بنك أسئلة امتحانات محلول انجليزي حادي عشر ف2 #أ. محمد السيد 2021 2022 |
هل يستعد طفلك لامتحانات اللغة الإنجليزية للصف الحادي عشر؟ نقدم لك اليوم أداة رائعة ستساعده على المراجعة والتفوق! إليك بنك الأسئلة المحلول لمادة اللغة الإنجليزية للفصل الدراسي الثاني، من إعداد الأستاذ المتميز محمد السيد، والذي يغطي العام الدراسي 2021-2022.
يعتبر بنك الأسئلة هذا كنزًا حقيقيًا لطلاب الصف الحادي عشر في الكويت. فهو يجمع أهم الأسئلة المتوقعة في الامتحانات، مع حلول نموذجية ومبسطة، مما يساعد الطالب على فهم المادة بشكل أفضل والتدرب على طريقة الإجابة الصحيحة.
يمكنك الآن مشاهدة بنك الأسئلة المحلول مباشرة عبر الرابط التالي. شجع طفلك على مراجعة الأسئلة والحلول بعناية، والتدرب على حلها بنفسه قبل الامتحان.
لتحقيق أفضل النتائج، ننصح بما يلي:
هل تبحث عن المزيد من المواد التعليمية للصف الحادي عشر؟ تفضل بزيارة هذه الروابط:
نتمنى لجميع طلاب الصف الحادي عشر في الكويت التوفيق والنجاح في امتحاناتهم. نأمل أن يكون هذا البنك قد ساعدهم على الاستعداد بشكل جيد وتحقيق أفضل النتائج.
المصدر: تم إعداد بنك الأسئلة بواسطة الأستاذ محمد السيد (2021-2022).
بنك أسئلة امتحانات محلول انجليزي حادي عشر ف2 #أ. محمد السيد 2021 2022
معلومات الملف “بنك أسئلة امتحانات محلول انجليزي حادي عشر ف2 #أ. محمد السيد 2021 2022” |
الصف: الصف الحادي عشر الادبيالفصل: انجليزي الصف الحادي عشر الادبيالمادة: انجليزي ف2 الصف الحادي عشر أدبيحجم الملف: 8.38 MB |
بنك أسئلة امتحانات محلول انجليزي حادي عشر ف2 #أ. محمد السيد 2021 2022 نقدمه لكم بأسلوب سهل وممتع للقارئ و المتعلم
Read the following passage carefully, then answer the questions below:
Did you know that some people don’t do their reading assignments? It’s shocking, but it’s true. Some students don’t even read short texts that they are assigned in class. There are many reasons for this. They may be distracted or bored. They may be unwilling to focus. They may be unconfident readers. Whatever the reason, it has to stop today. Here’s why.
Reading stimulates your mind. It is like a workout for your brain. When people get old, their muscles begin to deteriorate; they get weaker and their strength leaves them. Exercise can prevent this loss. The same thing happens to people’s brains when they get older. Brain power and speed decline with age. Reading strengthens your brain and prevents these declines.
You can benefit from reading in the near-term, too. Reading provides knowledge. Knowledge is power. Therefore, reading can make you a more powerful person. You can learn to do new things by reading. Do you want to make video games? Do you want to design clothing? Reading can teach you all this and more. But you have to get good at reading, and the only way to get good at something is to practise.
Read everything that you can at school, regardless of whether you find it interesting or not. Reading expands your vocabulary. Even a “boring” text can teach you new words. Having a larger vocabulary will help you better express yourself. You will be able to speak, write, and think more intelligently. What’s boring about that?
Do not just discount a text because it is unfamiliar to you. Each time you read, you are exposed to new ideas and perspectives. Reading can change the way that you understand the world. It can give you a broader perspective on things. It can make you worldlier. You can learn how people live in faraway places. You can learn about cultures different from your own. Reading is good for your state of mind. It has a calming effect. It can lower your stress levels and help you relax. You can escape from your troubles for a moment when you read, and it’s a positive escape.
The benefits of reading far outweigh those of acting like a fool. So, do yourself a favour:
the next time you get a reading assignment, take as much as you can from it. Squeeze it for every drop of knowledge that it contains. Then, move on to the next one.
Read the following passage, then do as required:
Owning a cat is quite popular in many countries all over the world. For millions of people, cats are their favourite pets. People sometimes forget, however, that owning a cat is a big responsibility. First, owners should have time as they need to feed, care for and clean up after their cats. They must also make sure their cats get enough exercise. In addition, cats need to be taken to the vet regularly to make sure they are healthy. Finally, owners have a responsibility to train their cats so they know how to behave around people. Cats are beautiful animals, and they deserve responsible owners who look after them properly.
B- From a, b and c, choose the correct answer as required:
From a, b, c and d, choose the correct answer for the following questions:
Read the following passage, then do as required:
E-Readers are the future of reading, and it is clear that they are superior to printed books for many reasons. An e-reader allows its user to customise the letter size, font, and line spacing of any book you download, making the reading experience more comfortable. It also allows highlighting and electronic bookmarking for all the parts of the books you want to get back to. While these are all nice features, perhaps the most helpful of all is the ability to get dictionary definitions at the touch of a finger. On even the most basic e-reader, users can get instant definitions without having to hunt through a physical dictionary. Finally, the light weight of the ereader allows users to carry hundreds of books in the palm of their hand. e used for making paper.
By banning illegal hunting.
A- From a, b, c and d, choose the most suitable answer that best completes each of the following sentences:
B- From a, b and c, choose the correct answer as required:
B- From a, b and c, choose the correct answer as required: (4 X 5 = 20 Marks)
15.Some technological gadgets are directing people into criminal activities.
(Change into passive)
People were being directed into criminal activities by some technological gadgets.
17. You shouldn’t have(speak) to him in such a harsh way. (Correct the verb)
18. We arrived at the party. The other guests had already been there. (Join using: By the time)
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