بنك أسئلة امتحانات محلول انجليزي عاشر ف2 #التوجيه الفني 2021 2022

بنك أسئلة امتحانات محلول انجليزي عاشر ف2 #التوجيه الفني 2021 2022

بنك أسئلة امتحانات محلول انجليزي عاشر ف2 #التوجيه الفني 2021 2022

معلومات الملف “بنك أسئلة امتحانات محلول انجليزي عاشر ف2 #التوجيه الفني 2021 2022”
الصف: الصف العاشر
الفصل: انجليزي الصف العاشر
المادة: انجليزي ف2 عاشر
حجم الملف: 2.84 MB


بنك أسئلة امتحانات محلول انجليزي عاشر ف2 #التوجيه الفني 2021 2022

From a, b, cand d, choose the most suitable answer:

01. If you ……………. water to 100°C, it boils.
 a. heat
b. heated
c. will heat
d. would heat

02. If my sister …………….. We will miss the bus.
a. doesn’t hurry
 b. didn’t hurry
c. hurries
d. hurried

03. If I knew his phone number, I …………….. it to you.
 a. will give
 b .give
c. would give
d. gave

04  If you don’t eat for a long time, you …………….  hungry.
 a. will be
b. be
c. been
d. would be

05. If you drink some coffee, ……….. a piece of cake?
a. do you eat
 b. have you eaten
 c. will you eat
d. did you eat

06. If it …………… cats and dogs, the match will be cancelled.
a. has rained
 b. had rained
 c. rains
d. rained

07. If we …………. enough money, we will build a hospital.
 a. raise
b. had raised
 c. raised
d. will raise

08.If my brother  ………… to the library, he will study more.
.a. will go
 b. goes
c. would go.
d. went

09. Our teacher will be happy if we …………… the poem by heart.
a. learn
 b. learnt
c. will learn
d. would learn

10. My family …………… camping tomorrow if the weather is fine.
 a. goes
 b. will go
C. Went
d. has gone

11. If you …………. the next match, will you be in the semi-final?
 a. will win
 b. win
C. Would
d. won

12……………… If the players don’t train harder, they 
 a goal in the match.
a. won’t score
 b. didn’t score
 C. wouldn’t score 
d. haven’t scored

13. If my friend …………… her laptop with her, she would directly send an email.
 a. has
 b. had
c. will have
 d. had had

14. If my relatives had more time, they ………………. till the end of the carnival.
a. can stay
b. would stay
 c. have stayed d. will stay


(Correct the verb) From a, b, and c, choose the correct answer as required:

 15. What would you do if you (win) two million dollars?
a- What would you do if you win two million dollars?
 b- What would you do if you will win two million dollars?
 C- What would you do if you won two million dollars?

(Correct the verb) 16. If water reaches 100 degrees, it (boil).
a- If water reaches 100 degrees, it boils.
 b- If water reaches 100 degrees, it boiled.
 C-If water reaches 100 degrees, it is boiling.

17. If David (not/ answer) my phone this time, I won’t call him again.
(Correct the verb)
a. If David won’t answer my phone this time, I won’t call him again.
 b. If David doesn’t answer my phone this time, I won’t call him again.
 c. If David didn’t answer my phone this time, I won’t call him again.

18. If you eat too much junk food, you (get) fatter. (Correct the verb)
a. If you eat too much junk food, you will get fatter.
 b. If you eat too much junk food, you would get fatter.
 c. If you eat too much junk food, you have gotten fatter.

19. My cousin (not/ have) so many accidents if he drove more carefully. (Correct the verb)
a. My cousin hadn’t had so many accidents if he drove more carefully.
 b. My cousin won’t have so many accidents if he drove more carefully.
 c. My cousin wouldn’t have so many accidents if he drove more carefully.

(Correct the verb) 20. If you (not exercise) regularly, you gain weight.
a- If you didn’t exercise regularly, you gain weight.
 b- If you won’t exercise regularly, you gain weight.
 C- If you don’t exercise regularly, you gain weight.

21. If my colleague (not attend) the meeting, he will miss the latest updates.
(Correct the verb) a- If my colleague didn’t attend the meeting, he will miss the latest updates.
 b- If my colleague won’t attend the meeting, he will miss the latest updates.
 C-If my colleague doesn’t attend the meeting, he will miss the latest updates.


(Correct the verb) 22. If I (have) more time, I would read more stories.
a- If I have more time, I would read more stories.
 b- If I had more time, I would read more stories.
 C- If I will have more time, I would read more stories.

23. If I (be) you, I would study hard for the final exams. (Correct the verb)
a. If I am you, I would study hard for the final exams.
b. If I were you, I would study hard for the final exams. 
c. If I had been you, I would study hard for the final exams.

(Correct the verb) 24. If it rains heavily again, 1 (not/go )out today.
a- If it rains heavily again, I don’t go out today.
 b- If it rains heavily again, I wouldn’t go out today.
 C-If it rains heavily again, I won’t go out today.

25. Tom will be at the party tonight. If I see him, I (tell) him everything. (Correct the verb)
a-Tom will be at the party tonight. If I see him, I will tell him everything.
 b-Tom will be at the party tonight. If I see him, I would tell him everything.
 C- Tom will be at the party tonight. If I see him, I would have told him everything.

26. My mother would do more voluntary work if… ………. (Complete the sentence)
a- My mother would do more voluntary work if she has more free time.
 b- My mother would do more voluntary work if she had more free time.
 C-My mother would do more voluntary work if she will have more free time.

الصف العاشر, الملفات التعليمية, انجليزي ف2 عاشر, انجليزي الصف العاشر, بنك أسئلة امتحانات محلول انجليزي عاشر ف2 #التوجيه الفني 2021 2022

aymen m3toub

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