امتحان قصير (1) انجليزي عاشر ف2 #2021 2022 |
امتحان قصير (1) انجليزي عاشر ف2 #2021 2022
معلومات الملف “امتحان قصير (1) انجليزي عاشر ف2 #2021 2022” |
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امتحان قصير (1) انجليزي عاشر ف2 #2021 2022
A-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Some countries use nuclear power plants to …………………..electricity
a) spoil b) generate c) last d) diminish
2- I managed to overcome all the……………………. that faced me.
a) suspension b) obstacles c) wearer d) nanoshells
3- If……………..people help the needy, people will live in tolerance and empathy.
a- hazardous b- irreversible C- frequent d-affluent
4- Fake news has damaged the newspaper’s…….. …, which it gained in the last few years.
a-reputation b-appliance C-insurance d-anniversary
B) Do as shown in brackets:
1-If you heat water to 100 c, it (boil). (Correct)
a- If you heat water to 100 ċ, it boils.
b- If you heat water to 100 ċ, it would boil.
C- If you heat water to 100 ċ, it may boil.
2- I wish I (join) …………. a swimming club when I was young. (Correct)
a- I wish I joined a swimming club when I was young
b- I wish I had joined a swimming club when I was young,
C- I wish I would join a swimming club when I was young
Attempt the following topic:
“Sooner or later fossil fuel will run out”. Plan and write a paragraph of (6) sentences persuading your friend about the benefits of using alternative energy, and how to save energy in our cars.
The Outline (5 marks)
Introductory sentence:
Supporting details:
Concluding sentence:
Write Your paragraph Here (25 Marks)
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