أهم أسئلة كتاب الطالب انجليزي عاشر ف2 #أ. مادلين نبيل 2021 2022

أهم أسئلة كتاب الطالب انجليزي عاشر ف2 #أ. مادلين نبيل 2021 2022

أهم أسئلة كتاب الطالب انجليزي عاشر ف2 #أ. مادلين نبيل 2021 2022


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المادة: انجليزي ف2 عاشر
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أهم أسئلة كتاب الطالب انجليزي عاشر ف2 #أ. مادلين نبيل 2021 2022

Grade 10

The most important Grammar Questions

2021-2022 2nd Term

From a, b , c and d choose the correct answers

1. If I exceed the speed limits, I………………………pay a large fine.

a) would

b) would have to

 c) had to 

d) will have to
2. If she sets her mind to a goal, she……………………it.

a) would achieve

 b) will achieve

 c) will have achieved

 d) achieve

3. If we …………………..the car, we wouldn’t have arrived to the airport on time.

a) don’t fuel

 b) haven’t fueled

 c) won’t fuel 

d) hadn’t fueled

4. I wish I…………………..all my classmates to my birthday party last week.

a) invite 

b) have invited 

c) had invited

 d) am inviting

5. My father will buy a new car as soon as he is……………. save the money.

a) able to

 b) can 

c) must

 d) have to

6. Ten years ago, you………………..easily find a spot to park in town.

a) should 

b) can

 c) could 

d) must

7. The clerk said that he…………………..a bonus for his extra work the following month .

a) would receive

 b) has received

 c) receives

 d) will receive

8. I think I must……………………. again to solve the problem.

a) to try

 b) try

 c) trying

 d) tries

9. The reporter announced that the weather ………………….. sunny that day.

a) is 

b) will be

 c) was 

d) can be

10. My father used to drive his car…………………when he was my age.

a) most carefully

 b) more careful 

c) careful 

d) carefully

11.Jim painted the kitchen……………………I think he should change it.

a) worse 

b) worst 

c) badly

 d) bad

12. My uncle used to…………………football for the local team but he is too old now.

a) playing

 b) have played

 c) play 

d) be played

13. My sister………to love cats but one attacked her, and she doesn’t like them anymore.

a) used 

b) use

 c) using

 d) uses

14. Merit knows the road ……………. She doesn’t need to use the navigation.

a) better

 b) best 

c) good

 d) well

15. The dentist’s appointment………………..because of certain circumstances.

a) cancels

 b) cancel

 c) has been cancelled

 d) cancelled

16……………. The new president has decided to make changes the minute he takes

a) out 

b) after

 c) up

 d) over

17. My friends visit me on Fridays…………………….I am at home.

a) which

 b) who

 c) when 

d) where

18. The chair on……………………. I’m sitting is not very comfortable.

a) where

 b) whose 

c) which

 d) when

19. Do you have any idea……………..he sold his car to? I needed it urgently.

a) which

 b) who

 c) whose 

d) where

20. My brother joined the British Council……..he learned how to communicate in English.

a) who

 b) whose

 c) which 

d) where

From a, b and c, choose the correct answer as required

1- If I were a scientist, I (discover) cures for all diseases. (Correct the verb)

a- If I were a scientist, I will discover cures for all diseases

b- If I were a scientist, I would discover cures for all diseases

c- If I were a scientist, I would have discovered cures for all diseases

2- If you stop eating junk food, you………………….. (Complete)

a- If you stop eating junk food, you will lose some of your weight.

b- If you stop eating junk food, you would lose some of your weight.

c- If you stop eating junk food, you would have lost some of your weight.

3- I wish I (not talk) nervously to my friend. (Correct)

a- I wish I do not talk nervously to my friend.

b- I wish I have not talked nervously to my friend.

c- I wish I had not talked nervously to my friend.

4- You have to pay for the books you read online. (Make negative)

a- You don’t have to pay for the books you read online.

b- You didn’t have to pay for the books you read online.

c- You doesn’t have to pay for the books you read online.

5- “I went to the dental clinic yesterday. (Change into reported speech)

a- Tom said that he goes to the dental clinic yesterday.

b- Tom said that he has gone to the dental clinic the day before.

c-Tom said that he had gone to the dental clinic the day before.

6- Ramy didn’t buy the villa. He is a very rich man. (Join using: although)

a- Although Ramy is a very rich man, he didn’t buy the villa.

b- Although Ramy didn’t buy the villa, he is a very rich man.

d- Although being a rich man, Ramy didn’t buy the villa.

7- ” My father records all the expenses to manage the family budget. ” (Report)

a- Olivia said my father recorded all the expenses to manage the family budget.

b- Olivia said her father recorded all the expenses to manage the family budget

c- Olivia said her father was recording all the expenses to manage the family budget

8- Adel used to play the piano very well. (Make negative)

a- Adel isn’t used to play the piano very well.

b- Adel doesn’t use to play the piano very well.

c- Adel didn’t use to play the piano very well.

9- The government has built many schools in the recent years. (Change into passive)

a- Many schools had been built in the recent years.

b- Many schools have been built in the recent years.

c- Many schools are being built in the recent years.

10- They donated money generously to the needy people last year (Change into passive)

a- Money is donated generously to the needy people last year.

b- Money was donated generously to the needy people last year.

c- Money will be donated generously to the needy people last year.

11- Mr. Salim is our headmaster. His son is a doctor. (Join using: Whose)

a- Mr. Salim whose son is a doctor, is our headmaster.

b- Mr. Salim is our headmaster whose his son is a doctor.

c- Mr. Salim is our whose headmaster his son is a doctor.

The answers

Set book Questions

Unit 7

1- Suggest some practical ways to save energy

• sharing cars

• closing doors when A/C is on

2- ? What are the advantages of using renewable sources of power

• They cause less pollution.

• They are infinite.

3- Without oil life would be different Explain

• Life would be slower.

• Air would be cleaner.

4- ? What would happen if the world’s industry reduced its energy use

• It helps save oil.

• It can reduce pollution.

5- ? Why is it important to find new sources of energy

• Oil is finite.

• It can reduce pollution.

3- Mention the disadvantages of using wave farms.

• They are expensive.

• They are dangerous to ships and fish.

Unit 8

1-? How will smart clothesالملابس الذكية  be able to save lives

• They will check heart rate and send messages to doctors.

2- ? How can future inventions serve the field of medicine

• Nano-shells cure cancer.

• Microrobots repair all organs.

3- Using bio-fuels الوقود العضوي  has many advantages. Mention some.

• They cause less pollution.

• They are cheap.

4- New household robots have many abilities, which make our life easier.Give examples for their abilities.

• doing boring jobs

• looking after the house

Unit 9

1-? sometimesشر Why is money considered a source of evil 

• It makes people kill.

• It causes disagreement among people.

2-? have مدير البنك الناجح What qualities should a successful bank manager 

• He should be friendly.

• He should be honest.

3- ? Why do people need money

• buying their daily needs

• starting business

4- ? considered to be an important icon for Kuwaiti citizens مجلس الأمةWhy is the National Assembly Building 

• It houses the Kuwaiti Parliament.

Unit 10

1-  ? The Holy Quran is full of moral lessons. How

• teaching us to be modest

• teaching us to respect others

2- ? Why do people like reading stories

• getting information

• improving skills

3-?  تفيدنا How do the stories in the Holy Quran benefit us 

• We can learn values.

• We can learn prophets’ wisdom.

Unit 12

1- ? Why do some women have become pilots recently

• to achieve their goals

• to be models to others

2  ? their dreams. How يحقق to achieve  سمات People need certain qualitiesto  

• being patient

• working hard

3-? How has air travel changed the way people live

• People can travel faster.

• They started visiting different countries.

4 – ? What are the advantages and disadvantages of working as a pilot

• Advantages: noble job / high salary

• Disadvantages: tiring jobs / away from the family


 أهم أسئلة كتاب الطالب انجليزي عاشر ف2 #أ. مادلين نبيل 2021 2022, الصف العاشر, الملفات التعليمية, انجليزي ف2 عاشر, انجليزي الصف العاشر

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