بنك أسئلة امتحانات محلول انجليزي ثاني عشر ف2 #أ. محمد السيد 2021 2022

بنك أسئلة امتحانات محلول انجليزي ثاني عشر ف2 #أ. محمد السيد 2021 2022


مراجعة شاملة في اللغة الإنجليزية للصف الثاني عشر – الفصل الدراسي الثاني (الكويت)

هل أنت مستعد لامتحان اللغة الإنجليزية للصف الثاني عشر؟

مرحباً يا طلاب الصف الثاني عشر! هل تبحثون عن طريقة سهلة وممتعة لمراجعة مادة اللغة الإنجليزية استعداداً للامتحانات؟ لا تقلقوا، فقد وجدتم المكان المناسب!

نقدم لكم اليوم بنك أسئلة مميزاً للأستاذ المبدع محمد السيد، سيساعدكم على فهم المنهج بشكل أفضل وتحقيق أفضل النتائج في الفصل الدراسي الثاني.

ماذا ستجد في بنك الأسئلة؟

ستجدون في هذا البنك مجموعة كبيرة من الأسئلة المتنوعة والشاملة لمنهج اللغة الإنجليزية للصف الثاني عشر في الكويت، بالإضافة إلى حلول نموذجية تساعدكم على فهم طريقة الإجابة الصحيحة.

مميزات بنك الأسئلة للأستاذ محمد السيد:

  • أسئلة تغطي جميع أجزاء المنهج الدراسي.
  • حلول مفصلة وواضحة لكل سؤال.
  • تصميم سهل الاستخدام يسهل عليكم المراجعة.
  • مراجعة شاملة لمنهج الصف الثاني عشر الفصل الدراسي الثاني.

ابدأ المراجعة الآن!

يمكنكم الآن مشاهدة بنك الأسئلة مباشرة من خلال الرابط التالي:

أو يمكنكم تحميله مباشرة:

هل تبحث عن المزيد من المواد التعليمية للصف الثاني عشر؟ تفضل بزيارة مراجعات مواد الصف الثاني عشر للحصول على المزيد من المساعدة.

كما يمكنك الاطلاع على قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية الأساسية لفهم أعمق للقواعد اللغوية.

نتمنى لكم التوفيق والنجاح في امتحاناتكم!

بنك أسئلة امتحانات محلول انجليزي ثاني عشر ف2 #أ. محمد السيد 2021 2022


معلومات الملف “بنك أسئلة امتحانات محلول انجليزي ثاني عشر ف2 #أ. محمد السيد 2021 2022”
الصف: الصف الثاني عشر الادبي
الفصل: انجليزي الصف الثاني عشر الادبي
المادة: انجليزي ف2 الصف الثاني عشر أدبي
حجم الملف: 1.39 MB


 بنك أسئلة امتحانات محلول انجليزي ثاني عشر ف2 #أ. محمد السيد 2021 2022 نقدمه بشكل جميل ومبسط وبشرح كافي بدون استطراد، يضمن للمتعلم سهولة الفهم ووصول الفكرة للمتلقي بدون عناء ، حيث سيكون السؤال بالخط الثخين، أما الجواب فيسكون بالخط الرفيع، متمنين لكم دوام النجاح و التوفيق 

A -From a, b, c and d, choose the most suitable word that best completes each of the following sentences:


People thought that the use of robots would ————– boring factory jobs. 

do up                   b) make up    c) do away with       d) do without 


The sports channel hosts football experts to give ————– on football matches. 

commentary           b) ailment                         c) reverence               d) vicinity 


Restaurants and terrace cafés are a/an ————– part of the social life of the city. 

onerous                b) integral     c) drowsy                               d) geriatric 


Gloves are usually made of ————– leather so that your fingers will move easily. 

supple                 b) integral                  c) vigorous                           d) physical 


It is true that————– in Europe has increased greatly in the 20th century. 

expectation          b) vicinity      c) commentary                      d) life expectancy 


Islam urges us to take care of our old parents. That’s why ————– homes are not common in the Arab world. 

geriatric           b) chronic                   c) drowsy                               d) shallow 


We have to ————– both parents and teachers because they have offered us a lot. 

cycle                    b) deserve                  c) honour                            d) conceal 


My uncle is so ————– that he refuses to stop working despite being eighty. 

vigorous           b) integral                c) geriatric                             d) supple   


The criminal wanted to ————– his real identity using a false passport, but he was arrested. 

deserve               b) conceal                  c) bestow                               d) honour 


You must wear a crash–helmet when you ————– to protect your head. 

cycle                   b) deserve                  c) honour                               d) bestow 


I can’t believe it. My favourite team lost the game. The result is contrary to any ————– 

reverence           b) ailment                    c) expectation                      d) vicinity 


Ali was still tired and ————– when I woke him up as he didn’t have enough sleep. 

drowsy                 b) restful                    c) shallow                              d) chronic 


Some diseases and body shape are determined by ————– 

blizzard                b) commentary          c) admiration                         d) genetic make-up 


My grandfather suffers from ————– arthritis. He barely leaves his room. 

chronic                b) integral                  c) restful                                d) drowsy 


The sound of the wind in the trees is ————– as it creates an atmosphere of relaxation. 

deprived               b) restful                   c) cardiovascular                  d) chronic 


The manager is doing his best to make the tasks less ————– for his fellow workers.     

onerous             b) elderly                   c) centenarian                       d) cardiovascular 


Children must stay in the ————– side of the swimming pool. 

chronic                 b) restful                    c) drowsy                               d) shallow 


There are several hotels in the immediate ————– of the Kuwait Towers. 

excuse                  b) vicinity                c) dispute                               d) centenarian 


There is no mayonnaise left, so I’m afraid you will just have to ————– it. 

make up for         b) do up                   c) do away with         d) do without 


My brother has the ability to ————– exciting stories that you hardly get bored of. 

make up             b) do up                      c) do away with                   d) make up for         


The Workers Union settled the ————– over working conditions. The problem is over. 

admiration                       b) reverence   c) dispute                              d) affection 


You can’t treat a/an————– yourself. You need to consult a doctor. 

ailment                           b) vicinity                 c) centenarian                       d) commentary 


My ————– for that hard-working man grows every day. He really deserves it. 

vicinity                 b) admiration             c) centenarian                    d) life-expectancy 


The airport officials announced that flights will be cancelled because of the ————– 

blizzard              b) affection    c) reverence                           d) excuse 


Doctors rank smoking as the prime cause of ————– and respiratory diseases. 

shallow                  b) geriatric    c) drowsy                               d) cardiovascular 


The company wants to ————– the highest honour they can in recognition of the manger’s achievements. 

bestow              b) deserve                   c) conceal                              d) cycle 


Children are taught to show respect and ————– to their parents and teachers. 

vicinity               b) reverence   c) expectation                       d) commentary 


Remember to finish your essay by next Saturday. It is ————– at the end of March. 

due                                  b) integral                  c) shallow                              d) cardiovascular 


As I see it, we ————– a holiday after such a long scholastic semester. 

deserve               b) bestow                   c) honour                               d) conceal 


If you feel ————–, you need more sleep. 

shallow               b) geriatric     c) drowsy                  d) cardiovascular 

It’s highly recommended to stretch before you take ————– exercise.   

vigorous           b) geriatric                  c) elderly                               d) chronic 


B) Fill in the spaces with the most suitable words from the list below:   

(supple / do away with / fatal / do up / make up for / integral)

Obesity is the real cause of many fatal diseases. 

Personal computers have helped us to do away with a lot of paperwork. 

The little girl asked her mother to do up her school uniform for her. 

My brother practises sports every day to keep himself supple and energetic. 

Commitment and hard work are integral to the success of any programme. 


C) Fill in the spaces with the most suitable words from the list below:   

(admiration / do without / vicinity / make up / make up for / ailment)

They cannot do without Rashid because he is an integral part of the team. 

Doctors recommend that any kind of ailment should be cured in the early stages. 

The city council are planning to build the new stadium in the vicinity of the town. 

The work is now behind schedule, but we are confident that we can make up for lost time. 

My brother earned the admiration of his colleagues because of his commitment and devotion. 

Unit 7 – GRAMMAR 


A – From a, b, c and d choose the most suitable answer: 


The patient asked the doctor ————– he could keep physically fit. 

how          b) what                      c) who                        d) whether 


The journalist asked them ————– they were partners with. 

if               b) which                     c) who                        d) where   


The teacher asked the students ……………. they wanted to write about. 

what            b) how                    c) where                     d) whether 


The patient asked the doctor ……………. the vaccine would be effective. 

what         b) which                     c) whether                d) who 


My teacher wanted to know why I ……………. the research.         

am doing                                                                                      c) do 

haven’t done                                                                d) hadn’t done                                     


My friends wanted to know ……………. I joined the new club last week. 

If              b) what                       c) who                        d) whose 


He told me that both Malik ……………. his brother joined the College of Medicine. 

or              b) whether                c) and                     d)  nor 


……………. the father and his son took part in the clean-up operation. 

Both         b) Nor                         c) Either                     d) Whether 


……………. Jassem and Salim have disappointed me. They didn’t come to my birthday party.         

Nor                                   b) Both                                  c) Either                     d) Neither 


Hopefully, the insurance will make ……………. the damage from the fire. 

up                         b) away with                         c) up for                    d) without 


Many countries are doing their best to  ……………. illiteracy and poverty. 

do up                   b) do away with                   c) do with                  d) do without 


The little boy made  ……………. a story out of imagination. 

up                        b) without                              c) up for                     d) away with 


We did ……………. all the faulty devices and bought some new ones. 

away with             b) up                                    c) without                  d) up for 


B – From a, b, and c, choose the correct answer as required: 


“Where did you go yesterday?”                                               (Change into reported speech) 

My friend wanted to know where I go the day before. 

My friend wanted to know where I had gone the day before. 

My friend wanted to know where I would go the day before. 


“We will test the new vaccine next month.’                           (Change into reported speech) 

They said they tested the new vaccine the following month. 

They said they test the new vaccine the following month. 

They said they would test the new vaccine the following month.       


“Where will you spend your summer vacation?”                  (Change into reported speech) 

My cousin asked me where I spent my summer vacation.                

My cousin asked me where I had spent my summer vacation. 

My cousin asked me where I would spend my summer vacation. 


“Are you doing a research on Coronavirus?’                         (Change into reported speech) 

The journalist asked the experts if they did a research on Coronavirus. 

The journalist asked the experts if they were doing a research on Coronavirus. 

The journalist asked the experts if they had done a research on Coronavirus. 


“Did they leave last year?”                                                       (Change into reported speech) 

My cousin asked me if they have left the year before. 

My cousin asked me if they had left the year before. 

My cousin asked me if they will leave the year before. 


Fahd is a smart student. Rashid is a smart student, too.         (Join using Both … and ) 

Both Fahd and Rashid are smart students. 

Both Fahd and Rashid are smart students, too. 

Both Fahd and Rashid is a smart student. 


Ali is interested in English literature. Ahmed is interested in English literature, too.  (Join using Both … and ) 

Ali and Ahmed is both interested in English literature. 

Both Ali and Ahmed are interested in English literature.                                             

Both Ali and Ahmed are interested in English literature, too. 


Sami practises tennis. Sami practises football, too.                            (Join using Both … and ) 

Sami practises both tennis and football, too. 

Sami both practises tennis and football. 

Sami practises both tennis and football. 


Hassan speaks Spanish. Hassan writes Spanish, too.                         (Join using Both … and ) 

Hassan both speaks and writes Spanish, too. 

Hassan both speaks or writes Spanish.

Hassan both speaks and writes Spanish. 


The hotel was terrible. The service also was terrible.  (Join using Both … and )  a) Both the hotel and the service was terrible. 

Both the hotel and the service were terrible. 

Both the hotel nor the service were terrible. 


“Where are you going to spend your mid-yaer vacation?”          (Change into reported speech) 

My friend asked me where I was going to spend my summer vacation. 

My friend asked me where I am going to spend my summer vacation. 

My friend asked me where I spent my summer vacation. 


“Will you do a research on unemployment?’                     (Change into reported speech) 

The journalist asked the experts if they are doing a research on unemployment. 

The journalist asked the experts if they will be doing a research on unemployment. 

The journalist asked the experts if they would do a research on unemployment. 


Khaled is interested in reading books. Omar is interested in reading books, too. 

(Join using Both … and ) 

Both Khaled is interested in reading books and Omar, too. 

Both Khaled and Omar are interested in reading books, too. 

Both Khaled and Omar are interested in reading books. 


“Where did you go at the weekend?”                                          (Change into reported speech) 

My friend wanted to know where I had gone at the weekend. 

My friend wanted to know where I have gone at the weekend. 

My friend wanted to know where I was going at the weekend. 

Grade 12- Unit 7 – Set Book Questions 

From a, b, c and d, choose the correct answer: 


How can the elderly ensure mental fitness? 

They can run for long distances. 

They need to improve their cardiovascular system. 

They have to keep their muscles supple. 

They can ensure mental fitness by exercising their minds. 


How can we show gratitude and respect to the elderly? 

Without old people Kuwait would never become the country we know and love today. 

Old people deserve our admiration and compassion. 

By helping them perform simple tasks and by listening to their advice. 

Because it is rare to find geriatric homes in the Arab world. 


Why are geriatric homes rare in the Arab world? 

Old people should ensure a long life by staying active both mentally and physically. 

Life expectancy has reached an average of 78 years. 

Islam teaches children to honour their parents and show them compassion. 

Many ailments that used to be fatal can now be easily cured. 


Why is it important to get enough sleep? 

It is essential for health and wellbeing. 

It hinders the brain retain new information. 

It depends on the quality of sleep and age. 

Chronic sleep deprivation helps the immune system. 


Why do you think life expectancy has risen in Kuwait in the recent years?                                   

Kuwaitis are now living longer than before. 

Life expectancy has reached an average of 78 years. 

Many old people rely on their families and friends for support. 

Many ailments that used to be fatal can now be easily cured thanks to modern medicine. 


In your opinion, how can we keep physically fit? 

Running for a long distance affects negatively the cardiovascular system. 

We don’t have to get enough sleep. 

Vigorous stretching makes muscles supple. 

Sitting down with a book or crossword puzzle exercises our minds. 


How does sleep help students do better in tests? 

They might gain weight and become obese. 

They can concentrate in the class, and it helps retain information. 

It alters the immune system including the activity of the body’s killer cells. 

They feel drowsy during the day and lose concentration. 







Grade 12 – Unit 7 Language Functions 

Write what you would say in the following situations: 


Your neighbour intends to leave school and get a job. 

I think proper education helps you have better living conditions 


Your brother spends a lot of time playing computer games. – The main disadvantage is having severe back pain. 


Your mother offered you a very valuable birthday present. – Thank you for that nice present. 


Your classmate needs some information about life in the past. – What about surfing the Net? 


People nowadays prefer the Internet as a form of communication.  – I totally agree. It is fast, easy and available any time. 


Your cousin wants to go camping with his friends but his father refuses. – If I were you, I would obey him. 


Your friend wants to know why you want to study medicine. – I will study medicine because I want to help sick people. 


Your friend says it’s very easy to find a good job after graduation. – You must get a high degree to get a good job. 


Your friend wants to know why you have joined voluntary work. 



Your brother is driving without fastening the seat belt. 



Your classmate helped you with the school final project. 



Your cousin says that computer games have harmful effects. 

……………………………………………..………………………………………………………… UNIT 7 – READING COMPREHENSION 1 


Read the following passage carefully, then answer the questions below: 

For many people who live in cities, parks are an important part of the landscape. They provide a place for people to relax and play sports. What people often overlook is that parks also provide considerable environmental benefits. 


One benefit of parks is that plants absorb carbon dioxide and give oxygen, which humans need to breathe. According to one study, an acre of trees can absorb the same amount of carbon dioxide that a typical car emits in 11,000 miles of driving. Parks also make cities cooler. Scientists have long noted what is called the Urban Heat Island Effect: building materials such as metal, concrete, and asphalt absorb much more of the sun’s heat and release it much more quickly than organic surfaces like trees and grass. Parks and other green spaces help to minimise the Urban Heat Island Effect. 


Unfortunately, many cities cannot easily create more parks because most land is already being used for buildings, roads, parking lots, and other essential parts of the urban environment. However, cities could benefit from many of the positive effects of parks by encouraging citizens to create another type of green space: rooftop gardens. While most people would not think of starting a garden on their roof, human beings have been planting gardens on rooftops for thousands of years. Some rooftop gardens are very complex and require special engineering, but others are simple container gardens that anyone can create with the investment of a few hundred dollars and a few hours of work. 


Rooftop gardens provide many of the same benefits as other urban park and garden spaces, but without taking up the much-needed land. Like parks, rooftop gardens help to replace carbon dioxide in the air with nourishing oxygen. They also help to lessen the Urban Heat Island Effect, which can save money. In summer, rooftop gardens prevent buildings from absorbing heat from the sun, which can significantly reduce cooling bills. Rooftop vegetables and herb gardens can also provide fresh food for people, save their money and make their diets healthier. Rooftop gardens are not only something everyone can enjoy, they are also a smart environmental investment. 


From a, b, c and d choose the correct answer: 


The best title for the passage would be…… 

The Importance of Parks 

Rooftop Gardens 

Building Materials 

The Urban Heat Effect 


What does the underlined word “complex” in paragraph three (3) mean? a) easy






What does the underlined word “their” in paragraph four (4) refer to? a) vegetables





According to the text, Parks and green spaces help… 

increase The Urban Heat Island Effect

produce The Urban Heat Island Effect 

reduce The Urban Heat Island Effect 

eliminate The Urban Heat Island Effect   


According to the passage, one of the following statements is FALSE: 

Rooftop gardens are a smart environmental investment. 

Some rooftop gardens require special engineering. 

Citizens are encouraged to create another type of green space. 

Organic surfaces release the sun’s heat more quickly than building materials. 


B) With reference to the passage, answer the following questions 


Why do people feel that cities are usually warmer than surrounding rural areas? People feel that cities are usually warmer than surrounding rural areas because of the materials used in buildings. 


What prevents cities from creating more parks? 

There is not enough space for parks. 


What is the importance of parks and green spaces according to the text? – They have environmental as well as social benefits   


Why do some rooftop gardens require special equipment? 

Because they are very complex 



Read the following passage carefully, then answer the questions below: 

It is easy to make a delicious-looking hamburger at home. But would this hamburger still look delicious after it sat on your kitchen table under very bright lights for six or seven hours? If someone took a picture or made a video of this hamburger after the seventh hour, would anyone want to eat it? More importantly, do you think you could get millions of people to pay money for this hamburger? 


These are the questions that fast-food companies worry about when they produce commercials or print ads for their products. Video and photo shoots often last many hours. The lights that the photographers use can be extremely hot. These conditions can cause the food to look quite unappealing to potential consumers. Because of this, the menu items that you see in fast food commercials are probably not actually edible. 


Let’s use the hamburger as an example. The first step towards building the perfect commercial hamburger is the bun. The food stylist—a person employed by the company to make sure the products look perfect—sorts through hundreds of buns until he or she finds one with no wrinkles. Next, the stylist carefully rearranges the sesame seeds on the bun using glue and tweezers for maximum visual appeal. The bun is then sprayed with a waterproofing solution so that it will not get soggy from contact with other ingredients, the lights, or the humidity in the room. Next, the food stylist shapes a meat patty into a perfect circle. Only the outside of the meat gets cooked—the inside is left raw so that the meat remains moist. The food stylist then paints the outside of the meat patty with a mixture of oil, molasses, and brown food coloring. Grill marks are either painted on or seared into the meat using hot metal skewers. Finally, the food stylist searches through dozens of tomatoes and heads of lettuce to find the best-looking produce. One leaf of the crispest lettuce and one center slice of the reddest tomato are selected and then sprayed with glycerin to keep them looking fresh. 


So, the next time you see a delectable hamburger in a fast-food commercial, remember: you’re actually looking at glue, paint, raw meat, and glycerin! Are you still hungry? 


From a, b, c and d choose the correct answer: 


Which of the following would be the best title of the passage? 

The food Stylist                                               

Bright Lights 


Fast food Commercials 


The underlined word ‘soggy in the 3rd paragraph means: 








What does the underlined word ‘they’ in the 2nd paragraph refer to? 


millions of people 


fast food companies 


According to the passage, the food stylist’s job is to: 

make food products look perfect.                  

make the most delicious products.   

cook tasty hamburgers.                                       

cook the inside and outside of the bun. 


According to the passage, which of the following is NOT TRUE

It takes a few hours to shoot photos to produce a commercial.                                         

The sesame seeds are carefully rearranged by the stylist on the bun. 

The meat will remain moist only if the inside of the meat is left raw. 

Glycerin is used to make lettuce and tomato look fresh. 


B) With reference to the passage, answer the following questions 

6. Why are the menu items that you see in fast food commercials not edible? 

Because video and photo shoots often last many hours. / The lights that the photographers     use can be extremely hot. 

Why does the food stylist only cook the outside of the meat? – The inside is left raw so that the meat remains moist. 

How are the grill marks made on the fast-food commercial? 

Grill marks are either painted on or seared into the meat using hot metal skewers 

9. How does the food stylist make the hamburger look fresh? 

He makes the hamburger look fresh by spraying it with glycerin.

Read the following passage, then do as required: 

Festivals are gatherings and activities to express joy at a new or remembered event. As societies change, the characteristics of their traditional festivals and celebrations may alter also; new ones often emerge as others decline in popularity. Most likely, however, some festivals will remain unaltered for generations. First, for participants they are a source of joy. For observers they offer an unforgettable experience. Beyond the public enjoyment of a celebration, festivals in old societies provided an opportunity for the elders to pass on folk knowledge to younger generations. Moreover, modern festivals centering on the customs of a nation enrich the understanding of one’s heritage. Finally, contemporary festivals aid the local economy by attracting visitors. Certainly, celebrations are part of the life– style of all peoples and make a contribution to modern civilization. 

n a paragraph of FOUR sentences ONLY, summarise and paraphrase the passage above in answer to the following question: 

What are the benefits of Festivals? 




………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………


………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Content / relevance of ideas Paraphrasing Spelling and grammar Paragraph format Total
30 20 5 5 60






▪ Copying the whole paragraph receives ZERO. 

▪ Exceeding the required number of sentences (Minus 5 marks for one sentence / Minus 10 for two sentences and above). 

UNIT 7 – Translation 

Translate the following into good English: 

فارس : إن متوسط العمر المتوقع قد ارتفع كثيرا بفضل تحسن الخدمات الطبية. 

نادر  : بالتأكيد، فقد أصبحنا قادرين على علاج أمراض كانت  تعد مميتة و قاتلة . 




-خالد : يساعد النوم الدماغ على الاحتفاظ بالمعلومات الجديدة في ذاكرة الفرد . 

راشد : بالفعل فقد اشارت بعض الدراسات  أن أداء الأشخاص الذين ناموا بعد تعلم مادة ما كان أفضل اثناء الامتحانات. 



-أحمد : من النادر وجود دور لكبار السن في الكويت وفي الدول العربية . 

فهد :نعم لأن الدين الإسلامي يعلم الأطفال  تقدير الوالدين وإظهار التعاطف معهم عند الكبر.   




Fahd:………………………..………………………………………………………………………… WRITING   

Write on the following topic:      Expository 

Being grateful and helpful to the elderly are among the most common characteristics of humanity all over the world irrespective of cultural and social differences, so family values are a part of people’s lifestyles. 

Plan and write an essay of 14 sentences (160 words), about the ways and reasons of showing gratitude and respect to the elderly. 

NB: (Your topic should include an introduction, 2 body paragraphs & a conclusion.) 


Unit 7 – WRITING   

Write on the following topic:      Expository 

Sleep is very important to have a healthy life. 

Plan and write an essay of 14 sentences (160 words) about the importance of sleep and the results of lack of sleep on our bodies. 

NB: (Your topic should include an introduction, 2  body paragraphs & a conclusion.) (Outline – 20 Marks) 

Introduction: ……………….…………………………………………………………… 


Paragraph 1:……………………………………………………………..……………… 

Paragraph 2:..…………………………………………………………………………… 

Conclusion :……………………………………………………………………………… 


Exposition of ideas & coherence Paragraphing & number of sentences Spelling Grammar Hw., spacing & punctuation



60 10 10 10 10 100

▪ 20 marks to be deducted from the total mark for changing the format. 

▪ Off point topics /outlines receive ZERO. 

▪ 5 marks to be deducted from the outline if the ideas are not used in the top










Unit 8 – Vocabulary 

A -From a, b, c and d choose the most suitable word that best completes each of the                    following sentences: 


Many people leave the countryside for the city causing rural ————–. 

depopulation                 b) overcrowding       c) metropolis            d) infrastructure                 

Wars leave behind famine, disease and many terribly ————– areas. 

astounded                       b) embarrassed         c) deserted    d) tranquil 

My brother intends to set up a/an ————– / import company after graduation. 

unemployment                b) export                  c) depopulation         d) glamour 

The story books that the children read are on ————– scale of difficulty. 

graduated                      b) deserted     c) vacant                   d) advantageous 

Old people move to the countryside to escape from the ————– of city life. 

depopulation                   b) overcrowding    c) almond                   d) residents’ parking 

My family have chosen to live here where all ————– are available and quite handy. 

hustle and bustle             b) public services c) odds and ends          d) residents’ parking 

Some rich people ————– the way they live as they move from the city to the country. 

bestow                              b) narrate                   c) conceal                 d) reverse 

People leave ————– areas to find some better job opportunities in the city. 

embarrassed                    b) deserted     c) rural                      d) palatial 

Deserting countryside phenomenon is a major ————– problem nowadays.   

palatial                             b) socioeconomic  c) leafy                         d) picturesque 

The government is trying hard to solve the problem of ————– among young people. 

metropolis                       b) unemployment  c) glamour                   d) almond 

The house on sale is almost ————–. The buyer can receive it right now. 

astounded                       b) embarrassed        c)   tranquil    d) vacant                             

People who work in a great ————– like London would not prefer to live there. 

metropolis                      b) unemployment  c) depopulation            d) expert 

The little child was admired by all the audience for her ability to ————- wonderful stories. 

reverse                             b) narrate                 c) conceal                  d) deserve 

When I travel abroad, I’m always keen on buying lots of ————- for my family. 

far and wide          b) red tape                 c) hustle and bustle              d) 

odds and ends

 India is a ————– populated country. Too many people live there. 

vice versa             b) frequently             c) densely                  d) seamlessly 

After fifty years of city life, my father has decided to lead a /an ————-life in the country. 

leafy                    b) tranquil    c) astounded              d) embarrassed 

We were ————– to know about the manager’s decision of early retirement. 

astounded             b) advantageous    c) palatial                   d) deserted 

I was really surprised to ———— an old friend of mine while walking on the beach yesterday. 

do without           b) do up                      c) make up                d) bump into       

My classmate repeatedly apologised for the ————– he caused to the rest of the class. 

depopulation       b) disturbance         c) unemployment     d) residents’ parking 

Being very tired of walking, we sat in a /an ————– shade for a while to rest. 

vacant                   b) leafy                      c) embarrassed          d) palatial 

It took us a lot of time to find a/an ————– room in the hotel as we were in the middle of the holiday season. 

leafy                    b) vacant                   c) astounded              d) embarrassed 

My father’s long experience placed him in a/an —— position to apply for and get the job easily. 

advantageous    b) rural                                   c) deserted                 d) tranquil   

As a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, ————– has risen dramatically worldwide. 

contentment        b) unemployment    c) infrastructure        d) glamour 

Late-night phone calls are the biggest ————– for me; once I wake up, I can’t get back to sleep again. 

disturbance       b) depopulation                    c) skyline                   d) demarcation 

Immediately after the National Team won the match, signs of excitement and ———— were on everybody’s face. 

contentment      b) demarcation                      c) depopulation        d) almond 

Coffee is one of Brazil’s main ————– 

almonds               b) hubs                                   c) exports                  d) skylines 

Migrants everywhere are expected to face some ————– challenges. 

socioeconomic  b) rural                                   c) palatial                   d) deserted 

Investment in the railway network would reduce ————– on the roads. 

demarcation        b) overcrowding                  c) hub                         d) metropolis 

Many teenagers worldwide are usually attracted by the ————– of city life. 

disturbance          b) export                                c) glamour    d) almond 

Everyone was ————– at how well he performed at the final match. 

astounded           b) leafy                                   c) palatial                   d) vacant 

B) Fill in the spaces with the most suitable words from the list below.   

(odds and ends / public services / densely / far and wide / residents’ parking / vice versa)

Manila is the most densely populated city in the world. 

For better communication, when someone talks, you should listen and vice versa

We have taken just about everything, but probably left some odds and ends behind.   

Public services should always be kept in good condition; they are for everybody in the town. 

Volunteers came from far and wide to help after the earthquake had hit the city.   C) Fill in the spaces with the most suitable words from the list below.   

(narrate / make it your own / infrastructure / almond / pluck up the courage / reverse)

I’d love to do a parachute jump, but I can’t pluck up the courage to do so. 

A famous Hollywood actor will narrate the story in an audio book format. 

It will probably take years to reverse the damage caused by the pollution of the world oceans.   

Nutrition experts recommend eating raw, not roasted, almond for its health benefits. 

The war has badly damaged the country’s infrastructure; rebuilding needs a lot of money and effort. 


Unit 8 – Grammar 

A – From a, b, c and d choose the most suitable answer: 

1. Never ————– so excited about a movie. 


a) I have been                  b) I was                      c) have I been           

2. Little ————– to be a millionaire. 

d) I had been 

a) did she expect           b) she expected         c) she had expected   

3. Scarcely ————– the room when the phone rang. 

d) she has expected 

a) he entered                   b) he had entered      c) he has entered        

4. Rarely ————– fast food . 

d) had he entered

a) I ate                              b) do I eat                 c) I had eaten             

5. No sooner ————– the noise than we rushed to the spot. 

d) I eat 

a) we had heard              b) we heard                c) had we heard       

d) we have heard 













The tallest buildings in London are small ————– those in New York. 

instead of             b) but                          c) however                 d) in comparison with 

————– I am a vegetarian, my whole family eats meat. 

Whereas              b) Instead of              c) But                                     d) However 

Mary likes horror movies, ————– Sally prefers romantic comedies. 

but                       b) while                     c) instead of               d) in comparison with 

The engineers said the bridge was safe.  ————–, no one wanted to risk crossing it. 

Instead of             b) Whereas    c) In comparison with          d) However 

10.  He went shopping alone ————– waiting for me. 



a) but                                b) however                c) instead of  

11.  Never ————– visited such a beautiful beach. 


d) whereas 

a) I have                           b) have I                    c) do I             


d) did I   







————– other languages, Japanese is so difficult to learn. 

Whereas               b) But                         c) While                                 d) In comparison with  

She is looking for a babysitter ————– can take care of her child while she is at work. 

whose                   b) which                     c) who                                    d) where 

I really loved the Turkish restaurant ————– we had lunch last Friday. 

whose                   b) which                     c) who                                    d) where 

Hardly ————– the e-mail when he got the approval. 

had he sent         b) he had sent            c) does he send                     d) he sends 

The taxi, ————– will take you to the airport, should be here at 7 a.m. 

where                   b) who                        c) which                                 d) when 

Spring is the time of the year ……………… the desert turns from yellow to green.   

where                   b) who                        c) which                                 d) when 

I am not going out tonight. ————–, we can meet tomorrow if you like. 

Whereas               b) However              c) Instead of                          d) In comparison with 

B – From a, b, and c, choose the correct answer as required: 

Saad not only studies to be a pilot, but he is also a successful athlete. (Begin with: Not only) 

Not only does Saad study to be a pilot, but he is also a successful athlete.                                       

Not only did Saad study to be a pilot, but he is also a successful athlete. 

Not only has Saad studied to be a pilot, but he is also a successful athlete. 

“Charity begins at home” is a proverb. It means we must help our relatives and family members first.                                                                                           (Join using: which)  

“Charity begins at home” which is a proverb it means we must help our relatives and family             members first. 

“Charity begins at home” is a proverb which means we must help our relatives and family members first. 

“Charity begins at home” is a proverb which it means we must help our relatives and family             members first. 

I sent an email to my lawyer. He lives in Kuwait City.                                (Join using: who) 

I sent an email to my lawyer who he lives in Kuwait City. 

I sent an email to my lawyer. He who lives in Kuwait City. 

I sent an email to my lawyer who lives in Kuwait City. 

She has never been to such a luxurious hotel.                                            (Begin with Never)     

Never has she been to such a luxurious hotel. 

Never she has been to such a luxurious hotel. 

Never she had been to such a luxurious hotel. 

I like Italian food very much. My brother dislikes it.                                (Join using: whereas) 

I like Italian food very much. My brother whereas dislikes it. 

I like Italian food very much, whereas my brother dislikes it. 

I whereas like Italian food very much my brother dislikes it. 

Grade 12- Unit 8 – Set Book Questions 

From a, b, c and d, choose the correct answer:  

Why do you think many people moved from the village to the city? 

To find better paid-jobs   

Because they can’t farm their land. 

To buy their houses and make money out of them.  

Because they wanted to leave their homes vacant.   

What’s meant by “rural depopulation”?

Buying holiday or weekend homes in the countryside 

A socioeconomic problem caused by unemployment in cities. 

Moving from the city to the countryside to avoid overcrowding.   

Emigrating to the city, leaving villages and farms vacant and deserted. 

Why do many people move from the city to the countryside? 

Because they have their own holiday resorts there. 

To find better business opportunities among villagers 

To escape from the overcrowding, pollution, and tension of city life.   

Because farming in the countryside has become less and less profitable. 

How could city life be made less stressful for the people who live there? 

By bearing all the disturbance caused by horn beeps. 

By making the countryside an attractive place to live in. 

By creating more employment opportunities for the youth. 

By spending time in green spaces and walking or cycling to work.   

What advantages are there to living in a city? 

Lack of famous restaurants and shopping centres. 

Job opportunities, attractions, entertainment and medical care.   

More compact houses and more expensive urban areas to live in.   

The overcrowding, pollution and tension everywhere.    

Unit 8 – Language Functions 

Write what you would say in the following situations: 

Your friend wants to know why your family have moved to a new area. – Because they want to have some peace and quiet.    

Your uncle asks about your opinion on the house he’s built in the village. 

I think you’ve found the perfect place for you.   

You believe that the location of your house has many advantages. – We have nearby supermarkets and perfect viewing. 

A friend argues that living in the country is not advantageous. You are against him. – You are mistaken. People enjoy fresh air and peace of mind there. 

You are stating the disadvantages of emigrating to the city. 

It resulted in vacant farms and deserted villages, unfortunately. 

6. Your teacher asks you to compare the city centre with the suburbs. 

In comparison with the city centre, the suburbs are very quiet, sir! 

You are predicting what life would be like 100 years from now. – I imagine, there will be one worldwide currency. 

You are describing twins who are quite similar. 

Like her brother, she writes with her left hand. 

You want to explain to a friend of yours why you have chosen to study law. 


Your teacher asked you to compare city life with village life. 


An estate agent is showing you around a house you do not like. 

Unit 8 – Reading Comprehension – 1 

Read the following passage carefully, then answer the questions below: 

Everyone has a favourite attraction at an amusement park, and I am no different. However, unlike most people who seem to prefer rollercoasters, my favourite ride is a little more gentle. Every time I go to Coney Island, Navy Pier, or the Santa Monica Pier, I absolutely have to ride the Ferris wheel. The Ferris wheel is simple and yet also quite complex. That is, riding it is easy, but how it works is complicated. A series of carts are attached to a wheel, which is attached to a rim. That rim rotates vertically around an axis, and gravity keeps the carts upright. As simple as the ride seems, only advanced engineers can make safe and fun Ferris wheels. 

While the Ferris wheel is not as thrilling as a rollercoaster, it is still very exciting. The fact of being high in the air makes it so much more entertaining than a lot of rides. Nevertheless, I have to admit, I don’t seek Ferris wheels out because of their excitement. Rather, I find them very relaxing. At the top of the Ferris wheel, you get beautiful sights of the park. You also get a sense of calm that you don’t get in the hustle and bustle of the park below. Additionally, Ferris wheels are also gorgeous to look at when they are lit up at night. In fact, the original Ferris wheel was designed as much to be seen as to be ridden. 

The first Ferris wheel was made by George Washington Gale Ferris. He designed it for the Chicago World’s Fair in 1893. It was the tallest attraction there, standing 264 feet high. However, visitors to the fair were impressed by the size of the ride as well as the mechanics of it. Further, as one visitor put it, the wheel was amazing because it seemed to be missing support. That is, it did not look like it could stand on its own. And yet it did and even rotated! 

Ferris wheel technology has only improved since then. Most of today’s Ferris wheels are much larger than that first one. The largest in the world is the “Singapore Flyer,” which stands slightly taller than twice what Ferris’s did! Today, the Ferris wheel is the most common amusement park ride. But that does not mean you should take them for granted. Instead, be thankful for Ferris’ invention. The next time you’re at an amusement park, don’t just look up at the impressive wheel in the sky on your way to a newer attraction. Take it for a spin! 

From a, b, c and d choose the correct answer: 

From a, b, c and d choose the correct answer: 

The best title for the passage could be : 

Chicago World’s Fair 

Ferris Wheel, a Relaxing Ride 

The Thrill of a Roller Coaster 

Santa Monica Pier 

The underlined word gorgeous in paragraph 2 is the antonym of :  a) amusing 




The underlined word  “ it” in paragraph 3 refer to : 

the fair 

the size 

the mechanics 

the ride 

The purpose of the writer is to : 

explain the history of Ferris wheels and why he likes them. 

persuade the readers to ride the thrilling rollercoaster. 

inform the readers about Chicago World Fair exhibits. 

entertain the reader with a story about Singapore Flyer

Which of the following words best describes the writer’s feelings when he rides Ferris Wheel?    a) thrilled 




B) With reference to the passage, answer the following questions 

According to the passage, give information about the Ferris wheel? It stood 264 feet high. 

Why does the writer describe The Ferris Wheel as “quite complex” Because how it works is complicated. 

What does the writer enjoy doing at the top of The Ferris Wheel?  – Getting beautiful sights of the park 

How does the Singapore Flyer differ from the first Ferris Wheel? 

The “Singapore Flyer” is taller and larger. 

Unit – 8 – Reading Comprehension -2 

Read the following passage carefully, then answer the questions below: 

The most precious fluid on earth is not oil, but water. There are few challenges as important as conserving the world’s usable water and supplying clean drinking water and water for irrigation to those who need it. Yet this work is not getting done. Humans are consuming the earth’s store of usable water at a rate that will soon threaten our food supply. Poor water management already kills millions of people a year and condemns hundreds of millions to hunger.  

Providing poor areas with drinking water and sanitation, for example, is easy to do and a costeffective way to prevent deaths and disease.  There is now an opportunity for progress. More than 100 water ministers from around the world, along with thousands of water experts from villagers to scientists, have gathered in the Netherlands. The conference will be useful if it can persuade governments and international banks to pay more attention to conservation and fair distribution of water

In 1980, the U.N. set a goal of safe drinking water for all by 1990. Because of international concern, about two billion new people received clean drinking water over the subsequent 14 years. A new commitment is urgently needed to spread these health gains, help poor farmers and conserve the world’s precious supply of usable water. 

Most of us have plenty of water for our daily needs, maybe even an 


 as is the case in the Netherlands at the moment with heavy rainfalls. Regardless of our seeming abundance of this resource, it is still important to use water carefully. You can save water in your daily life and be an example for others of good water stewardship by washing dishes by hand and not allowing the water to run while rinsing. In addition, try to install an instant water heater near your kitchen sink so you don’t have to run the water while it heats up. This also reduces energy costs. Furthermore, by insulating your water pipes, you’ll get hot water faster plus you avoid wasting water while it heats up. Finally, when buying new appliances such as a washing machine, consider those that offer cycle and load size adjustments. They’re more water and energy efficient.

From a, b, c and d choose the correct answer: 

Paragraph 4 is mainly about: 

New brands of washing machines 

New sources of energy 

Different ways to preserve water 

Ways to conserve water and energy 

The underlined word excess in paragraph 4 is the antonym of: a)Settlement     




The underlined word it in paragraph 2 refers to: 





One of the following categories, probably, did Not attend Netherlands water conference: a) Historians 




The purpose of the writer is to:   

inform the readers about familiar irrigation systems. 

entertain the readers with ancient stories about water. 

persuade people to conserve water and use it wisely. 

explain how to distribute water among poor nations. 

B) With reference to the passage, answer the following questions 

According to paragraph 3, what did the United Nations aim to do by 1990? To provide all the world with safe drinking water 

According to paragraph 2, how can deaths and diseases be prevented in poor areas? 

By supplying them with potable water and sanitation. 

Why is it important to buy washing machines that offer cycle and load size adjustments? 

Because they are efficient. 

According to the passage, suggest ways for saving water. 

by washing dishes by hand 

not allowing the water to run while rinsing

try to install an instant water heater near your kitchen  

Unit – 8 Summary Making 

Read the following passage carefully, then answer the questions that follow: 

Winter is cold in some places. Animals get through this time in many ways. First, Birds and butterflies fly away. Many of them do not stick around for the winter. They go to a place with nice weather and come home in spring. Migrating is a clever way to avoid the cold. Another effective way to avoid the cold is to sleep through it. Many animals hide during the winter. Their bodies slow down to save energy. They live off their fat. This is hibernation. Snakes, frogs and bears hibernate. In addition, Some animals store food in their homes. They live on what they saved in the summer and fall. This is what squirrels do. Other animals tough it out. Finally, to survive, animals grow thicker coats in winter. Other animals, such as the arctic fox, change color. Winter may be pretty. It is nice to see snow on the trees, but it is dangerous too. 

In a paragraph of FOUR sentences ONLY, summarise and paraphrase the passage above in answer to the following question. 

How do some animals survive cold winter? 






………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………




Content / relevance  of ideas


Spelling and  grammar

Paragraph  format












▪ Copying the whole paragraph receives ZERO. 

▪ Exceeding the required number of sentences (Minus 5 marks for one sentence / Minus 10 for two sentences and above). 

Unit 8 – WRITING   

Write on the following topic: (Argumentative) 

Some people sacrifice the peace and quiet of living in the countryside in return for the advantages of living in a city. Others however escape the stressful life in cities to enjoy the tranquil life of the countryside. 

Plan and write an essay of not less than 14 sentences (160 words ) presenting both viewpoints and stating your position on the issue. 

NB: (Your topic should include an introduction, 2 body paragraphs & a conclusion.) 

(Outline – 20 Marks)

Introduction: ……………….…………………………………………………………… 


Paragraph 1:……………………………………………………………..……………… 

Paragraph 2:..…………………………………………………………………………… 

Conclusion :……………………………………………………………………………… 

Exposition of ideas & coherence 

Paragraphing & number of sentences 



Hw., spacing & punctuation 
















▪ 20 marks to be deducted from the total mark for changing the format. 

▪ Off point topics /outlines receive ZERO. 

▪ 5 marks to be deducted from the outline if the ideas are not used in the top


A -From a, b, c and d choose the most suitable word that best completes each of the           following sentences: 

I am sorry! I can’t attend your graduation party right now. My car is still being repaired in the mechanic’s …………….. 

workshop                       b) biography                          c) cookery                 d) pottery 

Each person’s genetic code is …………….. except in the case of identical twins. 

immobile              b) unique                               c) ungentlemanly      d) substandard 

For more information about Shakespeare, I recommend you read his …………….. 

biography                      b) workshop               c) cookery                 d) pottery 

A lot of …………….. goods are manufactured by modern machines in our factory. 

substandard         b) immobile               c) ungentlemanly      d) mass-produced 

Sara can’t send the paper and she needs to …………….. the fax machine first. 

fix                         b) promote                c) socialize                d) appoint 

New …………….. books always offer various ways of making meals. 

doctorate              b) biography                          c) cookery                 d) degree 

The …………….. members will vote for the new law about traffic rules before issuing it. 

biography                        b) parliament                       c) cookery                 d) pottery 


Foods and beverages are …………….. served in the Holy Month of Ramadan in all mosques. 

vice versa                         b) seamlessly            c) customarily                      d) densely 

Due to her outstanding education, Massouma Al Mubarak was given the health ……….. 

portfolio             b) snooker                             c) craftsman   d) bill

In spite of his …………….. performance, he was asked to plan for the next project! 

call the shots       b) below par                         c) toe the line            d) neck and neck. 

Last year, she decided to …………….. and direct her own movies. 

call the shots      b) below par                          c) toe the line            d) neck and neck. 

In this company, a person should …………….. if he or she wants to keep the job. 

call the shots       b) below par                          c) toe the line           d) neck and neck. 

The two tennis school teams were …………….. in the final competitions. They did well. 

neck and neck        b) below par                     c) call the shots         d) toe the line 

He likes to spend his time playing …………….. or chess with his friends. 

bill                                    b) snooker                             c) pottery                   d) workshop 

The old manager was asked to …………….. due to his health problems.   

resign                   b) appoint                              c) promote                 d) fix 

The new …………….. will arrive on Monday. We should all be there to meet him. 

snooker                b) parliament                       c) bill             d) minister 

She has recently obtained a …………….. in philosophy from the United Kingdom. 

degree                 b) bill                                    c) pottery                   d) snooker 

Some people feel that it is a/an …………….. conduct to constantly defeat your opponents. 

unique                  b) immobile               c) ungentlemanly d) mass-produced 

My friend remained …………….. and unable to move anywhere after the shock. 

immobile                        b) ungentlemanly                 c) unique                    d) custom-made 

Our friendship was …………….. the test last summer after we had a huge row. 

resign                   b) put to                                c) promote                 d) fix 

A lot of goods are …………….. using modern machines in our factory. 

mass-produced b) immobile               c) ungentlemanly      d) substandard 

The cold has already made ……………..  living conditions even worse. 

immobile              b) custom-made                c) contemporary          d) substandard        

People nowadays don’t ……………..  with their neighbours as much as they used to. 

socialise              b) promote                             c) resign                     d) appoint 

With this application, you can combine multiple pages into one document very ……….. 

customarily         b) seamlessly                        c) frequently             d) densely 

The government should do more to ……………..  the sector of agriculture. 

promote             b) resign                                 c) socialise                d) put to 

Last year, I visited museums in many countries that have a collection of clay …………….. 

degree                  b) workshop               c) pottery                  d) doctorate 

The man stood on the …………….. and began to speak to the huge crowd. 

platform             b) parliament            c) bill             d) snooker 

Practising daily sports …………….. with going on diet can change your life. 

call the shots       b) below par                          c) in parallel             d) toe the line 

Many people worked as …………….. in the past like boat builders. 

craftsmen                       b) biographies                       c) doctorates             d) degrees 

In some societies, the …………….. music is dominating the youths. They are fond of it. 

immobile              b) contemporary                c) substandard          d) ungentlemanly 

This sweet dish has a/an …………….. mixture of tastes and flavours. It’s strange! 

unusual              b) immobile               c) substandard          d) ungentlemanly 

My mother always buys …………….. clothes which are expensive and of high quality. 

immobile                         b) substandard                      c) custom-made         d) unique

In spite of being young, she is mentally …………….. and able to decide on her own. 

competent                      b) ungentlemanly                 c) immobile   d) substandard 

The ……………………….. shape of Nasser’s new car made it different from other cars.          

ungentlemanly    b) immobile               c) competent             d) unusual 

The singer who is standing on the ………………………..…….. is really a star. 

platform             b) craftsman                          c) workshop              d) biography 

I took most of the big things to the new house, but I forgot to take my lovely…………….. 

craftsman                         b) platform                            c) pottery                 d) bill 

He ……………..  from the company in order to take a more challenging job.         

resigned             b) promoted                         c) fixed                     d) appointed 

Unfortunately, our team’s performance was …………….. in the world race. They lost it. 

unique                  b) immobile                        c) substandard         d) mass-produced 

Fill in the spaces with the most suitable words from the list below

(competent / workshop / unusual / cookery / customarily / seamlessly) 

The workers have already parted gold from silver in the workshop. 

They customarily go camping side by side with their relatives every year. 

My car needs a/an competent mechanic to be able to fix the breakdown . 

Women in the past excelled at cookery as ordering food wasn’t an option on those days. 

All arrangements have been taken, so we can move seamlessly from theory to practice. 

Grade 12 Unit 9 – Grammar 

A – From a, b, c and d choose the most suitable answer: 

Instead of buying a new bicycle, why don’t you have your old one …………….? 

had fixed              b) would fix               c) fixing                     d) fixed 

We had our house ……………. last year. 

painting                           b) was painted                       c) painted                  d) paint 

We need to have some work ……………. on our car, and we’re looking for a good mechanic. 

had done              b) doing                                 c) done                       d) did 

We need to have our computer ……………. out for viruses. 

checked              b) had checked                      c) checking    d) been checked 

I ……………. my phone repaired after I had dropped it. 

have                     b) had                                    c) will have    d) would have 

Jane will have the curtains ……………. at the dry cleaner tomorrow. 

cleaned               b) had cleaned                       c) cleaning                 d) been cleaned 

She had to have her phone number …………… because she was receiving calls from a stranger. 

a) was changed               b) changes                             c) changing 

8. Fatma always has her car ……………. by dialing a home service. 

d) changed 

a) washed                        b) will wash                           c) would wash 

9. He had his suits ……………. by the tailor. 

d) washing 

a) make                            b) making                              c) made          

d) would make 

They are lucky as they are ……………. their tickets printed out now. 

having                 b) have                                   c) being had   d) had 

When I was a child, I ……………. go swimming in the lake. 

am used to                       b) use to                                 c)         used to           d) get used to 

I ……………. in front of an audience when I was young. 

used to speaking      b) didn’t use to speak         c)   use to speak  d) use to speaking 

As a Muslim, I ……………. help my poor neighbours. Now, they don’t need any help. 

used to                 b) am used to                        c) use to                     d) will use to 

When I was in the army, I ……………. at six every morning. 

used to get up                b) use to get up        c) used to getting up d) am used to getting up       

Did you ……………. to play Dawwama when you were children? 

use                        b) use to                                 c) uses to                   d) used to       

I ……………. have few friends. Now I have too many. 

use to                    b) used to                              c) am used to             d) am used 

In the past, people didn’t ……………. travel by plane. 

use to                   b) used to                               c) using to                  d) get used to 

I think people used to ……………. their time listening to the radio. 

spent                    b) spend                                c) spending    d) have spent 

……………. you use to eat many sweets when you were a child? 

Do                                     b) Did                                    c) Are                         d) Will 

We used to ……………. our rooms by ourselves. It was our duty every morning. 

clean                    b) cleaned                              c) cleaning                 d) have cleaned 

They used to……………. for improving the services in the 1960s. 

plan                      b) have planed                      c) planning                d) planed 

Let’s help the needy in our neighborhood, our grandfathers ……………. do so in the past. 

used to                 b) was used to                       c) using to                  d) have used to                       

I will have my laptop ……………. next Friday. 

fixing                    b) fixed                                  c) had fixed   d) been fixed 

You should have your notebooks ……………. before you start studying. 

a) completing                  b) complete                           c) completed 

25. This lady used to ……………. good pieces of advice on T.V. 

d) been completed 

a) give                              b) giving                                c) have given 

d) gave 

B – From a, b, and c, choose the correct answer as required 

Ali will repair his car tomorrow.                                                           (Change into causative) 

Ali will have his car repaired tomorrow. 

Ali’s car will be repaired tomorrow. 

Ali’s car will be repairing tomorrow.

The mechanic checked the brakes of my car.                                      (Change into causative) a) I had checked the brakes of my car. 

I had to check the brakes of my car. 

I had the brakes of my car checked. 

She used to make dress patterns when she was young.                     (Form a question) 

How did she use to dress when she was young? 

When did she use to dress when she was young? 

What did she use to make when she was young? 

He used to play the piano very well.                                         (Make Negative) 

He isn’t used to playing piano very well. 

He doesn’t use to play the piano very well. 

He didn’t use to play the piano very well. 

Grade 12- Unit 9 – Set Book Questions 

From a, b, c and d, choose the correct answer: 

Why do most people prefer restoring old buildings to building new ones? 

They are houses for workshops and arts. 

They can be used for training the young people. 

People can socialize and make groups.

They are part of the country’s heritage. 

How did ‘Bait Lothan’ get its name? 

It was a place where ships could take refuge from storms. 

It was a place for gathering and chatting. 

People used to make it a place for training. 

People in the past loved this name. 

What are the creative uses of home computers? 

Chatting over the net. 

Designing magazines and producing posters. 

Taking different photos. 

Dealing with technical problems. 

In what way do young people amuse themselves nowadays? 

They spend time playing computer games. 

They can play Amber. 

They play games using beads and shells. 

They like learning about lifestyles. 

What details may a biography of a person include? 

A number of people he or she knows. 

Talents and desires. 

Address and house description. 

Career, personal details and achievements. 

What art lessons could one take in Bait Lothan? 

Dancing ballet. 

Building blocks. 

Pottery, Photography and Arabic calligraphy. 

Singing traditional songs. 

How does Bait Lothan help in reviving the art in Kuwait? 

It is new and superb and shows different arts. 

Lothan means the shelters. 

It nurtures arts and exhibits artistic work. 

Children can socialise in it. 

How did people spend their leisure time in the past. 

They browsed the Internet and watched movies. 

They travelled to different countries. 

They visited the National Museums and the Scientific Center.   

They played traditional games and sat around the fires to tell stories. 

Grade12 Unit 9 – Language Functions 

Write what you would say in the following situations: 

A friend of yours says that life will change completely in the future. – I think it will be much easier. 

You have the choice either to join university or to start business with your father. – As I see it, business can make you wealthy. 

One of your classmates thinks that global warming has no effect on the environment. – That sounds incorrect; it’s a serious issue that needs urgent solutions. 

A friend of yours asked you to describe your last trip to Japan. – It was amazing and I got a lot of information. 

Your brother wanted to know how to improve his listening skills. – You should first listen to native speakers regularly. 

Old Kuwaiti houses are pulled down and replaced with modern buildings. 

– That’s true. They are rarely seen nowadays. 

Your teacher asked you how you made your last research. 

I’ve read many books and looked over a lot of various websites. 

An old lady wants to know how to get to the gas station. 


Your classmate asks you which club you intend to join. 


A friend of yours asks you to describe the new features of the new mobile phone. 


You are describing your brother’s graduation party to your pen-friend. 

……………………………………………..………………………………………………………… Grade12 Unit 9 – Reading Comprehension -1  

Read the following passage carefully, then answer the questions below : 


Doctors say that there are several kinds of headaches. Each kind begins in a different place and needs different treatment. Some of these headaches start with a change in vision or sight. The person sees wavy lines, black dots, or white spots in front of the eyes. This is a warning that a headache is coming. The headache occurs on only one side of the head. The vision is blurred, and the person may vomit from the pain. These headaches are called the migraine headaches. They are more frequent in women than men. Sleep is the best cure for them

Cluster headaches, which also start in the arteries, are called cluster headaches because they come in clusters or groups. A cluster headache lasts only for two hours and then goes away. At the beginning of the cluster headache, the eyes become red and watery. There is a steady pain in the head. Men have more cluster headaches than women do . 

The muscle headache, which starts in the muscles in the neck or forehead, is caused by tension. When the person becomes nervous about something, or has problems at work, or at school, or at home, the neck and head muscles become tense and the headache starts. A muscle headache usually starts in the morning and gets worse as the hours pass. There is a steady pain, pressure and a bursting feeling. 

Usually, aspirin doesn’t help a muscle very much. 

How do doctors treat headaches? If a person has frequent headaches, the doctor first has to decide what kind they are. Medicine can help, but there are other ways to treat them . 

The doctor asks the patient to analyse his or her daily living patterns. A change in diet or an increase in exercise might stop the headaches. If the patient realizes that difficulties at home, or at work, or at school are causing the tension, it might be possible to make changes and decrease these problems. 

Psychological problems and even medicine for another physical problem can cause headache. The doctor has to discuss and analyse all these patterns of the patient’s life. A headache can be also a signal of a more serious problem. So, patients should realize that there is no magic cure for headaches, but doctors can control most of them. 

From a, b, c and d choose the correct answer:

The best title for this passage would be: 

Headaches: Types and Treatments 

Researches about Headaches 

Experimented Cures and Treatments 

Dangerous and Fatal Headaches 

The underlined word “them” in paragraph (1) refers to: 



migraine headaches 

white spots 

The underlined word “analyse” in paragraph (5) is closest in meaning to: a) fight 




The antonym of the underlined word “tense” in paragraph (3) is: 





The main idea of paragraph (4) can be: 

The ways doctors follow to treat headaches. 

Doing exercises might stop the headaches. 

Some difficulties are causing headache. 

The daily living patterns of patients with headaches. 

B) With reference to the passage, answer the following questions: 

Why should patients realise that there is no magic cure for headaches? 

Because headaches can be a signal of more serious problems. 

Describe the symptoms of Cluster headaches. 

Cluster headaches start in the arteries 

Eyes become red and watery 

A steady pain in the head 

8. What are symptoms of the migraine headaches? 

Blurred vision 

Vomit from pain 

9. What is the purpose of writing this passage? 

To spread awareness concerning headaches, their causes and cures

Grade 12 Unit 9 – Reading Comprehension – 2 

Read the following passage carefully then answer the questions below: 

When we talk about time, there seem to be just two ways of perceiving it: some people complain about never having any, others are always looking for ways to kill time. But time is actually very fairly distributed. Everyone gets 60 minutes per hour and 24 hours per day. Yet, it is only the daily tasks that are distributed unequally. They make the day too short for some people and too long for others. 

A schedule can help people fight their way through too many tasks. It shows us how the 168 hours of a week are spent. By means of such schedule, we can observe critically the aspects we like and the ones we don’t. Some of the results might even shock us – when we realize, for instance, how much time we spend watching television and how little time remains for people closest to us. By using time schedule techniques, you can improve your ability to function more effectively – even when time is tight and pressures are high. 

Often time problems are caused by an external situation. In our work, we usually have no choice but to fix dates and to be on time for appointments. But time problems also have their roots in our fears and desires. Postponing work is another element of time problems. When you postpone your work, you feel guilty that you haven’t started; you come to fear doing the task; and, eventually, everything catches up with you when you fail to complete the work on time. People insist on controlling or doing all of the work themselves because they can’t trust anyone else to do it correctly. 

There are so many ways that you can use to improve your time management skills and increase the productivity at work. You should prioritise your tasks: Before the start of the day, make a list of tasks that need your immediate attention as unimportant tasks can consume much of your precious time. When you have a task at hand, set a realistic deadline and stick to it. Challenge yourself and meet the deadline. Reward yourself for meeting a difficult challenge. Whenever you find yourself free for 10-15 minutes, take a break. Too much stress can badly affect your productivity. Take a walk, listen to some music or do some quick stretches. 

From a, b, c and d choose the correct answer: 

The best title for this passage could be: 

Ways of Killing Time         

Pressures of Fears and Desires 

The Daily Tasks and the Daily Routine

Time Management, Problems and Solutions 

The underlined word “ones”   in paragraph (2) refers to: 





The main idea of paragraph (3) is: 

How one feels when postponing work. 

There are causes of time problems

Having a schedule is important. 

We can improve time management. 

The underlined word “prioritise” in paragraph (4) means to: 

list important things first 

put a deadline for a task 

improve your daily skills 

waste your time

5. According to the passage, one of the following statements is NOT TRUE: 

Too much stress can spoil your day. 

Desires play a prominent role in time management. 

Working in free time can help release stress. 

Time schedule can improve your productivity. 

B) With reference to the passage, answer the following questions: 

6. What are the benefits of the time schedule? 


A schedule can help people fight their way through too many tasks. It shows us how the 168 hours of a week are spent./ By using time schedule techniques, you can improve your ability to function more effectively. 

According to the passage time management has some procedures. List them. 

Prioritizing your tasks 

Make a list of tasks 

Set a realistic deadline and stick to it. 

Reward yourself for meeting a difficult challenge. 

Why do some people insist on controlling all of the work themselves? 

People insist on controlling or doing all of the work themselves because they can’t trust anyone else to do it correctly. 

9. According to the writer, how do some people view time? 

Some people complain about never having any, others are always looking for ways to kill time. 

الصف الثاني عشر الادبي, الملفات التعليمية, انجليزي الصف الثاني عشر الادبي, انجليزي ف2 الصف الثاني عشر أدبي, بنك أسئلة امتحانات محلول انجليزي ثاني عشر ف2 #أ. محمد السيد 2021 2022


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