer had three sons. They were very lazy. They rarely agreed on anything. The farmer was worried about their future. He wanted them to work in the field and earn their living by growing vegetables
One day, he fell ill. He was on his deathbed. He called his sons and said, “There are hidden treasures in the field.” Then, he advised them saying, “You must work hard. You must live in
peace and you mustn’t disagree.” Then, the old farmer died
حل كتاب student book الوحدة الثامنة للصف السابع ف2، تم وضعه نموذجيا ونرسد لكم الجزء الثاني من القصة في ما يلي:
The sons went to the field. They dug up every inch of the field to find the hidden treasures. They did not find anything. After a few days, it rained hard. One of them suggested they should sow seeds in the field. And that’s what they did. They grew good crops. They sold
them and got a lot of money. They were really happy. Now they understood the value of hard work. The real treasures were the good crops in the field
:Read the story and answer the q
?Why was the farmer unhappy
?What did he tell his sons when he fell ill
?How did they become rich
?What did you learn from the story
من اهم مناطق الملزمة ما ياتي:
Working with Nature
?Ask and answer questions about what you would like to be in the future, why
I’d like to be a doctor because like science and…helping… Sick People
?What would you like to be in the future? Why
I’d like to be a teacher. I like teaching students
?what would you like to be in the future ? why
I’d like to be an engineer. I like outdoor working
?What would you like to be in the future? why
I’d like to be a business man. I like doing business
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