بنك أسئلة اللغة الانجليزية ثاني عشر أدبي ف1

بنك أسئلة اللغة الانجليزية ثاني عشر أدبي ف1

بنك أسئلة اللغة الانجليزية ثاني عشر أدبي ف1

معلومات الملف “بنك أسئلة اللغة الانجليزية ثاني عشر أدبي ف1”
الصف: الصف الثاني عشر الادبي
الفصل: انجليزي الصف الثاني عشر الادبي
المادة: انجليزي ف1 الصف الثاني عشر أدبي
حجم الملف: 2.92 MB


بنك أسئلة اللغة الانجليزية ثاني عشر أدبي ف1 نقدمه بشكل جميل ومبسط وبشرح كافي بدون استطراد، يضمن للمتعلم سهولة الفهم ووصول الفكرة للمتلقي بدون عناء ، حيث سيكون السؤال بالخط الثخين، أما الجواب فيسكون بالخط الرفيع، متمنين لكم دوام النجاح و التوفيق . 

B- From a, b and c, choose the correct answer as required:

21. My friend plays computer games. He doesn’t revise his lessons .

(Join using: instead of)

a. My friend instead of revising his lessons, was playing computer games.

b. Instead of my friend playing computer games, he was revising his lessons.

c. My friend plays computer games instead of revising his lessons.

22. He just (send) the email. (Correct the verb)

a. He has just sent the email.

b. He is just sending the email.

c. He will just send the email.

23. My mother has cooked a delicious meal. (Make Passive)

a. A delicious meal was cooked.

b. A delicious meal has been cooked.

c. A delicious meal will be cooked.

24. The boy has trained hard for the race, ? (Add a tag question)

a. The boy has trained hard for the race, hadn’t he?

b. The boy has trained hard for the race, doesn’t he?

c. The boy has trained hard for the race, hasn’t he?

25. Salem (play) tennis since 2012. (Correct the verb)

a. Salem plays tennis since 2012.

b. Salem will play tennis since 2012

c. Salem has been playing tennis since 2012.

26. If the weather improves, a (Complete the sentence)

a. If the weather improves, we will go for a walk.

b. If the weather improves, we would go for a walk.

c. If the weather improves, we would have gone for a walk.

Read the following passage, then do as required:

Going to gym is spreading so widely nowadays that we rarely find someone who doesn’t. Some even go at least twice a week. But why do people go to the gym? There are a

lot of reasons that force people to spend time and money going to the gym. Some consider the gym a chance to get a break from family routines and obligations; they spend some time away from thinking about what is supposed to be done for whom and when it should be done.

Others go to the gym to keep fit and healthy. They believe that following a strict diet and working out help them maintain good health. Moreover, some go to gyms to socialise. They love being with other people to chat and make friends. Additionally, few go to the gym to brag about it. They  love to talk about the hours they spend in the gym and the number of workouts they accomplish. This gives them a sense of happiness and satisfaction.

In a paragraph of FOUR sentences ONLY, summarize and paraphrase the passage above in answer to the following Question:

Why do people go to the gym?

– Write on the following topic:

Laws are the rules that guide human actions. They play a very important role in making the lives of people living together organized.

Plan and write an essay of not less than 14 sentences (160 words) about why laws are important and how our lives would be without laws.

Read the following passage , then do as required:

Nowadays, most big companies have specialists on human resources that search for profiles in these kinds of sites to recruit new workers. If you are looking for a job you can create a profile and you might be recruited by a company- Another fact about these sites is that they are the perfect spot to meet new people online. With the help of advanced search tools, you can find users who have the same interests you do, and that can be the starting point of a great friendship. Moreover, people who feel shy to talk to others can easily overcome their shyness by using social networking platforms and establishing new contacts- Later, their face-to-face interaction with others will become easier because they have already talked and interacted online. As for ‘ businesspeople, these sites offer the chance to promote their businesses by creating specific profiles that all the users can visit and deal with. Thus, it is clear that these sites bear a lot of benefits for all the Web users. 

In a paragraph of Four sentences ONLY , summarise and paraphrase the passage above in answer to the following question:

“What benefits can people get from social networks?”

B- From a, b, and c, choose the correct answer as required ;

21. I washed the floor. The painter left (loin using: after)

a. I had washed the floor after the painter had left.

b. I washed the floor after the painter had left.

c. I had washed the floor after the painter left.

22. I saved my document. The computer crashed. (Begin with: Before)

a. Before I saved my document, the computer had crashed.

b. Before I had saved my document, the computer had crashed.

c. Before I had saved my document, the computer crashed.

23. Salim arrived at the ceremony. Everyone left. (Join using: By the time)

a. By the time Salim had arrived at the ceremony, everyone had left.

b. By the time Salim had arrived at the ceremony, everyone left.

c. By the time Salim arrived at the ceremony. everyone had left.

24. All had worked on the English project by himself. (Ask a question)

a. What does All do by himself?

b. What will All do by himself?

c. What had All done by himself?

Read the following passage carefully, then answer the  question below :

It is well known that some cultures prefer sons to daughters. Sons are wanted because they can work to help the family earn income. Also. sons will be able to support their parents when the parents are old. In some countries. sons are  mportant because the family name will continue for another generation. This is because the wife in these cultures take her husband’s family name. and sometimes belongs to the husband‘s family. Not only that. but liming a daughter can sometimes cause difficulty for the family. In India. for example. having a daughter can be a burden. Families must save a lot of money to pay a dowry when the girl gets married. According to a survey done in 2000. people in some developed countries would prefer to have daughters. Researchers said that parents in these societies do not have the same economic reasons that exist in other countries. so they do not need to have a son to help make money. 

In four sentences of your own, summarize and paraphrase the passage in answer to the following question:

Why do people prefer to have sons in some countries?

– Read the following passage, then do as required:

Migraine is a medical condition that involves severe, recurring headaches, and other symptoms. Before the headache, there may be sensory disturbances that are known as an aura. Experts do not know what causes migraines, but genetic features may play a role as having a family history of migraine Is a common risk factor. Migraine triggers may also include

environmental factors such as strong smells, secondhand smoke, loud noises, stuffy rooms, temperature changes, and bright lights. Moreover, a person may be more likely to experience migraine if they have depression, sleep disorders and anxiety. Besides, certain foods and drinks might cause migraines to occur. In fact, there is no effectual remedy for migraines, but some medications may reduce the frequency and severity of attacks and help relieve symptoms.

In a paragraph of FOUR sentences ONLY ,summarise and paraphrase the passage above in answer to the following Question:

What may trigger migraines?

B – From a. b. and c. choose the correct answer as required:

11- If I were a scientist, I (do) my best to invent a vaccine for COVID-19. (Correct the verb)

a- If I were a scientist, I will do my best to invent a vaccine for COVID-19.

b- If I were a scientist, I would do my best to invent a vaccine for COVID-19.

c- If I were a scientist, I would have done my best to invent a vaccine for COVlD-19.

12- This boy behaves In a nice way to every person he meets. (Use: nicely)

a- This boy behaves in a nicely way to every person he meets.

b- This boy behaves in a nicely to every person he meets-

c- This boy behaves nicely to every person he meets.

13- You need a passport if ………. (Complete)

a- You need a passport if you want to travel abroad.

b- You need a passport if you wanted to travel abroad-

c- You need a passport if you had wanted to travel abroad-

14- Had he come earlier, he ……………….  (Complete)

a- wouldn’t miss the beginning of the movie.

b- wouldn’t have missed the beginning of the movie.

c- won’t miss the beginning of the movie-

From. A, b, and c, choose the correct answer as required:

27. He Joined the sports centre. he wanted to be fit and healthy. (join using: so that)

a. He Joined the sports centre so that he is fit and healthy.

b. joined the sports centre so that he can be fit and healthy.

c. He joined the sports centre so that he could be fit and healthy.

28. He felt very tired. He couldn’t go out for a walk. (Join using: because)

a. He couldn’t go out for a walk because he felt tired.

b. He felt very tired because he couldn’t go out for a walk.

c. Because his tiredness, he couldn’t go out for a walk.

29. We arrived late to work. The streets were very crowded. (Join: with the result that)

a. We arrived late to work with the result that the streets were very crowded.

b. The streets were very crowded with the result that we arrived late to work.

c. We arrived late to work with the result that crowded streets.

30. Storms and heavy rain destroyed many old buildings. (Rewrite using: the cause of)

a. Storms and heavy rain were the cause of destroyed many old buildings.

b. storms and heavy rain were the cause of many old buildings.

c. Storms and heavy rain were the cause of destroying many old buildings.

31. The explorers couldn’t cross the river. The tide was too strong. (Use: because)

a. The explorers couldn’t cross the river because the tide was too strong.

b. The explorers couldn’t cross the river because being too strong.

c. The explorers couldn’t cross the river because the too strong tide.

Read the following passage, then do as required:

Going to gym is spreading widely nowadays. we rarely find someone who doesn’t go for the gym at least twice a week. But why do people go to the gym? There are a lot of reasons that force people to spend time and money going to the gym. Some find the gym as a chance to get a break from family routines and obligation; they spend sometime away from thinking about what is supposed to be done to whom and when should it be done. Others go to gym to keep fit and healthy. they believe that by following a strict diet and working out helps them maintain good health. Moreover, some go to gyms to socialise. They love being with other people to chat and make friends. However, few go to gym to brag about it .They love to talk about the hours they spend in the gym and the number of workout they accomplish. It gives them a sense of happiness and satisfaction.  In FOUR sentences, summarize and paraphrase the previous

paragraph in answer to the following question:

Why do people go to the gym?

B- From a. b and c choose the correct answer as required:

22. Alice didn’t get a good grade. She wishes she (study) harder. (Correct the verb)

a. She wishes she had studied harder

b. She wishes she studies harder

c. She wishes she is studying harder

23. People drive too fast on the inner roads, between the houses. (Complete)

a. I wish people will drive carefully.

b. I wish people can drive carefully.

c. i wish people would drive carefully.

24. I wish they (stop) littering everywhere. It is very annoying. (Correct the verb)

a. I wish they can stop littering everywhere.

b. I wish they would stop littering everywhere.

c. I wish they will stop littering everywhere.

25. The driver was driving in the rain when he had an accident. He wishes he (be) careful.

(Correct the verb)

a. He wishes he is careful.

b. He wishes he has been careful.

c. He wishes he had been careful.

26. I saw the perfect outfit at the store yesterday but it’s expensive. (Complete)

a. I wish it is cheaper.

b. I wish it will be cheaper.

c. I wish it had been cheaper.

الصف الثاني عشر الادبي, الملفات التعليمية, انجليزي الصف الثاني عشر الادبي, انجليزي ف1 الصف الثاني عشر أدبي, بنك أسئلة اللغة الانجليزية ثاني عشر أدبي ف1

المعلمة مرام

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