بنك أسئلة لغة انجليزية حادي عشر علمي ف1

بنك أسئلة لغة انجليزية حادي عشر علمي ف1


بنك أسئلة انجليزي ممتع للصف الحادي عشر علمي – الفصل الدراسي الأول

هل أنت مستعد لامتحان الإنجليزي يا بطل الصف الحادي عشر؟

مرحباً يا طلاب الصف الحادي عشر العلمي! هل تبحثون عن طريقة ممتعة وسهلة لمراجعة مادة اللغة الإنجليزية؟ لا تقلقوا، لدينا الحل الأمثل!

بنك الأسئلة الشامل لمادة اللغة الإنجليزية

نقدم لكم بنك الأسئلة الرائع لمادة اللغة الإنجليزية للفصل الدراسي الأول. هذا البنك مليء بالأسئلة المتنوعة التي تغطي جميع أجزاء المنهج.

لماذا هذا البنك مهم؟

  • مراجعة شاملة: يغطي جميع أجزاء المنهج الدراسي.
  • أسئلة متنوعة: يشمل أنواع مختلفة من الأسئلة لتنمية مهاراتكم.
  • سهولة التحميل: يمكنكم تحميله بسهولة والبدء في المراجعة.

حمل بنك الأسئلة الآن!

ابدأ رحلتك نحو التفوق في مادة اللغة الإنجليزية! حمل بنك الأسئلة الآن وابدأ المراجعة بطريقة ممتعة وفعالة.

شاهد بنك الأسئلة مباشرة

يمكنك تصفح بنك الأسئلة مباشرة هنا:

هل تريد المزيد من المساعدة في الدراسة؟ تفقد هذه النصائح الرائعة للدراسة!
أو يمكنك الاطلاع على ملخصات أخرى لمادة اللغة الإنجليزية.

مصدر إضافي: يمكنك زيارة موقع وزارة التربية الكويتية للحصول على معلومات إضافية حول المناهج الدراسية.

بنك أسئلة لغة انجليزية حادي عشر علمي ف1


معلومات الملف “بنك أسئلة لغة انجليزية حادي عشر علمي ف1”
الصف: الصف الحادي عشر العلمي
الفصل: انجليزي الصف الحادي عشر العلمي
المادة: انجليزي ف1 الصف الحادي عشر علمي
حجم الملف: 2.36 MB


بنك أسئلة لغة انجليزية حادي عشر علمي ف1 نقدمه بشكل جميل ومبسط وبشرح كافي بدون استطراد، يضمن للمتعلم سهولة الفهم ووصول الفكرة للمتلقي بدون عناء ، حيث سيكون السؤال بالخط الثخين، أما الجواب فيسكون بالخط الرفيع، متمنين لكم دوام النجاح و التوفيق

From a. b and cl Choose the correct answer as required

1- My room is big, but I need a bigger one. (Use: fairly)

a- My room is big fairly, but I need a bigger one.

b- My room is fairly big, but I need a bigger one.

c- My room fairly is big, but I need a bigger one.

Z-My sister managed to unlock the door after trying for almost half an hour. (Use able to)

a— My sister is able to unlock the door after trying for almost half an hour.

b- My sister will be able to unlock the door after trying for almost half an hour.

c- My sister was able to unlock the door after trying for almost half an hour.

3- I could play the piano when l was a child. (Make negative)

a- I could not play the piano when l was a child.

b- I did not play the piano when l was a child.

c- I do not play not the piano when l was a child.

4- My aunt can speak five languages. (Ask a question)

a- How many languages does your aunt speak?

b- How many languages did your aunt speak?

c-How many languages can your aunt speak?

5- After her uncle went away, he…………………………..see his family often. (Complete)

a- After her uncle went away, he wasn’t able to see his family often.

11- After her uncle went away, he won’t be able to see his family often.

d- After her uncle went away, he isn’t able to see his family often.

From a, b, c and (I choose the correct answer:


13- Do not worry. I do the calculation. I am good at Math.

a. could

b. was able to

c. can

d. managed

14- The tourist open his case at the airport because he had lost the keys.

a. could not

b. isn’t able to

c. hasn’t managed to

d. can not

15- The door was stuck but after some efforts we open it.

a. is able to

b. can

c. managed to

d. could not

16- We had a room with a big window through which we see the lake easily.

a. are able to

b. managed to

c. can

d. could

17- Three months ago, I broke my leg and I walk.

3. am not able to

b. could not

c. haven’t managed to

d. can not

18- I hope I will be see better when I get my new glasses.

a. able to

b. managed to

c. can

d. could

From a, b, c and d choose the correct answer:

25- If he is bothering you, simply ask him to go

a. up

b. on

c. off

d. out

26- Ahmed is our tour guide. We can’t go to the desert him

a. up

b. without

c. down

d. off

27- I could not go walking because of the heavy rain yesterday.

a. on

b. up

c. off

d. out

27- I could not go walking because of the heavy rain yesterday.

a. on

b. up

c. off

d. out

29- I cannot go my father’s wishes and demands.

a. on

b. off

c. out

d. against

30- They feel very sad for their father’s death, but they believe that life will go

a. on

b. against

c. off

d. out

From a, b, c and d choose the correct answer:

31- This new restaurant is good. Its food is delicious.

a. a little

b. extremely

c. brand

d. rather

32- How can Fahad afford to buy himself a/an new car?

a. brand

b. pretty

c. quite

d. absolutely

33- The players felt tired after the long exhausting match.

a. brand

b. fairly

c. quite

d. a little

34- We are exhausted even though it is still the first period exams.

a. absolutely

b. a little

c. fairly

d. brand

35- The weather in most African countries is hot in summer.

a. brand

b. a little

c. fairly

d. extremely

36- I mean that he must do his best to succeed in the coming exam.

3. pretty

b. really

c. fairly

d. very

Social gatherings and patriotic events function as a mirror reflecting the culture and traditions of a country.

Plan and write an essay of 14 sentences (160 words) describing what is happening in

these events and which one you prefer most and why. N.B. Remember the topic should include an introduction 2 body paragraphs and a Conclusion .

1.We the new manager yesterday morning.

3. met

b. meet

c. will meet

d. are meeting

2. Some people think that life in the past happier and healthier than today.

a. was

b. were

c. will be

d. are

3.The manager yesterday’s meeting because she was ill.

a. did not attend

b. do not attend

c. cannot attend

d. does not attend

4.The athlete the gold medal last week.

a. won

b. win

c. is winning

d. wins

5.ln 1995, my uncle to Canada on a business trip.

a. left

b. will leave

c. leaves

d.is leaving

from a,b,c, choose the correct answer as required:

1- He had hardly got his university degree when he was selected to be a lecturer.

(Begin with: Hardly

a. Hardly had he got his university degree when he was selected to be a lecturer.

b. Hardly he had got his university degree when he was selected to be a lecturer.

c. Hardly had got he his university degree when he was selected to be a lecturer.

2- The officer checked my passport then he asked me to put my finger on the scanner.

( Use: Before)

a. The officer checked my passport before he asked me to put my finger on the scanner.

b. The officer has checked my passport before he asked me to put my finger on the scanner.

c. The officer had checked my passport before he asked me to put my finger on the scanner.

3- When they arrived to the ceremony, all the guests left the place.

(Begin with: By the time)

a. By the time they arrived to the ceremony, all the guests have left the place.

b. By the time they arrived to the ceremony, all the guests left the place.

c. By the time they arrived to the ceremony, all the guests had left the place.

4- We watched the movie last night. ( Make negative )

a. We didn’t watch the movie last night.

b. We don’t watch the movie last night.

c. We weren’t watching the movie last night.

Write on the following topic:

“Family gatherings are a vital part In the Kuwaiti society.”

Plan and write a report of about 14 sentences (160 words) describing a family celebration you

have recently attended: what the occasion was, how the preparations were and how you enjoyed it.

NB: (Your writing should include an introduction, two body paragraphs and a conclusion)

Read the following passage then answer the question below:

It seems that the desire for money is part of human nature. This desire varies from one person to another. However, in every society, rich or poor, there is a strong relation between money and respect. The more money a person has, the more prestige he is likely to acquire. Money plays a different role in every stage of our life; therefore, its importance is closely related to the personal or social goals it is meant to achieve. To a child at school, it means buying things like candles and sweets. Besides, to teenagers and young people, it means independence and it helps them gain a marked social status and respect, since they can buy things their fellow teenagers cannot. Moreover, An adult realises the value of money as a breadwinner of a family. Satisfying the family needs and brings him/her happiness. Finally, at the age of retirement, money is the main source of security to a person.

In four sentences of your own, summarise and paraphrase the paragraph in an answer to the following question:

What ’s the importance of money at the different stages of life?

B- From, a, b, and c, choose the correct answer as required:

1. If they had trained hard enough before the match,

( Complete the sentence )

a. If they had trained hard enough before the match they would have won the match.

b. If they had trained hard enough before the match they would win the match.

c. If they had trained hard enough before the match they will win the match.

2. He would have been on time for the Interview if he (leave)…………………

( Complete the sentence )

a. He would have been on time for the interview if he left the house at nine

b. He would have been on time for the interview if he has left the house at nine

c. He would have been on time for the interview if he had left the house at nine

3. He would have formatted the laptop if there had enough experience.

( Change Into passive )

a. The laptop would have been formatted If there had enough experience.

b. The laptop has been formatted If there had enough experience.

c. The laptop would be formatted if there had enough experience.

4. I would have studied medicine if I my exams.

a. had passed

b. passed

c. would have passed

d. pass

S. If i had not overslept, I on time.

3. Would be

b. will have

c. would have been

d. will be

6. l that car if I had had enough money at that time.

a. could have bought

b. buy

c. could buy

d. bought

B -— From a,b, and c, choose the correct answer as required:

17. English is spoken in Wales. Welsh is spoken in Wales, too. (Join using both…and)

3) Both English and Welsh are spoken in Wales.

b) Both English and Welsh would be spoken in Wales.

c) Both English and Welsh were spoken in Wales.

18.They completed the basketball match although it was raining.(Join using: in spite of)

a) They have completed the basketball match in spite of the rain.

b) They completed the basketball match in spite of the rain.

c) They complete the basketball match in spite of the rain.

19.They did not support us. They did not tell us anything, either. (.loin using neither…nor)

a) They neither supported us nor told us anything.

b) They neither support us nor tell us anything.

c) They neither will support nor will tell us anything.

20. In spite of his old age, he still leads an active life. (Join using :Although)

a) Although he was old , he led an active life.

b) Although he is old , he was leading an active life.

c) Although he is old, he still leads an active life.

21. It is my final offer. You can take it. You can leave it. (Join using :either… or)

a) It is my final offer. You either can take it or you can leave it.

b) It is my final offer. You can either take it or leave it.

c) It is my final offer. Either you can take it or you leave it.

22. James does not play cricket. His brothers do not play cricket, either.

(Join using neither…..nor)

a) Neither James nor his brothers will play cricket.

b) Neither James nor his brothers play cricket.

c) Neither James nor his brothers have played cricket.

23. There was heavy traffic. She made it on time. (Join using :However )

3) There was heavy traffic. However, she made it on time.

b) There was heavy traffic however she made it on time.

c) However there was heavy traffic she made it on time.

24.The coffee is too sweet to drink . The tea is too sweet to drink, too.(Join using both…and)

a) Both the coffee and the tea were too sweet to drink. .

b) Both the coffee and the tea will be too sweet to drink.

c) Both the coffee and the tea are too sweet to drink.

Read the following paragraph then do as required:


It is understandable that many people believe imprisoning animals for any reason is simply wrong. Critics of zoos would argue first that animals often suffer physically and mentally by being kept in 200. Even the best artificial environments can’t come close to matching the space, diversity, and freedom that animals have in their natural habitats.

Second, this deprivation causes many 200 animals to become stressed or mentally ill. Later, capturing animals in the wild also causes much suffering by splitting up families. Finally, some zoos make animals behave unnaturally: for example, marine parks often force dolphins and whales to perform tricks. These mammals may die decades earlier than their wild relatives.

  1. From a, b, c and d, choose the correct answer that best completes each of the following sentences:

1. Jack has just……………. the window of the gym accidently.

a. break

b. broke

c. broken

d. breaking

2. It all week. I hope it stops by Saturday because I want to go to the beach.

a. is raining

b. has rained

c. was raining

d. has been raining

3.The football team have been playing football morning.

a. for

b. just

c. since

d. already

4.The worker has been helping the co- worker to do the task two days.

a. for

b. since

c. already

d. before

Read the following passage carefully, then do as required:

Whales are the largest animals in the world, even larger than some species of dinosaurs. Ironically, whales are among the gentlest creatures we know. There are people who go through great length to help them. Whales live in the ocean but in terms of be haviour, they are more similar to humans than fish. They live in family groups and they even travel in groups when they have to migrate from cooler to warmer waters. The young stay with their parents for as long as fifteen years. Whales are known not to desert the ill or injured members; instead, they cradle them. Moreover, female whales have very strong maternal instincts.

In a paragraph of ONLY FOUR sentences summarise and paraphrase the previous passage in

answer to the following question:

How do whales behave like humans?

الصف الحادي عشر العلمي, الملفات التعليمية, انجليزي الصف الحادي عشر العلمي, انجليزي ف1 الصف الحادي عشر علمي, بنك أسئلة لغة انجليزية حادي عشر علمي ف1

المعلمة مرام

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